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Posts posted by Caedrus

  1. January

    So, in January, I'll be starting where so many of us start: in the manner of the Games Workshop Heavy Metal style.

    My usual painting manner is to paint one region, or one colour area, to completion. However, I thought I'd base-coat the entire miniature just to see how the colour palette would look. Here it is:

    From a primed base, that took about an hour. The hooves and horns are a little pale. The blue is a little bright. The fact that there is blue, pink, green, yellow and red is a deliberate thing: What better way to look at different painting styles than to sample most colours?

    The heavy Metal style isn't really big on shadow painting, mostly emphasizing washes.

    So, the next steps will be (1) many types of washes; (2) reclaiming some of the base colour; and then (3) edge highlighting.

    See you on the next update!


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  2. Hi All,

    @Franchute: My Shelf of Shame is just one small part. I would estimate that I have about four thousand models unpainted. I have not listened to the Panzer of the Lake:


    @Purple Mist: You're signed up. I'll update the spreadsheet and upload it soon.

    @Thedeadclaw, @Scatterbrain, @emiba: I've updated the rules, to state: "A model is considered painted if it is (1) based (even glued onto a black base counts); (2) tournament legal. That means that if it's a translucent, based model, it counts automatically. If it is any opaque material, then the standard is: Every part of the miniature painted, and three colours minimum.", which should be a very reasonable standard. 

    Translucent Miniature Painting

    I'm far from an expert on this topic, but I've found that masking is best done with masking tape and adhesive tack / Blu-tac. While Vallejo's Liquid Mask has its uses, it's better used on flatter surfaces.

    For the finishing process, I'm a big fan of Tamiya's X-22. It provides a smoother top layer for any translucent / clear model, and makes any such model appear so much more see-through. I would note, however, that some forums have suggested that Tamiya acrylics are toxic (in case you're a brush licker!). However, I am not a chemist, nor have I read the MSDS on the product. The X-22 is also good for protection against fingerprints, once dry, of course.


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  3. Welcome!

    This is the thread for the January 2019 Monthly Painting Challenge. I’m Caedrus, and I’ll be your host for 2019. I’d like to sincerely thank @Franchute for the 2018 efforts, and I hope to do as good a job in this upcoming year!

    If you’d like to be part of this challenge, please introduce yourself below, and post what level you’ll be painting at! The painters who have already signed up will have their details put into the spreadsheet here.

    The 2019 Wyrd Monthly Painting Challenge is all about:

    1. Having fun painting!
    2. Motivating yourself, and encouraging others.
    3. Being part of a great, friendly community.
    4. Giving and receiving constructive advice. And, finally:
    5. Getting some pigment onto plastic!

    This is not a competition in any way.

    The pledge categories are the following:

    • Minion: you paint at least 1 soulstone worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
    • Enforcer: you paint at least 6 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
    • Henchman: you paint at least 11 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
    • Master: you paint at least 16 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month
    • Tyrant: you paint at least 31 soulstones worth of Malifaux miniatures each month

    The rules:

    • The challenge will start on January 1st 2019. 
    • Models count for the month in which you finish them. You can finish painting a model that you started before the beginning of the month.
    • Everyone may fail to make their monthly goal twice and stay in the challenge. This is using a mulligan.
    • You can choose to go down a pledge level during the year, but you cannot move up.
    • You may choose to sign up during a later month for the challenge but this means that you'll have to use one or two of the aforementioned mulligans: e.g. if you start in February, one mulligan will automatically be used because we missed January; if you start in March, two mulligans will already be used; you can’t start in April.
    • A model is considered painted if it is (1) based (even glued onto a black base counts); (2) tournament legal. That means that if it's a translucent, based model, it counts automatically. If it is any opaque material, then the standard is: Every part of the miniature painted, and three colours minimum.

    Miniature Values:


    • Almost all models count as their Soulstone value;
    • Masters count for 15 soulstones.
    • Zero cost models count for 5 soulstones.
    • Proxies (constructed from Wyrd models) count for their proxy value.

    The Other Side

    • Almost all models count as their Scrip cost in soulstones;
    • Commanders count for 15 soulstones.
    • Adjunct models count for 5 soulstones.
    • Titans are worth triple their scrip cost in soulstones.


    • Terrain is worth 5 soulstones per 50mm base.
    • Custom tokens are worth 5 soulstones per 50mm base
    • A terrain board is worth 100 Soulstones.

    3rd Edition?

    If Malifaux 3rd Edition hits in 2019, then the month that the PDF version is available, we will begin using the new values if they differ from M2E.

    How to upload images?

    1. Go to imgur.com, and create an account.
    2. Click on your account, click on 'images', and then 'add images'.
    3. Click on your uploaded image. You'll see a whole bunch of link options.
    4. Click on the 'copy' button next to 'direct link'.
    5. Go to your Wyrd Forum thread.
    6. Paste (CTRL-V) at the appropriate spot.
    7. The image should appear, resized appropriately to the page.

    My very best for the end of your 2018, and I hope you all have a fantastic 2019!




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    • Thanks 2
  4. Caedrus, reporting in for (probably) the final time this year!

    @Franchute: I have painted 20SS to date.

    I have painted 4 Mindless Zombies [8SS]; a Hollow Waif [5SS]; and 1 Freikorps Trapper [7SS].




    Lots of interesting details on these metal mindless zombies. A few odd proportions, but lots of fun to paint.


    The anatomist in me is wondering why the small bowel is so far posterior...You're thinking about this too much, Caedrus.


    I had some fun trying sheer fabric over undead skin. Was it successful? You be the judge. Why is this (proxy) Mindless Zombie wearing lingerie? Who knows.


    I think I'll have to repaint that back metal plate. On the other hand, I liked messing around with this base. There's a camouflage-esque effect on the blue fabric near the greenery. I was messing around with glazing in a 'stealth effect'.

    Well, unless I get some Christmas free time (ha!), that is it for the year. 330 Points. I'll take that.

    My best to you all for the Christmas period.

    Keep putting pigment to plastic, and I dearly hope to see you all in next year's Challenge!




    • Like 8
  5. Hello, Wyrdos and Painters!

    This year, @Franchute ran an absolutely excellent community painting challenge. In 2019, I’ll try my hand at the challenge. Franchute has posted the new version of the rules above. The image below shows the sort of thing I'm talking about for terrain pricing.

    Idea 1: Terrain.

    Terrain is worth 5 soulstones per 50mm base. Here’s a piece of unfinished terrain (shot from above, it’s a subway entry). This would be worth 15 Soulstones.






    I thought it might be fun to encourage everyone to push outside of their comfort zones in 2019. Much like Achievements in the online gaming world, I thought it might be fun to put up a list of Achievements in painting. These are for fun, to try something new, and to generally encourage getting pigment onto plastic!

    If you're looking for some painting inspiration, or just for a way to challenge yourself, here's the list!

    I look forward to painting alongside you all next year.

    Keep putting pigment to plastic!





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  6. @Franchute, @prof_bycid: I may have expressed myself poorly. 'Prize' was a poor choice of words. Rather, I was looking at encouragement rewards, for painting improvement, or for supporting the community. The focus was not on painting quality or quantity. There are enough of those competitions around. I believe that this monthly challenge is, and should remain, about having fun painting, encouragement, being part of a great community, and constructive advice (in that order). If folks are concerned about the idea of (very modest!) rewards, I'll cancel the request to Wyrd for support in a heartbeat. This challenge is about the community, not about me!

    • Like 5
  7. Greetings, fellow painters and Wyrdos!

    @Franchute: First of all, my enormous thanks to Franchute for organising this challenge this year.

    I should introduce myself. Caedrus here. I'm a gamer and painter from Australia. I spend more time painting than gaming nowadays (because trying to get my nerd crew together is like herding cats). I've been playing Malifaux for a few years, but I've been playing role-playing games and wargames for over thirty years.

    As a painter and a gamer, my philosophy is simple: If everyone is enjoying themselves, you're doing it right. I think that if you're happy with a paintbrush in your hand, then all is as it should be: I often have a Bob Ross video playing while I paint! I think this challenge is, and should remain, about having fun painting, encouragement, being part of a great community, and constructive advice (in that order).

    I'll be running the Challenge, but remember, I'm just a player and painter like you. I'm not the boos here. If you have suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

    I have asked the Wyrd staff if they would consider supporting the Wyrd Painting Challenge, and at this time, it looks like the supported idea is a forum badge (like the 'Creature Feature' badge, for example) for those completing the challenge (that is, completing 2019 with 2 or less mulligans). I'd like to note that this is not yet confirmed, and is currently with Wyrd's Kimberley, who is kindly pursuing this.

    I shall be completing the Google-Spreadsheet link shortly. In the meantime, Welcome to the challenge, please invite your friends, and keep putting pigment to plastic!

    See you in 2019!


    • Like 3
  8. @Franchute: First of all, my enormous thanks to Franchute for organising this challenge this year.
    Second, I have been considering organising the challenge for 2019, albeit with a few small changes. To that end, I have asked Wyrd if they would support a monthly prize. Basically, if they support the challenge, I'll happily run it (if Franchute is happy to hand over, and the community thinks I can do it!).
    So, I'm waiting on their reply. If they give me their support, then I might open a new enrolment thread. I hope that's all ok!


    • Like 4
  9. @Thedeadclaw: You've clearly put quite a lot of thought into your models. The use of thematic colours are a very unifying aspect of them, as is thematic basing. As @PetitDalek says, I enjoyed reading about your processes. Remember to delight in your successes - and having so many painted crews is a success! I wish I had half that many painted!

    What's the nature of your tremors? Both hands? Would a painting handle help? There are lots of different designs out there.

    Oh, and because your painting style is (probably from necessity) a block-colour style, it might be worthwhile to investigate the use of washes to define the model texture. In fact, I'm going to suggest something that's normally considered heresy by some painters* - a dip. Google 'Army Painter Dip' and see if it suits you. I think your combination of blocked areas of bright colours would suit dipping really well.

    Keep painting.



    *I subscribe to the belief that the most important thing in painting is to enjoy yourself. If you develop a skill you love, that's even better. But, most importantly, if it gets you the effect you want, there's no wrong technique.

    • Like 5
  10. Caedrus, checking in, for a WIP update!

    So, I managed to ignore the things I should be doing, and instead painted my Dashel conversion!



    I'm actually quite pleased with how this turned out. Quite pleased with the cloak, face, and growing NMM skills on the axe and lamp-post.

    As always, of course, critiques and commentary are very welcome!

    Oh, and @Franchute: I'm loving that Phillip; particular kudos for the cold-white linen around the pram. Just perfect.

    Keep putting pigment to plastic!




    • Like 9
  11. Woo Hoo!

    After a nice few hours painting, I've (once again) met my pledge early (I swear, I'm not setting this up!).



    My pledged guardsman is complete...


    ...so is a Crooligan...

    (the bases are very basic; I'm awaiting 3E before I get too fancy in some cases)


    ...and Dashel continues to get painted! Consider this a very early WIP!

    Enjoy your painting, November painters!


    • Like 4
  12. Caedrus, checking in!

    November is "Finish stuff off!" month. I pledge to finish one, final Guardsman:

    ...and my stretch goals are an Austringer, Dashel, a Flesh Construct, Ice Dancers and December Acolytes!







    Ha! If I finish these, there's always more mindless zombies.

    Have a fantastic November, go crazy on the Black Friday sales, and keep putting pigment to plastic!






    • Like 4
  13. Caedrus, Reporting In.

    I'll be away for a few days, so time for my end-of-month wrap-up.

    @Franchute: I submit 12 points this month, being my Lazarus, and my Mindless zombie. Bad photo quality ahead!


    Well, fellow painters, this has been an insane month for me, outside of the painting world. However, I've found a little time to relax and start / update a few projects:


    One blurry Austringer. Still not certain on the colours.


    One final Guild Guard.


    A Crooligan, who needs about a bucket of Matt additive...


    A batch of bases, for many, many more mindless zombies. Finally:


    Dashel! Blurry but getting there. I feel I should wait to claim him as a Master! Slowly, slowly developing sculpting skills.

    Have a great month, all. I can't wait to see your works!


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