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What do I need?

Math Mathonwy

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I have a weird collection for Arcanists.

Marcus (but let's ignore him, for the time being)


Mei Feng


Essence of Power

3x Doves



3x Metal Gamin

2x Coryphee (+ duet)

2x Performer

2x Mannequin

1x Gunsmith

1x December Acolyte

OK, so, in order to get Ramos and Mei Feng to work, what do I need? Besides a box of Arachnids for Ramos, naturally.

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I've gotten good results with Ramos, using Ramos, Joss, Howard and Johan as a base, some good minions (Rail Workers are bad A$$ in my experience, as is Willie and the Metal Gamin), and the obligatory Electric Creation to round it all off

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Ok for Mei with what you have getting hold of Howard is nice, since you are already getting some arachnids for Ramos you will be fine there. Rail workers as said along with Johan also solid versatile additions. I would also possibly look at he captain as well along with large arachnids

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A little piece of me just died.

Heh :)

I will give Marcus my attention some time in the future but I know that for him I need a lot of stuff while Mei and Ramos seem like they would need just a little push to get them competitive.


Ok for Mei with what you have getting hold of Howard is nice, since you are already getting some arachnids for Ramos you will be fine there. Rail workers as said along with Johan also solid versatile additions. I would also possibly look at he captain as well along with large arachnids

Didn't see Kang in there, Mei really likes him, Rail Golem is a good addition to Ramos and Mei as well. More than one Electrical Creation too...

I was thinking Soulstone Miner and Mech Rider being the pieces that would really open up the list creation process. That said, I'm aware that I'm a bit low on better minions. Are Arachnids something that only Ramos uses or do you hire them in other crews?

As for Kang, couldn't Cassandra substitute? I mean, she obviously does very different things, but she seems like an interesting choice.

As for Howard, I was thinking that the Coryphee might fill that vacuum? Or are they not really good with Mei?

So, I guess I'm mostly asking whether I can make do without buying the Mei and Ramos boxes. Do people use the models in them because they are the obvious choices or are they truly indispensable?

I do have Johan, for what it's worth, btw.

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Arcanists? Mech Rider? Oh come on :D 


Mei Feng does have those amazing Rail Workers. They are something really horrible for their cost to face. I've played against them a couple of times and I've been the most impressed by what I've seen. Haven't yet tried them myself but I don't play Arcanists or Ten Thunders. 


Howard is amazing. Just the model itself (metal) is worth fielding it in every possible game! Kang is good, but he mainly excels against Rezzers in my experience so that might be a bit too specialized model. I think Cassandra is fine for the most part substituting Kang. 


Coryphee's are great, so is the Duet. Too bad they are unavailable, I would gladly field them with Ramos. 


As for Arachnid's I probably wouldn't hire them in other crews. There are Rail Workers and Metal Gamins in the same price range which I think bring more utility. 

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Ramos & Mei Feng's crews are kind of similar and they can both get on really well with each others models


At least 9 Arachnids is what I've found in my experience with Ramos, a Swarm or Two, Metal Gamin , Rail Golem , Johan , Joss, Langston, Rail Workers, Large Arachnids, Union Miners, Mech Rider, SS Miners, Willie and maybe Gunsmiths. These models all work really well in one way or another with both Ramos and Mei Feng. Ramos needs a healthy supply of arachnids though. Personally I have 9 Arachnids and 1 Swarm and I have found myself wanting more from time to time but usually 9 Arachnids is just enough. As some die you can bring them back in and seriously out activate the opponent. Mei Feng also enjoys having lots of little constructs around so she can use them as hubs to railwalk to. 

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You could build some pretty interesting but viable lists from what you have there.

Arachnids would be pretty useful for both Mei and Ramos. An electrical creation is also pretty good for Ramos if he wants to start the spider summoning. I rarely get above 6 spiders down at once, so would start at that level. Play style here can make a huge diference, so if what you want is a huge spider swarm, you will need more spiders.


I would suggest the Rail golem as a suitible alternative to Howard.


I like the Brass Arachnid, but its not essential. I've not used Kang with Mei this edition, so my view is he isn't essential. I also  only use 1 or 2 rail workers.at most and am happy to drop them, but I don't always get the best results with Mei, so I could be complelty wrong

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From the antagonist's point of view, playing Resurrectionist I could cry at the sight of Kang. Worker's Champion and Rousing Speech take the bite out of a large amount of my crew, and not knowing much about him got me thrashed 9-3 at a tournament recently when I thought I had a really solid Reckoning crew.

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For me generally Kang is quite matchup specific against Resser he goes in and then he is included against other factions if I know the master going to be used. Cassandra I think is fine as a substitute but does fulfill a different role.


As for Howard vs Coryphee. Howard is a cruise missile, he packs a lot of heat and a great threat range, he can protect your crew through threat of a countercharge that I only ever see elsewhere in Vikky crews plus vent steam early on can also protect elements of your crew from range too. The cory again fulfill a different role with slight overlap with Howard, they are more mobile but dont possess the same brutality of Howard.


I have pretty much stopped running the Rail Golem except when I just want to have some good old fashioned fun, I like the reliability of Howard, always having nimble, flurry plus the higher Ml stat

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Thank you for the thoughts, everyone!

I have pretty much stopped running the Rail Golem except when I just want to have some good old fashioned fun, I like the reliability of Howard, always having nimble, flurry plus the higher Ml stat

Ah, interesting. I've kinda got the general feeling that Rail Golem is regarded as really, really good but this is an interesting counterpoint. Is the trouble getting enough Burning for him?
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The Rail golem is a model that either does amazing or does rubbish, and it  is largely based on the number of low to mid tomes you have for locomotion.


There are games where he has singlehandedly ripped the heart out of an opponents crew, and games where he has failed to really do anything. So he eitehr feels liek a 17 ss model or a 5 ss model.

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Thank you for the thoughts, everyone!
Ah, interesting. I've kinda got the general feeling that Rail Golem is regarded as really, really good but this is an interesting counterpoint. Is the trouble getting enough Burning for him?



Not really, there are plenty of ways to rack up burning on him and he generates his own each time he activates. He's just a lot slower and hits a lot less reliably than Langston. Personally I raerly use the Rail Golem outside of my Hoffman crew. Hoffman gives the Rail Golem steroids and makes him go HULK SMASH! He's still really good in Arcanist crews though he's just more card reliant. Langtston is fairly tough and really hitty. The Rail Golem is really tough and fairly hitty. 

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I prefer the rail golem to howard extra attacks positive flips to attack and weak damage 5 on his locomotion attacks along with armour +2 means opponents tend to try to throw the kitchen sink at it so even if it doesnt do a load of killing it can still help distract most of your opponents crew.

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I'd prefer Howard over the golem if I had to choose but having both to choose from is never a bad thing. I just feel Howard has the edge in that he is consistently killy whereas the golem can very much fluctuate.


As for what you need, at the risk of echoing other posters (though they are right) Ramos definitely needs more arachnids. The problem you may have is that several boxes end up being required as he can be quite the spider factory when he gets going.

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@Math I have had good success with the Rail Golem, he is tankier than Howard which is good for some games but I like reliability a bit more than something that can swing a little wildly. Getting burning onto him is not a problem at all.


When playing Reckoning I have often gone with the Howard Rail Golem tag team with a couple of Metal Gamin too that creates a really tight and killy knot

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