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Everything posted by ShinChan

  1. Well, you still can make use of Akaname in turn 1 and turn 2. Taxidermin has a range of 4", so most likely you'll be able to do it those turns, leaving those piglets close to the Pigapult, which means 4 ammo (+ the Akaname). This is usually my deployment with my standard 4x4 list: Start to activate Olivia, drop a scheme marker, Tossed Sparkles on Swine Cursed and assist/focus (usually you don't need the assist in turn 1, since you should have the shielded from the Bokor, but make sure to assist in turn 2. Remember that Burt Jebsen is the best bodyguard for BBB, in case someone wants to target him against Df, since you'll be able to put some damage in the enemy due to It's all in the reflexes. The flying piglet is usually on a corner, being a distraction or trying to die in the proper place to become a scheme marker. This setup stays mostly the same during turn 2 and in turn 3 is when it splits. Depending on the Strategy and Schemes, some times is just better to wait for your opponent. and move cautiously the first 2 turns, which allows you to have 3 good Fzzzap! turns. Keeping Wong alive was never a problem for me, between Counterspell, Quick Getaway and Disguised, he's not easy to engage, and since his damage is really low, my opponents always prefer to go hunt all the other pieces and take care of him only in the late game and only when is really needed.
  2. Does anyone know if there is a community there? I'll be spending some days there and I'll happily bring a crew with me if there's a place to play
  3. For a summon (or 2ss) and a master action? Not worth at all.
  4. Well, why would you detonate your own Bayou Gremlins in the deployment zone starting turn 1? Makes no sense. Usually you won't be able to use the until turn 3, so ideally 1.5ss. 250% agree on this. Make it a Rg 8" no and I'm totally fine with the model itself.
  5. I agree with the Mah part, although I think that the 14" range is excessive in the Roster Riders, it could be reduced to 12" and still be good models. BBB is easy to obey with Bokors in any list, and it's not a waste of Obey at all, since you can easily have 3 Obeys per turn, even running both of them OOK, getting yourself a really hot deck, while drawing some cards. I would change Calculate the possibilities to "Only during this model's activation". I though there was a consensus, but this is how it's played everywhere I know: Wong doesn't drop shockwave. The model is damaged (suffers 1 damage since it's written in the ability). Pigapult: Drops the shockwave and the model is affected. I have a more deep question that I would like to see solved: I do "Launch into the Space" with Wong. At the beginning of the next turn, I drop the marker affecting 5 of my models, while all of them are within 6" of Sammy LaCroix and her "Petty Illusions" Do I draw 5 cards, 1 or 0 ? In terms of buff, you've already mentioned the most obvious one, the Smugglers. Other models I consider: Taxidermist: They die too easily after paying the tax or 2ss in order to bring a stuffed piglet. Burt Jebsen: He dies way to easy. He really needs infused body or a bump into his defense/Wd. I still think that there's a huge problem in the Wizz-Bang keyword with only Wong being able to use glowy from the enemy models, but I hope it get fixed with the release of future models. Also in this keyword, after the change to Injured, they keyword didn't got any adjustment, so it has a fair amount of injured, but doesn't take much advantage of it most of the time. I'm talking mainly about Fzzzzap! If you go for the injured trigger, you don't want to use it with your own models, and most of the time you want to use it more in your own models than in the enemy models. I don't like the Banjonistas more than for the push, they seem a single purpose model, but I recognize that it's personal preference, not an objective feedback.
  6. Well, you can print it. I printed it in color, and bounded, less than 13€ First time that is a problem not being able to buy something but having it for free. And I'm one of the ones that have it preordered and paid in June.
  7. Math have proven that with 12 lucid dreams in the first 2 turns (6 each turn), at the beginning of the third you should remove the 8s if you want to have the better overall flips.
  8. Infamous already have a lot of anti-scheming abilities, way more usefull that giving fast to a Bayou Smuggler, who has very low chances of survival or doing anything useful with that 3 action. For the pish, you already have the Iron Skeeters for 1ss more that are way better at it (Fly eith me and trigger in the attack).
  9. Maybe if they had Looted Supplies / Loot their Coprses and the dame broken rifle as the Desperate Mercenaries (with the Drop it! trigger) would make them better. For 6ss, Unimpeded too. It really meets their fluff/miniature appealing.
  10. But they have a free action that provides you a corpse, scheme or scrap marker. This provides a lot of plays with different models.
  11. Some data using 6 Lucid Dreams each turn. More than that seems unrealistic. The column with Tx L/M/S is the amount of Low/Moderate/Severe cards removed at the beginning of each turn. I'm not taking into account the hand (soon) or flips (too complicate to simulate). Fiendish Gamble only returns card values that are over the current average, for example in turn 1-2 returns anything that is 8+ and in turns 3-4 only cards above 9.
  12. A to the attack? WTF? They already hit like a truck, and they can easily get 6 attacks in a row with Stat 7 that do 3/4/6 damage. If you're expecting a lot of armor, bring Ronins, against Shielded you have Johan and Taelor.
  13. Never, and I have them painted, but if someone have suggestions, I'll be happy to hear them. 2" mele range is quite nice, the rest on their card is just average or directly bad, since there isn't any real and useful synergy (or I am wrong and I don't see it)
  14. Well, actually you can attack twice thanks to flurry Stat 5 tho, so better have the card in hand. Pere is good vs bubble crews. Merris is an awesome scheme runner, but the lightning bug, silurid and flying piglet are really good too (within the faction, not Kin specific)
  15. So let's go: Talos: could get some synergy with the Obliteration crew. I use him sometimes, but forces me to bring the Emissary in order to solve his movement issues. Maybe some trigger in "Into the furnace" to make it more appealing? It's an action that I've never do, because most of the time I prefer the Stat 6 of the Void Hammer and its minimum 3 damage, also maybe it's my impression, but Wp is usually higher these days. Johan: He's a beast hitting, but he needs to get there, which is tricky due to not being really durable. He is also the only condition removal that we have, so at least could have the printed , maybe it could have it when targeting friendly models. He could use some triggers too. I would happily sacrifice the minimum 3 damage for nice triggers. I don't play the others, so I don't have an informed opinion. The Viks look good tho (I've faced them many times), I think that in their case, is more how limited is the pool for the keyword. On the other hand: Is the Midnight Stalker too good? I haven't played him much, but looks like he is a must in every crew.
  16. I've been playing Bayou a lot lately and he's never an issue, but maybe because of the easy access that we have to Ruthless. Maybe, just put him at 10Wd, so it's easier to kill before the healing happens or he activates again and Leaps away.
  17. First of all, I want to point again that I don't think that Stitched need a big nerf or a complete rework, or even remove any of their current abilities. Their "problem" is that: They're summonable, so that's put them already in an advantage vs almost all the other models you pointed out @Maniacal_cackle. They're even summonable with a Daydream for a 13! Also, being a minion opens the possibility to interact with other abilities, attach upgrades with full benefits and field more than 1, so no point at all in comparing them with enforcers. They can, with a very good reliability put a lot of damage while avoiding all of these defensive abilities: Serene counternance Manipulative Terrifying Cover Concealment Protected Any defensive triggers (Df or Wp) They are quite resilient for their cost (Df6, Armor +1 and 3 ways of healing) They bring a lot of utility for the crew (Lucid Dream and Fiendish Gamble) So my idea would be to keep them in the same role, with the same abilities, but modifying Gamble Your Life to make it less reliable: Range 8" -> To give the Stitched more reliable when hired. After all, if it's summoned, it's already going to appear in b2b with the enemy. Increase the TN to 12 -> Needing only a 4 in a crew that in turn 3 is not going to remove almost everything below 4 from its deck is just plain ridiculous. Damage to 2/3/4 -> Since the high output damage is a problem Critical strike -> Add the trigger printed in the action and remove the . So by default it will be still 3/4/5, but at least it allows some counterplay with stunned or people that avoid/benefit from triggers in the opponent. I think that these are minimal changes and I wouldn't know if consider them a nerf or even a small buff, so let's call them "an adjustment". @Fixxer and @Sharp_GT well, there is theoryfaux, and there is the maths between Lucid Dream and Fiendish Gamble. I don't play the Dreamer, but I've faced him multiple times, and before you think I'm just ranting, most of them were wins for me, but most likely because I was a more experienced player than my opponent that started to play by the end of M2E. But I don't base the support of my suggested modifications on my experience, because that's limited and more subjective. I'm basing it on the numbers and probability and you can't argue about that. Check my numbers or Solkan's. PS: @Maniacal_cackle Try to avoid double posting please, edit your previous message. It makes less notifications pop and it doesn't unnecessary increase the thread size. Also goes against the "non-written rules of forum platforms" :P PSS: @Kharnage somehow I switch the names in my mind between Insidious Madness and Bandersnatch, thanks for pointing that out
  18. Blast resistant can't lower the damage to 0, the same way as Armor or Bullet-proof.
  19. In Montréal we got the decks in October. It wasn't ideal, but having the app and the cards for free to download was good enough for a while.
  20. I've been playing Wong a lot, and when I want to play the Pigapult game, I usually bring an Akaname. It's 2 extra Stuffed Piglets with a Taxidermist, so basically you're paying 1ss for the Akaname. In addition you can throw it far away with the Pigapult to drop a scheme marker, dying due to the flicker and so generating another corpse where you need it for the Taxidermist. I feel like after turn 2, you're not going to stack much more glowy, specially in those models that you've send to do important stuff. So From turn 3 onward, you usually are going to be Fzzzzaping! 2-3 times (Launch into the space maybe), if you're opponent is smart, it's going to be extremely difficult for you to get 2 models in the same shockwave, so you have to evaluate when it's worth it to use one of those markers to give Fast to your other key pieces in order to score the points, since for me, at that point is more about getting the extra action that will allow my models to do something useful (mainly strategy/schemes) than to actually get the glowy for the triggers. I'll come up with some of my more efficient and more funny lists I've played. My golden rule is: "Always bring something to move Wong around, since you really need to invest her 3 AP in Fzzzzzap and Launch into the Space"
  21. So winning two blind flip is that difficult? After that you only need 1 severe in hand (12 cards in deck) and 1 severe removed from the game. We have different conceptions on high resource investment.
  22. It's just winning 2 Gamble your life and use a 11-13 from hand or from the removed cards. Let's remember again that you have more chances than the enemy of winning the topdecking flip (between Lucid Dream and winning the tie)
  23. Thanks @solkan! I'm using my own with different variants that maybe you would like to consider. For example the possibility of 1/2/3 Stitched Together bringing back cards or defining a number of lucid dreams in each turn, which shows the status of the deck (and the hand) at the beginning of every turn. Also, reached a certain point, it's interesting to consider the cards in hand, since starting in T3 (with 5-7 LD each turn) you're most likely saving high cards.
  24. I just wanted to add the numbers of Lucid Dream. After 10.000.000 simulations: Preconditions: 6 Lucid Dreams each turn. Probably you'll start with 4-5 in turn 1, but after summoning in turns 2-3-4 it should compensate. 1 Stitched together bringing one card back each turn only if the card is bigger than 7. Your average flip at the beginning of each turn: T2: 7.45 T3: 7.78 T4: 8.08 T5: 8.39 So starting at turn 4, your models will effectively have +1 at all duels (this is not exactly like that, but an approximation). With 2 Stitched together you can set aside a severe every turn just to use it with Gamble Your Life and still have the same benefits. Even if this doesn't sound impressive, wait until I get the percentage of severes in the deck...
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