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Everything posted by glamage

  1. The idea that 'what can go wrong, will go wrong.' is a scary prospect in modern times. I wanted to paint this bust to show someone strong who has had years of everything going wrong and who was running out of hope. Maybe they had put their trust in the wrong places and the world has gone to hell. How could things possibly get worse? Boom. I was especially pleased with the tear drop I managed to make using a microbead and a trail of gloss varnish. I gave him a cateract to try and indicate his other eye was blind from the same injury that gave him the scar. I painted the background from references of explosions I found on the internet. I hope you enjoy and that the Trump badge doesn't offend anyone!
  2. haha I love it - thats a lot like how my painting sessions usually go.
  3. I love all the little details like the crayons and papers etc. Great composition too
  4. This is just insane. Mechanics is brilliant but the painting matches it. Awesome work.
  5. This is just beautiful. You’ve really produced something special in the two weeks. Well done all the hard work has paid off! Love it!
  6. I haven’t yet watched the stranger things tv show so I thought about what the theme meant to me. I sometimes think the strangest things that happen in dreams is when ordinary things go wrong. The unsettling feeling that the world isn’t how you understood it is often more disconcerting than a monster or ghost might be. I was inspired by my opponent in this round who used a teacup in their last round and thought incorporating some white crockery might be a nice nod to them. Blood and stringy gore was made by mixing paint, inks and UHU glue and also some special effects paints. I added the freehand expiry date to show the end date of the competition and imply that maybe this is what happens to all eggs if you don’t eat them in time. Enjoy your breakfast everyone!
  7. The theme points are certainly very subjective and I wasn't sure whether or not my interpretation of the theme would be shared by the judges. I had no idea which way the round would go and think SevenThirtySeven's work so far has been amazing. Sure he will continue to do awesome stuff in the next round (It'll certainly be one of the entries I'm looking out for).
  8. You mentioned wanting feedback so here goes. I really like the piece - nice choice of model and the water effects are great. I’d say he needs more contrast to define his face and the colour of his pants is too similar to all of his leather belts etc so a brighter red would have contrasted better. Also some edge highlighting would do wonders for his spear point. Really solid entry if you ask me you should be really pleased with it
  9. I’m delighted you like it. I did worry I may be the only Nemo fan!
  10. Mischievous scene! A lot to do in the 2 weeks and it’s come together well! Nice work.
  11. This is a really intense atmosphere. Can’t beleive you fit so much in that space. Awesome work!
  12. I like the tattoos. A whole Guildball team in 2 weeks? That’s some going! Well done!
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