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Let's populate the M2E PullMyFinger Wiki!

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Looks awesome!


Any chance you can add a little more about Mobility? I feel like Jack Daw has crazy Mobility, especially when enhanced by his Crew. Maybe a list of all his mobility tricks, how to do them, and how far it can get you in a single Turn?


I elaborated a bit more in the article.

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Not sure how to edit but the rail golem entry is incorrect. Red line when attacking gives the golem burning+1 and locomotion attacks deal +2 damage if the golem has burning whereas the wiki entry states redline gives the opponent burning and locomotion deals extra damage if the opponent has burning

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Not sure how to edit but the rail golem entry is incorrect. Red line when attacking gives the golem burning+1 and locomotion attacks deal +2 damage if the golem has burning whereas the wiki entry states redline gives the opponent burning and locomotion deals extra damage if the opponent has burning



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A BIG thank you to Entrepeninja for doing Hoffman, I recently picked him up and the information on him was so so useful, it's really helped me get my head around him and his crew!


You're very welcome! If you have any questions, go ahead and leave them on the comments on the page, or here, or PM me, and I'll do my best to answer that as well. Biggest thing, as always, is practice, table time, and focus on schemes.



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If feel that the Shenlong entry is at a fairly ok spot now. At least to the extent that I need to play more games with him before I can add more content. If anyone want, feel free to add or omit anything. Thanks to MinimumPhase and Tedpro on PMF for some solid contributions. One thing that the article is currently is lacking are links to other models it is referring to. I lack the knowledge to fix it, so if anyone would like to add the links; that would be awesome! On a similar note, it would be quite nice If anyone who knows how to create new model pages, and links to them on every faction index, could just go crazy and create those for every model out there. I might be an idiot, but I have no idea how it is done.


It is really cool to see PMF grow at this rate in this short amount of time. It is such a good resource to have, for newer and older players. Keep up the good work everyone!

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If feel that the Shenlong entry is at a fairly ok spot now. At least to the extent that I need to play more games with him before I can add more content. If anyone want, feel free to add or omit anything. Thanks to MinimumPhase and Tedpro on PMF for some solid contributions. One thing that the article is currently is lacking are links to other models it is referring to. I lack the knowledge to fix it, so if anyone would like to add the links; that would be awesome! On a similar note, it would be quite nice If anyone who knows how to create new model pages, and links to them on every faction index, could just go crazy and create those for every model out there. I might be an idiot, but I have no idea how it is done.


It is really cool to see PMF grow at this rate in this short amount of time. It is such a good resource to have, for newer and older players. Keep up the good work everyone!


(TedPro on PMF is me. Glad I could help!)


Thanks so much for contributing!


It really is exciting to see how much PMF is getting filled out and growing! 


To add a link to a model, highlight the text, then click the chain link icon to make a link. Type "M2E Modelname". If no article exists, the link will be red after you save. To create the page, click that link and it'll take you to a nice little template thing to get started.

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Von Schill is ready to rumble!


Please, let me know if anything important would be missing. And I would also like if someone could run a spelling/grammar check through the article. Thanks!


Great job Csonti! This is a good article, bordering on great.
Here are some notes I had, looking at this page:
Needs a graphic for Von Schill, toward the top.
It would be good to explain what Finish the Cur does. The Offense section says how to use it, but not what it is.
Resilience should maybe mention the benefits that the Steam Trunk can give.
Upgrades give excellent advice, but it would be good to summarize what each Upgrade does in addition to giving advice.
Something I hear a lot about Von Schill is that he's a Swiss Army Knife: a tool for every situation. Is this so? When you're building a Crew, which models do you choose for which kinds of situations? 
What do you get from Freikorps synergy, specifically? Is it a bad idea to hire in-faction but out-of-Freikorps? What models work well for that?
I love the sample lists. Maybe talk about each one and how it works together? Why would you choose Balanced, Elite, or Sniper? When you have those crews, what does each model contribute to the overall plan? Even if it's just two sentences, it would give a much better understanding of how the Freikorps operates.
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Ironsides, not quite finished, but certainly in reasonable condition. I'll fill it out a bit later on, but I think it's a good start.


Fantastic work! This is definitely now a Good Article.
I had some more notes for things that might improve this article even more:
The page needs a graphic near the top.
The table of Contents should use the automated Table of Contents. I am not sure how to make that happen.
Adrenaline Condition should always be bold and capitalized.
Tips and Tricks should include a section on Adrenaline: how can she gain it, how can she spend it?
Resilience feels like it needs more information. Expand on the Challenge the Crowd and Iron Determination upgrades: what do they do, and when do you use them. Talk about how she self-heals and how that adds to resilience. Since Resilience is such a key thing for Ironsides, this could be a much bigger section.
Which Wards should I choose, if I take Warding Runes with Ironsides? Is Warding Runes an auto-include?
I feel like it would be good to get a better idea about how the Oxfordian mages support Ironsides. I haven't played Ironsides before, or seen her played. How does that play out? What do you do with the Mages? Where do you want to put them? How do they help Ironsides?
This article definitely needs more advice: If I'm playing Ironsides for the first time, what should I expect from my game? What tactics does she use? When do I lure people? How do I keep her alive? How safe is it to charge into a crowd? What do the Captain and Mouse add? Do you really just plunge her into the middle and expect her to live, or is that just a overconfident suicide move? If you can do that, how does it play out, step by step?
Also, more about Strategies and Schemes!
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I suppose I can make a base contribution for Kaeris.  I wouldn't say I'm an expert, but I've played a few games with her.


I can also do some combing through for grammar and spelling stuff, although most of what I've seen is all right so far.


This is a good start! I think there's more to add here, though.
Here are my suggestions:
Tips & Tricks might include a section: How do you put Burning on enemy models, and what can you do with that? A bulleted list would be good here, listing every way Kaeris and her standard crew can make someone burn. (For that matter, how do you put Burning on friendly models?)
The Upgrade section is incomplete. It would be great to give advice on when to take the two Limited Upgrade options. I get the feeling that Grab and Drop you want when you need more mobility and attack tricks, and Purifying Fire you want when you new crew resilience (like to hold a territory). Is this right?
Should list which strategies and schemes are interesting for Kaeris (especially those which are specifically easy or difficult).
Building a Crew should list models that work well with her, and why. Links to models pages are good, even if those model pages aren't there yet.
Should add a Starting kaeris section, which mentions her starting box, and how to expand from there. Fire Gamin? Gunsmiths? Union Miners? Rail Golem? What do you want in your Kaeris Crew?
Needs a Playing Against Kaeris section.
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Will give mah tucket a go.

I have some more posts on my blog see bayou bear on gremlin area. Happy for them to be used if worth while.


This is a Good article! There's still plenty more I'd love to see here.
Here are my suggestions for improvements:
Is there art for her yet? If so, it'd be nice to get it in here. If not, I guess there's nothing that could be done there.
Malifaux should alwas be capitalized.
It seems like Mah Tucket has a lot of push tricks. Do you need to worry about pushing her too far away from her Crew? Or is she a Misaki-type Master who likes to rush ahead and take down a target early?
The Mobility section should include a summary of what Know the Terrain and Out for Blood do.
Summarizing Chores is good. It may be good to mention the synergy with Trixiebelle here (since Trixiebell can cheat initiative and therefore control Chores.) When do you want each choice for Chores? Is there a general flow to how you choose? How much does this decision affect what you'll do each turn? Also, I think maybe Chores should be mentioned in the top overall section, and then explained in detail in Tactics and Tips, but not really in Offense.
How does Horrible Hollerin' work?
Is Aim For The Sore Spots a buff spell? How do you use it? Is it worth cheating a card to make it happen? Do you use this every time you can?
More of a summary of Offense would be good. It seems like she's a melee-heavy Master who's good at hunting down individual models, with a high damage profile for a single target, and ways to protect and boost the rest of her models. Is this so?
Maybe add a separate section for Buffs? It seems like Mah Tucket has a bunch of buffs, and it's good to get an idea how they work together. The Tactics and Tips section gives a good example of this, but I'd love to see each type of buff described.
As far as Upgrades go, are there any auto-includes? Do you always want to take 3 upgrades? Which are the best?
Describing Ma as a "Walking missile of green death" is a great description! Maybe it should go up at the top. It gives a good explanation of what to do.
Leading a Crew section needs more information. Who do you hire with her? What does the rest of the crew do while Mah Tucket is hitting people with a spoon. Links to individual models in her likely Crew would be good -- even if those models don't have full pages themselves yet.
Also, it would be good to have some information in Strategies and Schemes (tips for difficult or easy schemes, ways to accomplish them, etc.) and Playing Against Mah Tucket sections.
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I call dibs on Wong.


This is a Good article at this point, but there's still plenty more to fill out!
Here are my notes:
A graphic would be good for him.
Does Wong have any mobility tricks at all? If so, it'd be nice to include them here.
The overview section feels a little incomplete. I definitely get a sense that he is a damage output master, but maybe a little more about his fluff would be nice here, and a little more about how he works. (I took a crack at this part.)
How do you choose which attacks to use? Are there ways to force an enemy into clumps? Are there ways to avoid blowing up your own minions? (It seems like the main way is by hiring Lightnin' Bugs since they're protected. What else?)
Maybe Wong needs a separate Tactics & Tips section for Scheme Marker manipulation, too?
Resilience section feels a little incomplete. How good is he at Resilence? What can he doto stay alive longer? Is he fragile? If so, what can he do to mitigate that?
Upgrades should maybe include more about how to choose an Upgrade. Which are auto-includes? How much is Sammy laCroix a must-pick for the additional Upgrade openings?
I like the Glowy Targets section in Tactics & Tips, but maybe it needs more expansion? How do you pick who gets it? Should Mancha Roja be on the list of likely targets? What does the Glowy Target do for the Crew? (Do you always pick a big-cost model and then use it as a second heavy damage dealer? Are there other valid tactics?)
What Crew do you want to pick? I noticed Pigapult and Stuffed Piglets mentioned. Are they must-takes? If not, when would you take them?
Links to each other model would be good.
It would be nice to give information about how Wong wins games. Does he blow stuff up while the rest of the Crew runs objectives? Does he have trouble finding targets because everyone hides from him? What does he do to get Scheme Markers on the table?
It would be good to include Strategies and Schemes more. Which ones are easy for him? Which does he need help with? What tricks are there that might help new players achieve these schemes?
What are easy mistakes that people might make when playing Wong? How do you avoid them?
The Playing Against Wong section does include a piece of really good advice. What else can you do? Does hiding behind terrain help? What can you do if you'e playing a Master who needs to clump up (like Hoffman or Hamelin or Ulix)?
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Damn, Mei's getting no love.  I'm on it!

This definitely looks like a Good article now. Well done!
Here are my notes looking through on things that might improve the article:
Mobility should give some specific numbers. How far can she go? What's her maximum threat range? Can she really reaach an infinite range if she has Constructs in place to Railwalk? Does that ever happen in actual play?
The Mobility Mei Feng gets from Jackhammer Kick and Roiling Ground may merit its own subsection.
Maybe add some suggestions on when to use Jackhammer Kick, and when to use Tiger's Claws.
Needs a section on Mei Feng's Resilience. How tough to kill is she? How do you keep her alive? How much does steamhelp? Any other resilience tricks?
Needs a section on Soulstones. How much does she use them.
The Railwalker Tips and Tricks should be moved to Mobility.
Maybe needs more information in the Tips and Tricks section on chaining her actions: what are the chains, and when do you use them?
Needs a Section on Strategy and Schemes.
Building a Crew should list commoon models to hire, and why. Should also include information for both Arcanist crew options and Ten Thunders crew options.
Remove the Section on Brawls.
Update Starting Mei Feng section: It should mention what the next few purchases might be, and what the existing purchases are.
Definitely needs a section on Upgrades. What are her options? When should you choose them?
Needs a section on Playing Against Mei Feng.
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This article is still mostly empty. Can someone pick it up?
I think a lot of this article can just be cut and paste from Joel's excellent tactica. Is someone willing to do this (if Joel is okay with it)?
I love Joel's comment in Malibites about how there's an additional model that comes in her box: the terrain itself. Maybe include and elaborate on that idea? What specifically can you do?
It would be nice to mention the starting box, what's in it, and link to crew to add.
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McCabe is completed. I'll now go for Ulix :D


Thanks for working on all this!
I have some notes on Ulix. I still am listing him as Light, since there's seems to be plenty that needs to be done here:
Ulix has each section discussed, but each deserves more details.
It's clear that he's the pig-master, but I'd really like to see more details. What are the maneuvers and tricks you'd use to synergize, step-by-step.
When do you use his personal attacks, and when do you work through pigs?
A lot of abilities are named but not described. For each of these, it would be good to summarize what it does, then say how and when to use it.
The article still needs Tactics and Tips, Strategies and Schemes, Building a Crew, and Playing Against Ulix sections.
Right now, the crew is separated by base size. Is this important for pigs? If so, maybe say in the article why base size is important for crew selection?
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Can someone pick up Lady Justice to flesh it out more?


This article has all the foundation sections with some explanation. It would be great to add more!
Here are my notes:
I feel like there are some mobility tricks available to lady Justice's Crew. The Judge has something to speed her up, I think? And there's the Pine Box your own models trick? It would be great to include some of these. From what I've seen, a lot of the things that make a Lady J player really good is learning how to deliver Lady J to her victim quickly. How do you go about that?
It would be nice to mention more about her Resilience. Do you use Juggernaut every turn? How much do you need to worry about her dying? How much does the threat of Riposte discourage attackers?
Which Upgrades are auto-takes? Are there any to avoid?
Movement Tips should move up to Tactics and Tips, and maybe should get expanded more.
It would be good to link to individual models when discussing them.
There should be a section on what's in her starting box, and what to add from there.
Also, it would be nice to talk about the main core crew of a Lady J Crew (Scales of Justice, The Judge, Death Marshalls, The Lone Marshall). What does each of them give to Lady Justice? Link toeach, too.
How does she accomplish objectives? What Schemes and Strategies are good for her, and which ones are hard?
How do you decide what you want Lady J to go after.
Lady J is traditionally the anti-Resser Master. Is that still true? What tricks and abiltiies do she and her Crew have that help against Ressers and Undead?
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Can someone pick up Sonnia Criid to improve the page?


Here are my notes:

This page still definitely needs art.
The formatting on this age is a little weird. I think it may be using another font from Copy and Paste? It's actually quite difficult to read.
What can you do to add Mobility for Sonnia Criid?
Right now, some of this is just a list of her abilities and summaries of how they work. It would be good to get a better impression of what choices you should expect to make when you're playing her, and how to choose wisely.
Maybe a Tactics & Tips about how to give Burning to targets, and what it does?
Are there any auto-include Upgrades for Sonnia?
The Tactics & Tips has a really good start, and Building a Crew has good information.
The Upgrades needs more description, as well as suggestions on when to pick which Upgrades.
What Totem should you use with her?
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Can someone polish up McMourning?


McMourning looks really nice, but there are maybe a few things it needs to improve.
The Crew section needs more information and links to Crew members. What Crew comes in the box? How do you use these? What else do you want?
The Builds section is really helpful. Maybe it should be reformatted into sections instead of a bulleted list, with the section about there being something in between the two as a top introduction section? The bulleted list is a little difficult to read.
How do you use him differently for Guild vs. Resser?
How do you keep McMourning alive?
Any suggestions for Mobility tricks?
This page also needs a Playing Against McMourning section.
Also! The page could use some McMourning art.
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Can someone take on Seamus and polish him up a little?


Here are my notes:

This page needs some art.
The Mobility section is a little hard to read. Maybe break it up into multiple paragraphs, divided by topic.
The Offense section looks good, but could use a little formatting.
There should be a little more about Tactics and Tips. Some things that come to mind: how do you play him as a sniper? How do you use his Belles to help him get the most out of his play? How often do you use the Copycat Killer and the Hat?
Strategies and Schemes should mention any schemes or strategies he does easily, any he needs help with, and suggestions for how to accomplish those.
How does he use Corpse markers? How do you pick between those uses?
Needs a Starting Seamus section, with what's in his box, and what to add from there. How good are Dead Doxies? Any other models you want to add.
It would be good to include links to individual models in his likely Crew.
This page also needs a Playing Against Seamus section.
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