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Everything posted by Regelridderen

  1. Also take into account, that the whole gamble your life-thing works counter to Lucid Dream'ing, as you need LD to remove high cards for GYL to work – otherwise you're limited to using it to rescue accidentally removed high cards. Daydreams and Alps rely on a steady stream of moderates/severes coming their way in order to do damage or even just hit, and they won't get those if the Stitched are running their own game. - IF they were to ne 'nerf'ed, I like the idea of reducing their Mv, and have them be a little more reliant on Daydream pushes to keep up with the rest of the crew – however that reduction would also exclude them from joining any other crew at 7 stones.
  2. Focus is once Per activation. So are you using changelings to command him?
  3. You CAN if : LCB is already engaging the target. - But NOT if you're bringing him into the engagement.
  4. I read it as, you're not within terrain, if the base edge/terrain is merely touching – you need overlap between the two to be 'in' it. Within 0" is relevant for various burst effects – although I can't mention any 0" off the top of my head, it can be because there aren't any just yet.
  5. I signed up for this game 3 years back. Love the minis, love the rules - the concepts are great, the fluff is... adequate. I've never seen Wyrd being able to efficiently bring their goods to market. There's always a shortage... Although with M3E its more of a shutdown – and unfortunately the boxes they are letting out, doesn't coincide with those, I'd put on my list, so of course I feel the effect more pronounced – but I still see most of the new stuff on 'pre-order' which has a broad meaning in Wyrd context. Still... M3E is a great game, even if you can't get new players on board. But my wish for Christmas would be, that Wyrd looks into hiring people to streamline their production and distribution. It's what they need to take their product from good to great.
  6. Life Leech is amazing. Not least on how quickly it can bring a wounded sorrow back to full health. Having two Sorrows just linger on the outskirts of a brawl does a lot simply via Glimpse and Leech, allowing the Sorrows to just move and scheme.
  7. I’m just hoping Wyrd completes their repackaging and starts getting some product out the door - they’ve owed me an Arrrrchie since Gencon.
  8. https://www.wyrd-games.net/special-orders Check the infographic. It explains all.
  9. Because, that’s whats Wyrd’s announced.
  10. Agent 46 won’t be separately available. That only goes for new models packaged with old models. You might get him through Gadzooks - but don’t expect him to be any more available than Manos or The First Mate. You might be able to order Alan Reid separately, as he’ll probably be packaged with Investigators.
  11. @Ceodoc I never said, she was crap, the word I used was ‘awesome’. But its not as if she offers anything, I can’t get elsewhere. There’s already plenty of ranges WP attacks in Dreamer. E.g. The Rider/Carver shore up some weaknesses by bringing Ruthless and blasts to the table. Rider/Teddy help with movement sheananigans. Carver/Teddy benefit from Bowmans support etc. Its not a clear cut choice. Each bring their own flavour of ultra-violence - I just prefer the others most of the time.
  12. She is awesome. I still find her to lose out against Teddy / Rider / Carver. As she has little to no direct synergy with my Nightmares and Woes.
  13. Just noticed the wording on Inhuman Reflexes’ Butterfly Jump. Looks like I overlooked, that the ability works on all enemy attacks not just actions, so if someone takes a shot, tries to Obey, anything, you’re free to close the gap 3”. Which does make it worth considering an extra time against ranged heavy crews, like Family or Outlaws.
  14. Just to add a little on Hinamatsu w. Inhuman Reflexes. It is an amazing model, no doubt about that. But it is also 1/5th of the opposing crew, so she’d better be. Look at your own 11 Stone models, like the riders, and you’ll see something equally powerful. What she’s got is : great speed and great endurance (arm+2 Henchman) and volume of attack. What she is vulnerable to : Armor denying attacks, Execute trigger, WP attacks (Obey, Lure or conditions like stun, slow etc.). Reach 2” models. Analyze weakness. What she struggles against : Terrifying neuters her attacks, Incorporeal drastically reduces her damage output. Armor demands that she has tomes in hand, and she is already hungry for resources. Cards for Flurry and cheats, Stones for damage and suits etc. Once those resources are spent, she is simply an easy to hit Df5 model.
  15. I agree with @Ogid... The poltergeist is so easy to kill, that it's best defence is positioning. Keeping it unaccessible, via other models, placing it in Hazardous terrain etc. I'd rather spend those 2 stones on a stronger offence and force opponents to make a hard choice, and risk a skinning knife in the back.
  16. And all of this is ********, as you determine LOS using sight Lines between two models. Not three, not eight, but two.
  17. Inhuman Reflexes is wasted on Pandora, as her defensive trigger can accomplish the same thing – a Mask gives her attacker stunned, and she can then push it away. It does give Teddy a nice defence, but I prefer to rely on his armour and Terrifying, as Terrifying works to/with draining your opponents hand – which is Pandoras key to winning. Eldritch Magic is useless – against crews, that do not rely on conditions. Against crews that do, it can be quite good, as you can remove up to two conditions in one action. Ancient Pact I like with Daydreams in a Dreamer crew, but Sorrows/Aversions become quite expensive with it. And I do not find protection from the Black Joker critical for any of the other models, as to pay two souls tones for it.
  18. To my Pandora its always a hard choice between the rider, Teddy and Carver - or a combination of. They all bring their particular flavor, and its always a tradeoff between movement, hitting power, resilience, Terrifying and/or ruthless.
  19. Great observation. I think, its highly dependent on terrain though. As an example, I chose Pandora in Wedge/Reckoning - which ought to be a perfect matchup - and got hammered, as the center of the board was a narrow corridor between two large buildings, that blocked LOS and thus hampered my opportunities to focus my efforts and auras, while hampering my ability to respond to scheme runners outside the center. While Dreamer in corner/turf war would be less hampered, as you’d probably be aiming for the centre anyway. Or he could use the mobility of the spiders / rider to compensate. - What I’d love to get from this discussion is some pointers, on how you’d mitigate the weaknesses of masters/deployment.
  20. Thanks for clearing that up - it is a singles then
  21. @Yore Huckleberry great input. What would you expect / fear the most from the Pandora crew? @4thstringer Nope, no second Master. Everything villy-nilly GG0
  22. You’re fielding either Lucius or Perdita in : Flank Deployment Reckoning Take Prisoners Claim Jump Assassinate Harness the Ley Line Dig their Graves - So how will you go about it, and what is your biggest concern - with either master?
  23. What's really great about the Dreamer is the variation in playstyle, you can get from him. The Nightmare keyword is really extensive, and with the number of great versatile models available, you've got a lot of ways to go. It's more a matter of playing around, and of course playing vs a variety of masters in a variety of different scenarios.
  24. You don't need to, but you do it to capitalise on Lucid Dreams. Once your lowest flips are moderates, you're putting real pressure on your opponents hand, as every duel becomes a struggle. While you yourself alleviate the pressure on yours - you stop caring about negative flips for damage, because your minimum damage just goes up etc. Secondly, you turn your opponents efforts into a worthless grind. Whatever he kills, will just pop back into existence. This is immensely demoralising. And your minions are great, don't underestimate them. Going elite is fun, but you need actions from significant models to win you the game. Also with regards to Neverborn minions in general, their purpose is to join the grind. You don't have dedicated schemers like Soulstone Miners etc., all your models are there to kill first, win later.
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