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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Fluff-wise, the Emissaries are the evolved form of the Effigies. Yay Pokémon reference!
  2. Freman, you can. There's nothing rules-wise stopping you as they are different units and there are no other rules forbidding it.
  3. Probably Colette. I'm going Arcanists in mid-December and really love Colette's looks and playstyle.
  4. Exactly what KrazyIvan said. Ashes & Dust is being pre-released in plastic with this Black Friday sale. He is Leveticus's very best friend. Von Schill is the utility knife of Outcasts - not always the very best tool for the job but can do just about any job it needs to. His crew fits that description as well and you'll often use the Librarian and Trapper in many of your Outcast crews. Von Schill also gets along very well with Lazarus, whom Leveticus loves to have tagging along.
  5. But Jaakuna doesn't want your help saving her drowning child. She's lonely and wants you to join her. Forever. That model is saying the same thing, just in a different way!
  6. It's something that can be done and is remarkably frustrating to play against as a charge-heavy crew. Misaki with Disguised, one Oiran, two Ronin, Rusty Alyce, and Ashes & Dust brings you to 42. Add in Shang for 45, a couple upgrades as desired and there you go!
  7. Ebay has overly inflated prices on most things anyway. I got my Santana off of a trade on the facebook trade group retailing around $35. Sure, I've seen her sell outright for $50 or so on the same group but $122? Not even close. Talk to fellow gamers directly, there are bound to be Resser players who are after MsMourning and don't care about Barbaros.
  8. Super excited! I'm at the $150 level already, so we'll see about combining an order with a friend to hit the next tier.
  9. Joasht, the better ones and the ones with solid auras are. Lust - She's always amazing and the added movement tricks from Twist & Turn and (0) Driven By Injustice make her short range Now Kiss! ability more frequent. Boosting her aura from 6" to 7" adds even more range to a constant drain on resources for your opponent.Greed - Just plain good. Also has a short range ability that appreciates out-of-activation movement.Gluttony - Combines nicely with Crooked Men, force a double-dose of damage.Envy - Just solid overall in a marker-heavy pool.
  10. Selling the following: Leveticus, Avatar of Entropy - NIB - $30Ten Thunders Brothers - NIB - SOLDShipping rates: USA - $4International - $9Also open to Trades. Looking for the following: Pale, Dead, or Hooded Rider - PlasticVon Schill crew - Plastic
  11. I feel Misaki is much more at home with the Ten Thunders than she is with the Outcasts. Her primary goal is to be a skirmisher, harasser, and scalpel. She is limited by her inability to bypass basic defenses such as Armor, Incorporeal, Hard to Wound, and Hard to Kill as well as her relatively limited mobility (15" basic threat range). She is very accurate with a melee ability of 7, but her low minimum damage means that a negative flip or failing to do full damage (armor, incorporeal) really hurts her output. Her other issue is overall fragility - aside from a to Df flips when she's out of soulstones she has no defensive abilities against melee or casting actions and only Bulletproof +1 against shooting. Between Sensei Yu, Recalled Training, Misdirection, and the Shadow Effigy I feel she is better equipped for her job in Ten Thunders. Sensei Yu increases her threat range immensely and gives her Fast while he's at it. Misdirection, Recalled Training, and the Shadow Effigy help keep her alive while she's being a skirmisher, which also means it's easier for her to take the Stalking Bisento upgrade which also helps her damage output and mobility a great deal. In Outcasts, however, she does not have access to those things. She does gain access to a few notable upgrades: Oathkeeper, Survivalist, and Scout the Field. Scout the Field gets her some very useful added mobility at the start of each turn and it also lets her charge something without LoS once, which can be very helpful that one time you really need it in the game. Survivalist can help keep her on the board longer between Hard to Kill and to healing, but the two things that can heal her (Shang and the Librarian) have short casting ranges and she is often too far forward unless you purposefully hold her back and use her as a counter-charge threat rather than a forward skirmisher. I feel investing too much into Last Blossom models in Outcasts is a trap. While the smoke bombs and teleportation of minions from her Smoke & Shadows upgrade can be situationally useful, they require pre-planning, early activation, and mid-high Masks to use. Not to mention it takes up an upgrade slot. Further, the available Last Blossom models don't offer her too much in the Outcasts. Torakage are solid generalist models but the game tends to favor specialization over generalization. Oiran are pretty good for defensive positioning by luring your own models around, but rely on getting Crows in hand to do so. The new Jorogumo isn't necessarily bad, but Outcasts are certainly not lacking in 9ss beatstick models. What I have found most successful for me is to take a very solid backbone crew that can assist Misaki but does not rely on her in any way. A core of Hannah with I Pay Better upgrade, Freikorps Librarian, Freikorps Trapper, and Johan typically finds its way into nearly every crew I have with Misaki. I typically take Shang as well, as this gives another potential heal for Misaki as well as more card draw. From there it's a toss-up between Torakage, Oiran, Ronin, Void Wretches, Convict Gunslingers, Rusty Alyce, or other specialist models for a given task.
  12. I think people who complain about the list being out-activated or overly gimmicky haven't run it. You start the game with 8-9 activations just with the base crew and can easily maintain that 8+ activation trend. Leveticus, Waif 1, waif 2, Waif 3 (if summoned), Dead Rider, Mechanical Rider, Pale Rider, Hodgepodge Emissary, Hooded Rider. Now add in potential Mechanical Rider summons and Desolate Soul summons on future turns. Yes, Turn 1 you don't have an explosive start like some crews can (Viks, Sonnia, Raspy, etc). Turn 2 the momentum starts and Turn 3+ you're in full swing. Early losses of big-ticket models hurts, but that's fairly normal. Leveticus tends to take a few elite models over numerous midling ones anyway due to the two 0ss Waifs that come with him, so protecting your big guys during approach should already be a common tactic.
  13. No question about that. Once Pokey is out of range or dead, Hannah isn't casting that one. It also requires Hannah to activate before Blood. I'm typically ok with that, though. The Viks don't need Sisters in Fury; it's just amazingly delicious icing on the pain cake. I am ok playing 2ss down if I lose Pokey early for all the times SiF has paid off. When I'm playing zone control with the Viks then they'll be nearby enough for Hannah and generally in counter-charge positions. If I am aiming for a long-range missile, then she's far back enough to copy the ability. I particularly enjoy it for late Turn 1 missiles where my opponent pushed a little too far out of their deployment zone with a few things, thinking the small group is safe. In times like that, every hit really matters because you need to remove enough to make the sacrifice worthwhile. As with all things in Malifaux, personal preference, playstyle, and opportunity all matter. There have been games where I was never in position to copy Sisters in Fury and Blood really needed to activate first and have all three of her attacks, so the ability just never came up. But hey, outside of the Vik Missile I never really make huge use out of Synchronized Slaying either.
  14. Kofibrake - I don't think the shortage of activations would come into too much play. Granted, I haven't actually played the Rider list yet, but just in looking at it you'll start the game with 8-9 activations. Leveticus, Waif 1, Waif 2, Waif 3 (if summoned), Dead Rider, Pale Rider, Mechanical Rider, Hodgepodge Emissary, Hooded Rider. On Turn 2 you have 7-8 activations to start, but can gain more from Desolate Soul or Mech Rider summoning.
  15. Daniello, in your crew I'd be sorely tempted to remove the Librarian and pick up Lazarus for the Command Construct explosiveness. Do you feel you need the extra healing or Ca attacks from the Librarian? While the game isn't really made for fixed crew lists, I find I settle on the following Viktoria crew for nearly every situation. Granted, the goal of the crew is "kill all the things to stop them from scoring, and score your objectives as AP permits." Viktoria of Ashes - Synchronized Slaying, Sisters in SpiritViktoria of Blood - Sisters in Fury, Mark of Shez'uulStudent of ConflictHannah - I Pay BetterFreikorps LibrarianFreikorps TrapperJohanRoninI use Hannah as a force multiplier and zone control. With her Make a New Entry ability, she can copy the Librarian's attack or heal actions, Johan's condition removal, or Blood's Sisters in Fury. Because of the way Sisters in Fury is worded, Hannah does benefit from the +2 melee damage, pushing her to a terrifying 4/6b/8bb attached to a 3" melee range. Add in being able to Focus for the cost of a card and she can apply that Severe as needed. In that crew, the Viks themselves often become my scheme runners after carving a hole through my opponent's crew.
  16. Ah right, I forgot about the Desolation Engine. That's certainly a good one in the right situations.
  17. I would expect that outcome when playing Box vs. Box against Perdita. Tara is not a combat master; she is purely support. Her standard crew box gives very little for her to support, whereas Perdita & Family all specialize in murdering things. Sonnia is going to be a tough matchup for Void-heavy Tara simply because she ignores Incorporeal with her casting actions and blasts. Typically, in a 50ss match, I'll bring two beater models, Karina, two Void Wretches for scheme running and off-chance debuff, and whatever else I feel like will help my crew perform better. Beaters for Outcast Tara: KilljoyNothing BeastBishopTaelorHannahSupport & other killy crew members: Freikorps LibrarianFreikorps TrapperLust (mercenary)Convict GunslingersRoninSummons for Karina: Punk Zombie - Always a good use of +12 Guild Autopsy - 9 or higher. Great speed bump, decent gun, potential reactivate if opponent burns through their whole hand.Students of Steel, Viscera, and Sinew - More summons for 12-13 , but solid against their respective targets.Drowned - Decent in melee. Their "Finish the Job" does not work if the model dies while buried.
  18. But the Trapper removes key models just the same for 2ss less. Removing a key model at the top of Turn 1 is my favorite thing about them - Performers, Beckoners, Lilitu, Slop Haulers, totems, etc. Good stuff!
  19. Triggers happen after the primary part of the action is resolved, so you push the Beckoner after the lured model moves.
  20. Heya Kanser! Sanford is just down the road, I live in Raleigh! I'm not sure if you're familiar with Gamer's Armory, but it is a hobby shop right off of I-40 and across the street from Cary Town Mall (exit 291). Every Thursday is Malifaux night; we usually have 4-8 players showing up every week for games. You should come!
  21. Ototo can't cast the Smoke Bomb. Friendly minion Last Blossom models can take the action. Ototo does not gain the action from holding the upgrade, and as a henchman he cannot take the action either.
  22. Yep. Gonna need that Firestarter at the very least. She's way too awesome, even if I don't get her on the table too often.
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