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Everything posted by retnab

  1. I'm still hoping The Council eventually does get around to jailbreaking him so we can get him in TOS (riding the Leviathan like the badass he is in the fluff maybe?), though with them getting last place in Homefront I'm not holding my breath Am I sad Ramos isn't in the Arcanists anymore? Yeah, especially since he's one of my favourites to play and one of my original two purchases. However, the fact that he's still playable makes that a lot better IMO and I 100% will be playing him still. And let's be honest, the VAST majority of us don't do official Wyrd tournaments, just casual play or local tourneys, so for almost everyone the change is going to be pretty negligible, especially if you ask your henchmen / TO's to allow DMH masters in your local tourneys.
  2. So now that we know the cards for the Backdraft models, it seems like Kaeris is probably the biggest winner. Saboteurs look best in a G&D crew for backline shooters and card draw, an Fitz and the Golem just seem great at everything she wants! What are people planning on trying out first with her? Personally, I think Fitz is really going to make her Heat Wave build viable as right now my big problem with it is how squishy she is. Maybe this box will help get rid of my negative winrate with her xD
  3. And some people have Blackberries, which might as well be nothing as far as apps go
  4. Last we heard it was being boated out to Wyrd, no news since so we're on the late July / early Aug schedule given before until we hear otherwise
  5. Choo Choo, all aboard the hype train!
  6. As far as we know the shipping-out-to-us dates of late July / early Aug are still the current schedule. Since they've got to be boated out they're almost certainly on the water now, who knows beyond that though.
  7. The funny thing is I can't think of anything she really *needs*. Her problem isn't a lack of something, but just that the crews/models that are counters to her are HARD counters, and that's what holds her back. That said, one thing I've been wishlisting for are some kind of models that modify spells that are Ice Mirror'd through them (for example, the Ice Mirror'd model can take a damage to give the Action a ) but I don't know how realistic that is.
  8. Some kindhearted gentleman () got some pics of them at Origins here if you're on AWP! I like the barricades kit best personally, though those buildings are pretty nice too.
  9. It's getting its own app, hopefully at release but not sure.
  10. retnab

    M2E Ramos

    I'm more surprised about the 3ss cache >.> Do you find that's enough for you?
  11. retnab

    M2E Ramos

    We should probably keep wording and rules discussions in the rules forum, so as to not confuse future newbies. Anyone been playing Ramos lately? What have your lists been?
  12. Playtesting definitely does happen. Some things get through the cracks though, and I don't think anyone can say Nico in wave 1 had the same power level he did a week ago.
  13. I always found that turn 1 no matter if I have to pitch two severes for it I'm putting Armor on Sandeep. As @Tors said, once you add in the Steamfitter's extra two layers of protection it made him basically unkillable outside the entire enemy crew gunning for him, and as a ranged summoner I really think him being also tanky was over the top.
  14. retnab

    M2E Ramos

    Leviathan Power Core. I've found myself taking Joss less and less with Ramos and more with Ironsides, but that's just because Ramos' crew tends to already be so tanky. If you can protect Joss and heal him back up each time he reaches HtK, getting multiple Reactivates per game can make him a total monster.
  15. Emissary's pretty good outside the summon too, I hear. Just saying Ramos is definitely not without a cost, and that 25ss of prep is definitely not mandatory on Nico.
  16. Only one of those is required to summon. Plus, Ramos also has to pay to prep for summoning. Joss + Toolkit is a 13ss investment and requires you kill a model, or if you bring a Steamfitter it's 6ss and two cards from your hand each turn you don't have other Scrap.
  17. I mean, he's a summoner with a good 10" non- attack, he's not exactly screaming "front line master" outside his Gada. He basically didn't have a weakness before. Now he does, and hopefully that's enough to get tourney players back to playing other things instead of going 'Deep all day.
  18. Far from a big hit. ITW only matters if you're playing him aggressively (shame they didn't attach this or HtW to Moment of Weakness, but eh), and his Beacons now need 7's instead of 6's. The cache is the biggest hit for sure, but he does so much that honestly I'm totally okay with this. Plus, cool to see that 3 of the 4 most popularly voted options are what got used, so it's the changes the community wants!
  19. Very happy with the Sandeep changes, those are all very fair and should balance him out nicely
  20. Well they sure look fun! I hope if they get an alt sculpt that it's someone pretending to be a zombie
  21. Ironsides, 100%. I wasn't sure when I saw her card, but as soon as I got her on the board it clicked so well I've been rolling with her regularly ever since!
  22. What's wrong with the beautiful butterfly?
  23. I'm glad people liked the articles The prize for the Obsidian Gate event is a new Adjunct model for someone, so it seems like there definitely will be some new stuff from time to time (and a dual-Allegiance Commander is inherently a new model for that Allegiance too), but I agree that this is a really solid business plan. It also makes things way easier to balance, since you can only have one Envoy so you only have to worry about balancing new things in the Allegiance's pairs.
  24. Frozen Heart. Let me summon Cyclops and have a "cover the board in Ice Pillars" list!
  25. Sonnia could use an updating to include wave 5 stuff
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