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Everything posted by muraki

  1. 1) Cursed objects : what is the meaning of the "(one each)" on cursed objects ? That's if if multiple models are at the same distance of the killed model ? As I understand, you take the closest model and and give him every cursed objects. This is in case there are multiple models in base contact ? It would be 'if a model has 3, you can remove 1 (to score) and the remaining 2 willl go 1 to the closest model, and 1 to the next closest'. The 'one each' is to prevent the nearest model from gaining all the tokens and thereby having you 'lose' tokens by having a big model gain like 3-4 tokens and run away. I think hamelin 2 does something similar when he gets rid of blight. 2) Guard the stash strat markes placement. When you drop strats marker at 4" of centerpoint, that's the center of the strat at 4", or the edge of marker ? I usually assume middle of the marker, but i can be convinced. 3) Covert operation : You can have 4 claimed strat markers at end of turn 3 and be sure to have 4 strat points ? You only choose targets for covert 'any turn after the first' so you can't claim a marker round 1. that leaves 2 rounds to possibly claim something, and since its 'reveal your models and remove a marker from 1 model' you can only claim 1 marker a round. 4) Reveal of Load 'Em up : can you score with 2 markers near your leader and 1 near opponsing leader ? I'd say so. 5) public demonstration, reveal : can you score with 1 model near an ennemy master and 1 near an ennemy henchman ? I'd say so.
  2. There's a few masters now that have different keyword combos like sandeep having elemental in v2 / Levi picking up horseman / ulix becoming a pig, or even tho a lesser extent Marcus losing the beasts hired as versatiles. So having a version of Ivan with umbra isn't the biggest surprise.
  3. I would say A, because even if we're saying 'whenever a parasite hits it'll proc all 3 of the burrow effects' simultaneous effects still makes it so you determine which of the effects happens first, so whichever nexus doesnt go first will check the ability and say 'oh nope, already took damage'. There is of course the other reading of 'if it went at 3 damage, the model would be hella broken, not that people particularly care about that read haha.
  4. Focus comes before taking the action, as generated actions always happen at the end (aka there's no nesting)
  5. There's an advanced pursuit in the TTB 'from nightmares' book called 'supplicant of autumn' that at step 6 seems to replace living / species traits with fae / undead, so that seems to be the way to generate new knights, have people join up / go through the supplicant process.
  6. Figured I'd wait till I could post everything this month. So for this month I did a scavenger + the emissary for the contest... which was kind of difficult, cause I really just wanted to do the emissary to match my 'super low paint / effort' levi crew I'm doing, but also wanted to do well in the contest. I think i made a decent midground? So that's 16 for me this month... and now off to paint a effigy in the same style / basing before I forget how! haha
  7. If you're saying 'can I drop a scheme + discard that scheme with ingenuity to summon a drudge' I would say no. As discarding a card is the cost to summon a drudge so there wouldn't be a marker to summon it next to anymore.
  8. I just had this image of the other crew being von Schill 🤣 Hah yeah, asking for 'lower damage' in outcasts is kind of a funny question as all of them can bring some pain, zipp would be intersting. I was more thinking of something like a in key nellie / lucius1 / anya2 / toni2 / lynch / etc, something where futzing around + dropping schemes is more effort than 'oh and here's also a few points of damage. I also wouldnt feel too too bad, because looking at his list, he has what? 3 veratile models (emissary / prospect / stalker) to your 0. With some of the ideas people have given I could see you being able to build a similar list in thunders (say desper to match the movement tricks of the midnight, shadow emissary to match a hodgepodge, etc). Not saying my answer is 'pay to win' but there's definitely going to be some differences between a person who can pull from the entire faction v one thats focused on a specific keyword's offerings.
  9. Sounds like a tough game for sure. I'm not as negative on Youko1 as some others are, but I also will admit she's not my first grab in thunders as she does have some weak match ups. I'll agree with regelant on nearly every point. She (specially kabukis) are going to struggle v guns, you can help that a bit with some general upgrades for stealth, but a big factor will also be terrain, I play with a lot of concealing (concealing only not concealing severe) and getting some of that with some of it being dense will give you some spots to hide away on without getting punched. Thunders also has some of the greatest versatile models, to the point that in crews like Youko where I'm not super in love with the full crew, I can see myself hiring a few versatiles to buff up my crew. Some things that have helped me recently with youko: I know its not out yet, but I really like the shojo, it works great with the WP duels and can get you a few pass tokens in Youko1 when you need em. Boring conversation + a 2 inch melee + some healing is also really nice to shut down some units / they're pretty good schemers. Bills 'debt of gratitude' trigger is amazing, sure if your opponent is dropping markers like candy its less good, but since he was doing both spread / breakthrough stoning / saving a crow for 2 debts of gratitude would of stopped a point or more a round (doing it a round after he gains fast can be especially brutal). I also dont know if you guys are newer players or not, if your opponent has other crews, throwing something a bit more melee focused / less high damage aggression into youko for a bit could help you get your sea legs with her a bit more. If not, then I'd lean into the previously mentioned terrain / general upgrades for stealth / versatiles / etc method to blunt the 'im just going to shoot you off the board from range' vibe or fight back with your own gatling gunners / etc.
  10. For the same reason all the rules about and and the rules for suffering damage are in the book and not on the cards—the card imposes a necessary brevity. Yeah, i know it feels a bit strange at first, but the cards try and only call out things that are differences to the rules not the standard. Hence shielded / other things going to 'a minimum of zero'. It means if a new armor-like ability appears on a card and it doesnt say 'to a minimum of zero' then youre stuck getting 1 damage much like armor. There's a learning curve for sure tho. The core book is truely chock full of little info bits that aren't super clear on the cards, its crazy how many arguments are solved by 'oh gosh let me look it up in the core book'
  11. In previous ones I just recorded myself for 'competing in x you'll see it afterwards' Im sure that'll work for here as its not like were gunna throw people out for not posting all pics in the month haha.
  12. Most people do a month-end dump of everything. But for many of us, that's because that's when we remember to show our work (or when we deadline-driven smash out stuff at the end of the month). It's perfectly fine to post models as you finish them, in my opinion. Or 3 days after the end of the month when I finally remember to take pictures of things I finished weeks before.... Yah I agree with cats that I think its personal preference. In the past the end of month drop made a bit more sense as the person running the competition had to enter the totals into their spreadsheet, so I felt putting all the models at once with a 'heres my total stones' and tagging the person was just the easiest for them to do their work. This year since you fill in the form yourself, there's less of a need for a large end of month dump.
  13. Every time we ask Waldo delays the release by a random amount of time between -1 and 5 days Haha pretty much. There is GGAll to entertain while we wait tho!
  14. Something about taking pictures at the end of the month always makes me wait another day or 2. Either way here's what I've done for April. Wanted to try a bit of a desaturated/zenthal and under-highlighting with contrast paints, so decided to start levi. Biggest issue so far is.... I dont really want to play levi haha.
  15. I use a free imgur acct, load em there and attach the links to this post. Works great.
  16. Time to bring back the m2e 'yes these are minions but they're all actually unique model' autumn knights vibe.
  17. last breath generate a melee attack action and is not a charge so will create a shadow marker after the attack! Agreed. Charge is a specific general action, so just because last breath looks a bit like a charge in execution, things that relate to charges dont affect last breath (like why last breath can get through disguised / extended reach)
  18. I'd say this doesn't work, as corrupted familiar says 'friendly shang models are treated as destructible concealing shadow markers, which cannot be removed by effects which remove markers' and minako's summon says restriction - remove a target scrap or friendly shadow marker. If a shadow marker was removed this way, increase the action's stat by +2. Since the cost is 'remove a scrap or friendly shadow marker' and shang prevents himself from being removed, I dont think it works out. If it wasn't an italicized restriction, I'd say you could still use him as part of the summon via 'do as much as you can' rules, but with it being in italics, its different.
  19. Shadow markers are concealing terrain markers because concealing is a terrain trait, and things that have terrain traits are considered terrain.
  20. I know all those links died a while ago, its kept me from buying anymore of the terrain cause that stuff is confusing without the instructions. That said, I just found this link off a reddit post! https://1drv.ms/f/s!AhgQI6vlfLA7ihVs7UrKX4tWoV04 Looks like they uploaded all the instructions. Was able to find the tower in the malifaux section, so you should be able to grab it from there (and I may download all the malifaux stuff just in case i buy some more )
  21. So when I think about expanding masters there's 3 possible ways to go. 1) Find what you like, and get more of that. Like if you like high damage masters and you got 1 to 2 from a faction, grabbing the third one won't change up the way you play, but a lot of your skill will transfer to the new master, so you'll prolly enjoy em just as much as your other 2. 2) Find holes and fill em. I tend to think of masters as certain playstyles, whether they're high damage, high scheme, high movement. There's obviously other criteria like hand pressure / card draw / tarpit / etc that you can assign to a master/key, but since the most common ways to score need markers or interacts / speed / damage, so i kind of start with those and see if my crews fall heavily into one to two of those general styles. And if they do, maybe try and find something else on the other side of the graph to complement it. 3) Grab something new / hot. Less recommended, but if something catches your eye thats either new or seems to be blowing up the charts, it could be a fun switch as there's a lot of reps / podcasts / articles out bout the hot options. I say its less recommended because just cause some top players can make a master / list sing, doesnt mean it works for you. Additionally nerfs / etc tend to catch up with these eventually. With that said, either option 1 / 2 is good. In the past I've recommended option 2 (as it's easy to tell someone what master they could add to fill out some diversity in possible playstyles), but lately I'm not sure if that's necessarily the best option cause if a master just plays radically different than what you're used to / like... will you put in enough reps to get good with them? Or will you just always say 'yeah, nah, i'll play something I like more even if its going to struggle a bit' (or hire OOK to fill gaps, or second master, etc). There's also a meta component which is hard to compute. Cause I like some of the more control / interact masters, but I know if I was playing in a heavy aggression meta they'd never be viable. So I have difficulty recommending those kinds of crews without knowing what the local group is like... cause I'm sure some of the 'dead' masters around here are more due to opponent's 'favorite' masters than the dead master themself. As for your specific question, I think all 4 of those masters have good things for them. Justice - So since I live with a J player, I'm a bit biased in thinking shes pretty good / versatile, but that's with a big cavait that she's not known for being great in marker / interact pools as there's nothing in key that does it, and a lot of her key isnt very fast. With the right support she can make up for it, but nellie/lucius have way more in the marker / interact world than J. Asami - this one is tougher as misaki / youko span more than basse/perdita. I think asami is pretty solid because her summon can be so versatile. As you can flip between summoning a big scary mob, or a few schemers. I think it'd be a interesting pick, but there's a lot of very good thunders masters who all do things a bit differently so I'd honestly recommend any of em, hah. Molly - So this one is interesting mainly because of the support / marker removal that Molly1 can do. In GG2 / new titles a little marker removal can make a matchup. So of that or reva I'd prolly lean to molly only for that reason (I'm also pretty terrible at Reva, but I know that's me).
  22. That makes sense. The explicit call out on kalts is kind of odd as most of the other abilities dont have that level of double checking, but maybe it is so the 'you get only 2 pulses, no more' is clear. That Titania upgrade is a silly one. I wonder if its because its one of the few 'copy an aura' to another model (as the rest of these discussions regard pulses or targetting actions which are way more 'you determine where this starts and that's it')
  23. Even if it wasnt faqed icy winds is a bit different. Icy winds goes: 'this action may draw range and los from any one ice pillar marker within 8" in addition to drawing range and los from this model' compared to melting point 'This Action may draw LoS and range from friendly Wildfire models with Burning +3 or more' So the big difference is one explicitly calls out 'there's 2 points where the action is coming out of' vs melting which only specifies a single LoS and Range component.
  24. I'd say A. Determining LoS and Range just overwrites the range from the original model. Is similar to the way that things like ice mirror / etc work. You dont get 3-6 shots out ice pillars / zoraida's eyes in the night, so same applies here.
  25. This month I was mainly playing with proxies left over from my time doing the puppet riders, so have a puppet-esque yasunori + a levi proxy with a puppet alyce And to actually paint something real for malifaux stuff, here's a Vik twin blades that has been staring me in the face for a bit and I just figured I'd get it off my table
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