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Everything posted by SlackerLM

  1. So I have been theory-fauxing Return Fire. I'm liking it on Sue, for both fluff and his Attack. Also thinking that Lust might be a good choice, Heartbreaker is a good positioning attack. So anyone else think of using Return Fire? On whom?
  2. If Montressor was not randomized for in shooting, like the Guilty, would have helped. Or a healing trigger.
  3. I'm hoping that his minions have Rapid Fire/ Flurry and are Mercs. A Faster Than You type of defense trigger would be nice, but unlikely. I'm going to guess that his upgrades will give him "Untill End Of Turn/Next Activation" type abilities/triggers when discarded/attached." I would over to see a Pilfer type of upgrade, steal an enemy generic upgrade.
  4. You can try this. Hope this works.
  5. This might be the moment I break down and go for my fourth faction, Thunders. Right after I Parker Burrows for the win!
  6. If you go to Wyrd homepage, and click Resources, scroll down and you should find it.
  7. if you haven't been told about it already, Vassal is an excellnt tool for playing. Especially outside ones own meta.
  8. Hired Guns (Von Schilland crew) gives you a Trapper and a Librarian, both are near staple models. If you want a sting model, Johan(a) at 6SS is hard to beat. The Hodgepodge Effigy can help with a cheap activation. Don't expect it to last to long, it has a large target in it...
  9. Kyle from Schemes and Stones has commented that he has used him with Jack to good result. Levi's use of him is to ride the Horsemen of he Apocalypse... Until that gets foam footballed!
  10. I'm going to be going to my first tournament at the end of the month, I was wondering if there are any suggestions or ideas regarding the process that people would have liked to know during their own first tournament.
  11. I know that you would like to keep as close to theme as possible, so I would suggest this. Hamelin is a Tyrant, bent on causing mayhem and destruction through his Plague. By corruption of those in his proximity, he gains more followers and so furthers his own agenda. This way your still in theme, but allows you to hire other models. Hamelin is a great master, but certain schemes and strategies are more difficult to complete with his thematic crew. Not impossible, but it is an uphill struggle.
  12. Wrath dosen't fit my play style. Envy, on the other hand, was a crutch for a while. With access to 2 Trappers now, I am finding "I Pay Better" is finding a spot on many of my lists. With "Tally Sheet" and Brutal Effigy (w/Levi) in there to mitigate some of the hand loss. I bring in Sue a lot for that as well.
  13. I know it would be better, but... But all the shooting! Rapid Fire for AP cost only! And if you want to go melee, sub Ronin for Gunslingers. Then you can yell out "hibachi slice" each time you Flurry!
  14. I hear you on both points regarding the Rat Engine. I just want to know how great do we believe the change needs to be and do we apply that across faction (Belles only hired by Seamus, for example.).
  15. So, as Outcast players, so do you think banning the Rat Engine for all masters save Hamelin the only way to control it?
  16. I foresee an Armor and/or Bulletproof with a Defensive Trigger Upgrade. However, with out seeing his Attack/Tactical abilities (mayhap a "Faster Than You"esque Tactical?) it's hard to say.
  17. It depends on strats and schemes... In all seriousness, if you can, play a few games with one, then the same amount with the other, and chose whichever suits you and your play style.
  18. That's because you are arguing logically and I'm just stirring up trouble!
  19. No worries! We are always here, unless we're signed out...
  20. You have to watch the climax of Fistfull of Dollars. You'll agree it's a poncho afterwards. his is more a blanket with a hole cut in the middle.
  21. The Student of Conflict is the other Sister. The Victorias are a good choice to start with. There is plenty of power and speed in it. Do you have the Generalist upgrade box for each faction? Those will come in handy as well. I would also suggest listening to the Schemd and Stones podcast. Episode 30 (just checked, lol) is the Viks episode. They also have episodes for your dirty (unwashed even, lol) Gremlins.
  22. Welcome to Malifaux! So some questions. Are you guys planning on becoming competetive tournament players any time soon? Are you collectors or just uber casual? The reason I ask is that your type of game goals will dictate the speed of which you acquire the faction, cause the Outcasts will drain your wallet almost as fast as the Reserectionts. As far as the Victorias go, you'll want to get Vanessa (the 4th Sister) and the Malifaux Child and a big beater model like Strong Arm Suit or Lazarus. Growing into the Oucasts, the Hired Guns (Von Schill's Crew) well give you a general healer (Librarian) and long range sniper (Trapper). After that, go where you want, the Outcasts are the greatest generalist faction.
  23. it's a Pancho people, a Pancho; not a cape. Clint Eastwood don't wear no stinkin' cape!
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