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Hungering Darkness Proxy?


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Greetings Neverborn fiends


Newish player here trying to get back into playing Malifaux. At the moment I'm trying to put aside time to put together my Arcanist stuff, but I must admit I've become more interested than I thought I would in the slavering monsters that go bump in the night. Right now I'm liking Lilith, Lucius, possibly Lynch, possibly Dreamer.


I say possibly Lynch because I like most of his stuff, save for one model - Hungering Darkness. Now I think enough has been said about him, suffice to say I don't like the model, and I was wondering if anyone uses an alternate model, and if so, what do they use?


I was thinking of using this: https://www.reapermini.com/Miniatures/Bones/latest/77082


Like a big purple flaming demon/spirit thing, but any suggestions are welcome.

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I aquired this as my hungering darkness

It was from some checzh site that made small scale runs and this was a frost wurm/wyrm thats designed for a whfb norse general kind of a thing hence the blanket behind the head. 


Its still WiP


People have been linking the helldorado line and I would go for the Sha Ren Zah for the ten thunders crossover vibe



As an alternative Id go for the WWX warrior nation spirit aparition




If you really want to focus on the hungering aspect of the darkness then the damned of gluttony model from the helldorado line might be a good fit aswell


the learger of the two that is

Ah I see sevorin already linked that one


Anyway thats the ones I can think of of the top of my head


The bushido wrath is on a 30 mm base so might look a bit small on a 50

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Ah my bad. I dont care much for the wraith model so myself so must have read it with tinted goggles.


OT: I plan on replacing the wraith with the blood tyrant from darkhammer miniatures and for the moment im using izamu instad of the wraith ^^



Ive got one in the closet of shame waiting to be assembled for now


I also procy the dreamer with Aiko from bushido (didnt care for the lord chompy sculpt enough to buy it so went with a angry asian girl with a stuffed rabbit)

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I rather like the one from Wild West Exodus. Haven't looked at that miniature range in a while. I think it fits what i want to go for - a creepy spirit creature.


Thanks for all the suggestions. I hope this thread is helpful to anyone else who is... having issues with the Hungering Darkness model.

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