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Everything posted by Gloomy

  1. @Phinn I was expecting that to rhyme... and then it didn't
  2. I'd go with M3E there's not much point in learning M2E as it's done and dusted, would probably cause them more confusion in the long run. Looks to me like you've got a solid Experimental keyword crew, they're a pretty straight forward crew to run, and they've got a bit of everything and some really nice synergy, I'd probably go with Mcmourning + Zombie Chihuahua - 0 Sebastian - 8 Rafkin - 8 Rogue Necromancy -10 Nurse - 6 Kentauroi - 8 and then either 2x Canine Remains (6) or a Flesh Construct (7) Depending on Strat and Schemes
  3. @Franchute Love the doves. I have the same issues, seems when I pledge something I instantly rebel against myself and paint something different. Fight the system!! Even if the system is You!!
  4. Yeah that could work. Or if you wanted to keep fire nova as is make it harder to go off - requiring a 10 or 11 so the cult player would have to cheat a high card or get lucky top decking it. Or have it strength 1 but can increase the damage to a max of 3 by spending shaken tokens on the Rhino. That way you can do a stronger hit but its going to significantly weaken your Rhino. And no cheating the penetration flip. I don't know how you'd adjust the cinnamon ability, may just have to lose it completely and give it something else. The only thing I can think of is decrease the range of the aura so the cult player has to think about his positioning rather than just sit on a marker?
  5. So I played 2 games today with a single Rhino and I struck Fire Nova off the card for both games and it reduced its obnoxious level a lot. First game my opponent tied it up with some Mehal Safari and it did a bit of melee damage but overall the mehal and the Rhino just hit each other a lot. 2nd game was Pitched assault and it ported to an objective marker and stopped it being claimed and just sat on it the whole game My overall thoughts were it needs a reworking Fire Nova and Cinnamon abilities both create a negative play experience, but without them the Rhino is dull and not great. I agree this model probably just needs a redesign along with a few other things. I'm hoping once the dust settles a bit on M3e we'll get a big errata In the meantime I still wanna use my Rhino so I think I'll keep it as rare 1 and disregard fire nova from its card as a compromise
  6. I haven't taken one yet, I find that there's so many good models in Experimental that I'm already hard pressed for stones. I haven't had a problem spreading poison either. If they were cheaper maybe?
  7. I've used a single Rhino in my last 3 games and yeah they're pretty strong. I don't think it being super tough is the problem, they are definitely killable. To me it seems like Fire Nova is the problem. A non resistible AOE from an insanely mobile faction seems oppressive. I'd personally be happy to lose that ability altogether and then I think it would still be very good, but not broken. There's always a possibility of making them rare 1 to prevent Rhino spam too? I have a couple of games coming up this weekend so I'm gonna try a single Rhino without using Fire Nova and see how that plays
  8. So my dreams of playing with a fully painted company at the first London TOS tourney on the 15th are slowly dissolving under a torrent of work and responsibilities (jeez that was dramatic) but I'm gonna get as much done as possible. So this month I'll be starting with the remaining 4 ECB, Adeodatos and the Rhino. Anything else is a bonus. Here's the same pic as last month as I can't be arsed to take a new one minus the few i painted
  9. @Caedrus Wow! some great models this month. The recruiter is awesome, especially the OSL and the resculpt into a female looks great. Love the proxy Huggy, much better than the original imo. Slime on the mouth of the insidious madness would be great, my only other suggestion would be to define the mask a bit from the skin as I think thats a key feature of the model. Impressive work! @bedjy Really nice to have someone painting cult at the same time as me, it's giving me inspiration to push on through mine. Love the basing and great idea to get it all done first as it does get tedious. Your ECB and Doomseekers are my favourite and I'm loving the overall burning/orangey theme. Great Work @Phinn I'm enjoying your monthly rat and the dim OSL looks great. Can't wait to see Hamelin as that face looks sinister @Franchute Your Gamin are beautiful, really smooth transitions and nice tones and I love the brassy metal on the Riot Breaker. Great job! @Purple Mist Really nice colour transition from blue to purple on the wings and the greeny tone of the armour looks great and provides a nice contrast @PetitDalek The skin of your Ophelia is really nice. I like the added brown tones to give it better definition. Basing is great @Viruk Your Marcus crews are just Wow! Lovely basing, lovely colour schemes. Fantastic work! @Rathnard This a really cool and unique piece of terrain. Love it! @Stranglelove Great to see another fully painted crew. Big fan of your swampy bases too @Nikodemus The finished Yan Lo crew looks awesome. I really love the way you've done Chiaki @Diddick Those stolen look nice and creepy. Great job @lusciousmccabe Love the moonlight theme on Ferdinand and the beast. Great freehand work on the coats! @Kimberly Well done on getting a mini done whilst moving house, moving is stressful @khilin Nice work on the the multi basing, wish I'd done that with mine
  10. Some really impressive painting this month guys, and nice to see some completed crews. @Caedrus for may I've completed Fenton Brahms (15), 5x ECB Black Ops (25) and a Raving Madman (5) Total for May = 45
  11. @prof_bycid I'm primarily painting Malifaux and TOS, but I have a Space Hulk set which I've been painting on and off for about 3 years. I was also painting up Frostgrave stuff but that seems to have been on the back burner as I'm not really playing at the moment. The curse and the blessing of our hobby at the moment is there's so many good games out there which is great! But for those of us who want to play with only painted minis it means the work load is huge
  12. So I'm about 4 games in to a tides of battle league. First 2 games were 1 commander and second 2 games were 1 commander with +10 scrip. Its in these phase 2 games that I've been adding the ECB and they haven't disappointed. I'll maybe try them in a normal 1 commander game at some point if it's against Abyssinia but I think they're a little too pricey unless you know there'll be a lot of assets in the opposing company. I haven't managed to use Pillars of Reality yet as both games I needed them in one area to concentrate fire on a titan. Seems quite hard to do unless you set it up early?
  13. @Caedrus I've just changed my display name from Athiko to Wintergloom (to match my Instagram profile)
  14. @Diddick Please please sculpt a poop scoop on Hamelin
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