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I'm a new player who came in with 2e and I have to say I love the fluff.  However I feel that as I'm a new arrival I'm missing a lot of the story.  Are there any plans to release a compilation (e or physical book) of the fluff from the original rulebooks?  I'd be tempted to buy them but the discount in the Wyrd store is negated by the prohibitive international shipping costs and UK retailers aren't offering much of a discount.  Even then, I'd only be reading a small percentage of them anyway.  As there seems to be a big surge in new players with 2e shirley it'd be a great idea no?

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Well that contradicts previous statements (that there were no plans for a compendium - the old fluff would stay in the old books only, so that they retained some value to people who had them from the outset), but fully understand why that decision has been reversed. There's a *lot* of demand for more access to more fluff, so this is a good thing :)

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Not that I disagree about it being a good thing, just want to put out that 'No plans at current' is not the same as 'no plans ever'.

Oh yea, I do appreciate that this is the case, but that statement is only a few months old, and a sensible rationale was given at the time for *not* releasing it.

This isn't a change from "no plans current" to "now we have plans". It's a change from "not intending to do this" to "it's in the works". But Wyrd are perfectly entitled to change their minds ;)

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