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Everything posted by SerZaka

  1. Lol So I'm not the only one xD She could use some Mv 7 models , her crew is so slow . She prefers to lure the enemy to her.
  2. Running around that karmic fate is not that hard . The Thorn Aura kind of skill is good but is based on the damage suffered , so after the prevention on the ss I think (we use it like that) . And it bounce around a lot , if the last one to touch Minako is hiding behind the Wheel is not going to happen soon. Without that she is actually "naked" behind is Df 6 (that is great) . If she uses ss to protect herself she prevents the damage to the enemy too. It adds a little of difficulty to your opponent because he can't recklessly spam Severe Damage on her when the Upgrade is on a nearly dead guy (well , that depends). It provokes some headache to your opponent (that is always good) , but it is far from "ok, I can't touch that model" . If letting die a random dude would mean the death of an Henchman that can summon new models I'm fine with that.
  3. The only downside of Misaki is that you should wait until May (probably late May if you are from Europe) . Ok, you can buy the old box but the new one is so much cooler
  4. I'm always for Misaki (first Master when I started and my favourite since then) . Between her, Dawn, Emissary, Ototo and Torakage you have a crazy fast crew . And she have the most unique gameplay mechanic in the entire 3E . Not sure if her gameplay can result to be similar of Mah's (because you have a beater master with high mobility, fast ways to get where you need to, ...) Check the new box in the upcoming Releases , it is awesome . Lastly , about Yasunori I'm not sure he can actually fit thematically he is an Oni (he was ... He is still actually but no... ) . Probably in a Misaki crew he would be an Overkill. Shang (totem) can heal him theorically but in practice the fox should stay hidden in a corner behind a box for the entire game .
  5. I don't think you are making a good point here. A lot of crews sacrifice something they like to gain some bonuses. Foundry loves Scrap and yet almost all models can destroy them (and their mobility) to get temporary bonuses . And Adversary is an extremely good Condition to put on someone. I don't know if you ever faced a Kirai but if she put that on someone she wants dead he is dead
  6. Probably. In Plant Explosives a bomb on the centerline counts as being in both table halves (so also in the enemy table half). I know that this isn't the best example (we are not talking about models here) nor it gives a actual answer to your question but it is something
  7. And the miniature is even prettier than the artwork itself
  8. Poor Chiaki the new model stuck with 3 models I already have . She is going to cost me 30 € lol So the YanLo box will definitely have Totem, Izamu, 3 Gokudo and the old man himself
  9. 9 models in one box is not quite possible (Nekima , totem, 4 Young , 3 Tots)
  10. I think she will she Half Blood too. In this way they can "recycle" 4 models already tested. And we already know she has the Black Blood. I think they will create an Asylum master too (the Versatile Keyword in Guild)
  11. I don't think so. In a Guild thread a guy shared a link to and online store where , for some reason, there are the upcoming Releases from March to June . The boxes of Kirai , Misaki , Wong , Leveticus and Molly where there . 5 in 4 months. Ophelia, Von Schill, McMourning, Hoffmann, Zoraida , Nekima , Yan Lo and Lynch are still missing. If they continue along this path 8 more months from June are required to release just the M2E stuff (with the new looks). In my opinion the Explorers are a thing for the next year
  12. I'm sorry if this question was already been asked (and answered) . Made to Kill: when this models is Placed , take a melee action Both Summoning and Unbury mechanics use the term "place this model" BUT without the capital P. Is this a different thing? Or the Katashiro can make an Attack when summoned as well as the Alp when it is unburied? Thank you
  13. SerZaka

    Hotkeys list

    Hi Is there a place where I can get a list of all the hotkeys? I'm looking for the ones not already listed (when you right click on something) like the one used to block the measuring tape that I found trying. I don't know. Like an hotkey to show the center line or to open/close the card board . Thank you
  14. Yep, try another distributor. I'm from Italy too and the cards are available . We had some problems September to December because some wyrd-distributor arguing (or something like that, I don't know) but now we are fine
  15. The only model who can break the rule of the 4 is the Coryphee probably. You buy the Duet and the first turn you Replace it . 5 models
  16. Oh gosh 😧 I swear I didn't see your answer Scoffer , I'm so sorry. I returned to the thread using the notification of Ogid
  17. So it can't push over a building, Ignore terrain doesn't mean that , right? I swear that there were the thing I wrote above and the phrase like "a model that ignore terrain don't take in account vertical distances" or something similar. But now I can't find any of those in the rulebook and I'm a little confused PS: of course I'm talking about charging a model who is standing above a non-impassable building , so standing a top would be a legal position
  18. I think I missed a change during the beta. I kinda remember something like "the models that ignore terrain while moving can do it so only during a Walk action" . I remember it because the Diving Charge couldn't be used to jump over the roofs anymore . Can now Incorporeal models and other models with similar rules charge pushing over a building like it wasn't there?
  19. Everybody is thinking about the old factions but there is a new one coming And I would love a Vampire themed faction for the Explorers (they are aristocrats after all)
  20. Pneumatic Toss of the Rail Worker
  21. I don't wanna be the bad guy here , but this thread seems more like someone had a bad fight with the opponent during the last match about this and now he is here claiming to be right while the rest of the world just says he is wrong 😅 sorry , I couldn't resist
  22. They said that only new models (intended as models that didn't exist in the previous edition) will get the special order . The box of Marcus is the right example. The Agent will get his "own box" as well as the totem of Dashel .
  23. Am I the only one sad because I have seen new artworks in the card of Tannen and Graves in the app and then the incoming box has the old models? PS: I called the thread simply HoneyPot so you can use it for the Tactica if you want , I couldn't find the old one
  24. Don't worry, I don't think they are gonna come out soon . There are still a lot of "old" (but new) models to release and I don't think a Closed Beta about the Explorers is already started . Just don't buy anything else in the mid time xD
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