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Everything posted by le_wahou

  1. I his bury on synergy. It is not a action, it seems inferior to pine boxes. You can maybe use his 2" to bump an unbury with 33 in a difficult position but you need 33 at 6" of LJ2 and the emissary less than 4" from 33. What other synergy do you have with him ?
  2. I am not sure of the timing with aura of courage from intrepid emissary and chronicle (innocence) from Tannenbaum You flip a card and check the TN while in an aura of courage and chronicle (innocence) range. if beat the TN by 2+, you get a heal from the aura of courage. As you get a heal, you can send the top card from your discard to the top of your fate deck. At this moment, is the card from conflict already sent to discard ? Do you place the card that was used in the conflict back to the top, or is this card still in conflict and you send the top from discard, then discard the card from conflict ?
  3. I use him in 3 situations : _ If Crowd control is an issue for opponent (Marcus, Lucius, Ulix, teams with lots of coordinated attacks) _if terrifying is a problem for my opponent and I need a sturdy centerpiece _ with LJ with effigy+upgrade in a list with Judge + LJ + rider on which my opponent will have toomany threats to handle on turns 1-2 He is not often on the table :/
  4. His ability is only for guards. Mages can not target him as a scheme
  5. I believe that Innocent bystander is affected
  6. Hello, I did not see any announcement for an update of the app with malifaux burns models. Anyone know when this will happen ?
  7. Last year there was a lot of talking on forum for this cup but I do not see anything this year. Is it placed somewhere else ?
  8. le_wahou

    New perdita

    I was thinking at something similar but with Nino + Loco-LLC instead of Santiago-LLC + lawyer. I have always been disapointed by Santiago in my familiy games while the duo Loco and Nino is ok. They are both cost 7 and can A Por El one another
  9. Additionnal question. In all these cases, I choose to use the ability and pay the discard _ can I draw range from 1 pillar for the first pillar creation and from another pillar for the second ? _ can I draw range from Rasputina ? _ can I draw range from Rasputina first and then from the pillar that was just created ?
  10. The "standard" removal of scheme, corpse, scrap, and even mass destructible remove is quite common. your list will be too long to be interesting if you have to list of these models.
  11. If you black joker, kill your master ?
  12. Clockwork traps are good for mutiple low damage attacks. Basse also generate hazardous and place models. Pathfinder have armor piercing on a trigger but they need a . The keyword is not excellent against armor, but he has solutions.
  13. Yes with ToS models. The gunner felt a little underwelming. The guild mage is really good with Family, Witch hunter. He seems interesting with Lucius but I am really bad with him.
  14. Ticket purchased for Lionel Masson. I will try to drag more french this year. Could you please rename the train station ? It would help ^^
  15. According to my understanding, you are currently targeting B with the action, but you also have targeted A in the same action. I agree with you, I think ti should be different than the current one, but I am not really confident, and it may impact a lot on a game I will play soon.
  16. If you want to play a schemy game, a lot of guild keywords will force you to play their game. Nellie for auras and opponent movement, Lucius for obey shaenigans, Perdita, Basse and Sonnia for range pressure, etc... If you play a killy game, only Hoffman and LJ will be able to change your game plan.
  17. Hello ! When you attack a model that use proctected on another model and get a quick reflex trigger, who can be targeted by the new attack ? I would say none of them because they have both been targeted by the original action, but I am not sure.
  18. When creating games or sertups, I have access to discard button. The create button is too low IOS 14.4 on Iphone SE
  19. Hoffman is different with his construct theme. LJ can stay in keyword and perform well, but it includes Lone Marshall Even for these two, Pale rider + LLC is really good on corrupted ley lines. Otherwise, these versatiles/OOK are really good in any keyword.
  20. The family is really an excellent for budget building. With the core box, the rider and the steward, you will have every thing you need. Latigo reserve is optionnal. I would probably buy Grimwell, undercover reporter (not available at the moment and with 3 useless models) and Lone Marshall before the reserve. Peacekeeper does not seem a good idea : Francisco with a lead lined coat can fill the spot of heavy beater.
  21. I already heard this story. It is impossible The Lady is protecting us
  22. You miss 8 points. It does not match with Phiona, I am surprised. Did you take a mounted guard ?
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