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Everything posted by Scoffer

  1. Scoffer


    You need to add some Som'er to make it perfect (: An immortal bomb, dealing 2+2+2 damage in (2), is something nobody wants to get close to.
  2. I'm terribly disappointed with the new conversion rules. A lot of great conversions, created for M2E, are now illegal for GG events, because they were built off of other Wyrd models, not the models, they were intended to represent. And also the rule itself is not clear and causes confusions. What part of the original model I must use to make my conversion legal? Is the head enough? As long as we usualy recognise other people by the face. Is the headless body ok? Body is the biggest part of the model. Is any "well known" part of the model (like Joss's steampowered hand) legal?
  3. I think Analyze Weakness is a "lasting game effect". Yes Owner must choose one model for steps 3 and 4 to transfer all tokens, conditions, lasting game effects and schemes onto it. So if there is any condition or token, you even don't have to ask.
  4. Scoffer


    Sparks can pack Pigapult ammo with explosives to blow enemy models away. When Sparks is around, enemy models can't target other enemy models with actions. It means no obeys, no healing, no condition removal, no Ride With Me etc. Sometimes it's better to throw him into enemy lines with Pigapult to break the whole plan of your opponent. When Sparks is around, Wong can launch a Pit Trap into space and drop two Pit Traps back at the start of next turn.
  5. Ulix can be countered by crews with lots of Terrifying and attacks resisted by WP. Nekima with inhuman reflexes can be a pain in the ham if your opponent can deliver her into your deployment turn one.
  6. I've played several games with BBB and the best thing he did - Pulled the Strings on Piglet to make it die at end of turn and place an additional marker for Harness the Leyline. But I prefer agressive playstyle and activate my Warpigs early so they can't benefit from Brin's deck tricks.
  7. Warpigs with Inferiority Complex are a good option to deal with armor/incorporeal. They can ignore armor on trigger and Stampede damage ignores incorporeal and other defencive abilities.
  8. When double master becomes the meta, people just keep in mind, that their opponent can hire any model from his faction including additional masters. Masters are not special any more in this edition, they are tools for the job as any other model.
  9. I think we should go further and declare all masters, and all henchmen (some of them are very strong), and all enforcers (it's your fault, dear Riders), and minions after all. Then both players secretly choose upgrades, declare them and the encounter begins!
  10. Guild has Pale Rider and The Lone Marshal - both are incredibly good in killing things.
  11. Terrifying is much stronger now as a defencive ability, but thank Wyrd it's not offencive any more. Apart from picking ruthless models (which I think is a perfect decision) you can use non-targeting damage sources: blasts, pulses, shockwaves, hazardous auras etc.
  12. My answer is no. Since Sparks is not in play, it can't do anything.
  13. No, out of faction models can be hired only if they share the leader's keyword. Versatiles that don't share the leader's keyword can be hired only from declared faction.
  14. Hey! You already have the LaCroix family! And Gautreaux Bokor is pronouced in a very French way!
  15. The Push, generated by Disengage action, is resolved after resolving the Attack. So the timing is: 1. Damage 2. Reposition movement 3. Disengage Push. Razorspine Rattler is Wicked and can apply normal effects of "anti-disengage" attack, including triggers.
  16. The problem with original post is, that when someone on the Internet says "this makes me uncomfortable" using words like "cultural appropriation", it sounds like he wants everyone involved immediately stop doing things they were doing and start making him comfortable. I think good people in Wyrd have a lot of more important things to do (for example, publish cards for Good Ol'Boys and other september releases).
  17. Does it mean, that Summoning (and Replace as well) is unaffected by game effects like Gravity Well that prohibit Place? Pigapult's Full Load action measures range from the Pigapult, but places a different model. Does it mean, that it's not a Place and Pigapult can throw things into Gravity Well and Hazardous terrain without suffering it's effects? As a Bayou player I love your idea, but I'll have hard times explaining them to my Outcast friends.
  18. Yes, that's right. And if Sandeep and Banasuva change places, it would be 6-4+2 (Sandeep Height)=only 4" horizontally Since Summoning is a Place effect, vertical range should be ignored.
  19. From now on I'll consider every call to nerf Zoraida as anti-russian agression!
  20. I'm Russian and for a long time the only russian-themed model in the game was a half-mad cannibal lady in a stereotypical russian hat. Do I have to be offended? Is Boris-the-dancing-bear (a very russian-themed model too) cultural appropriation?
  21. The miniatures look super-fantastic. Everybody wants to own them. And it's much easier to explain to your wife, that you buy this miniatures, because they can be used with your favourite master.
  22. Scoffer


    They reduce damage from hazardous terrain to 0 thanks to Happy Accident. So it's possible to get crazy df/wp and stay in full health.
  23. New story about Ulix in M3E faction book shows him as a vigilante hero of the Bayou.
  24. M2E Creative Taxidermy box contains a book with a TTB oneshot and a malifaux story encounter.
  25. I'm trying to build a good tournament Mah list so I had a game against Yan Lo yesterday. My crew: Mah, Little Lass, Brin, 3xRooster Rider, 2xSoulstone Miner, Bokor, Bayou Gremlin. 0ss My opponent's crew: Yan Lo, Soul Porter, Manos, Toshiro, Chiaki, Izamu (Silent Protector), Sun Quiang. 6 ss Strat&Schemes: Plant explosives. Search the Ruins, Claim Jump, Outflank, Breakthrough, Take Prisoner. Flank deployment. My schemes were Search the Ruins and Outflank, my opponent took Search the Ruins and Breakthrough. I had a simple and straightforward plan for the game: give Roosters focused +3, kill Yan Lo turn one before he grows up strong, do strat&schemes with Miners and Roosters. The first part of the plant went just right - my opponent deployed rather agressively and moved forward, so after Mah's activation I had three Roosters with focused +3 within 14" of Yan Lo. The killing part started ok, but I forgot to activate Bokor and draw more cards before the third Rooster's activation - one attack missed and my opponent flipped a lucky severe for Yan Lo's healing Demise. Yan Lo survived with 2 health left, my opponent won initiative turn 2 and healed Yan Lo back to full. Turn 2 and 3 I scored first points for both schemes and placed all 4 explosives. My opponent scored Search the ruins turn 2, but I didn't let him score Breakthrough till turn 5. I managed to kill Izamu, pushing him into pit traps by Mah, but he was returned to the table later. I removed 2 enemy explosives turn 5, so my opponent didn't score the last point for strategy. I won 8:6 After the second game with this list I still think Mah is not for hardcore tournament play. Focused Roosters can deal a lot of damage in early game, but with df5/wp4 they are rather fragile and have big problems with Terrifying. A skilled opponent will not have any problems with them. Soulstone Miners are great in schemepools like this, bring soulstones (I finished the game with 6) and are very hard to counter, but it's not enough for victory.
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