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I do like them, but they are just basic Gators, nothing Wyrd there which makes me a bit sad about the new direction trying to be so realistic that it's taken all the character out of the models :(


I don't know about that. The art on the card has half a gremlin sticking out of it's mouth. That's a little Wyrd. ;)

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Sigh. I've just about had enough of the back handed comments from people unable to assemble a model without breaking or losing a piece...

Should I use the Palm side next time? I don't lose pieces or complain about it. But other people do. Hence why I said it my comment. Gremlins specifically. I even added a winky face to let people know I was being humorous and completely non serious. Just like using Palm side making a reference to Seamus. More funny jokes and stuff. Oh and more winky ;)

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Should I use the Palm side next time? I don't lose pieces or complain about it. But other people do. Hence why I said it my comment. Gremlins specifically. I even added a winky face to let people know I was being humorous and completely non serious. Just like using Palm side making a reference to Seamus. More funny jokes and stuff. Oh and more winky ;)


I think you need to keep the same subject, comment again and then trigger off the Palm Side with another comment, which means you are going to have step on Aus' toes one more time, well twice with the Palm side. 

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so... unimpeded total move of 13 with a :+fate  to damage MI and force discard trigger... pretty impressive...  not all that diff from Langston and he costs 12... Immune to WP duels should excite any Grems player... that's like their kryptonite..

Maybe if they weren't always drunk. Stupid Liquid Courage....

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I don't think you can rightfully complain about a killer alligator....because obviously killer alligators are cool. But I would bring up a point that I made in the beta- Gators absolutely cannot be Height 2. No. Never. Cannot physically happen. I have actually moved taxidermied alligators and crocodiles that were well over 12 feet in length (long story), and while huge are nowhere close to being over 3 foot tall at the shoulder, let alone approaching man sized. They cannot block line of sight to other man sized models, they cannot see over low walls without climbing on them, just no.


So what I would complain about is that we were told that the Gator is something completely different, so the height issue was dropped. But these pictures, while cool, are clearly of a Height 1 model.

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