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Everything posted by folletrap

  1. after the theme declaration I was sure that something related to Dr Who would be done. thanks for confirming my clairvoyant powers
  2. again not sure: pp35 of the small book: resolving actions: [...] The player begins announcing what Action the model is taking... So: player declares the action and model spend AP...usually tose concide. but with obey the two things split. (player of) zoraida declares the action by obey, the target performs it
  3. not sure: the Obeying model is declaring the action, not the one being obeyed, which happens to be the one Bewitched, so the target of the obey is not making a declaration to trigger the card draw in fact while under obey you don't spend your AP...and you don't spend AP because you don't declare (IMO) IMO bewitch is more a "control" action: it's thinked to reduces the opponent's choices not to make you draw all your deck . But maybe I'm wrong
  4. Wyrdos I need your help to resolve a doubt that emerged yesterday while gaming. Zoraida vs Seamus (great game btw ) Zoraide used "Bewitch" on a model and the use "Obey" on the same model. Is Zoraida allowed to draw 2 cards by bewitch? The doubt borns because Bewitch says that the model must "declare..." but with obey the model doesn't declare action Here the rules: Obey: target non-leader model immediately performs one (1) Action chosen and controlled by this model controller. A model which performed an Attack due to Obey may not be targeted by Obey again duiring the same activation. Bewitch: target enemy model gains the following condition until the end of it's next activation: "Bewitched: Every time this model declares a Walk, Charge or Attack Action wich was not generated by a Charge, the model which applied this condition may draw two cards"
  5. evry clever use of brewmaster. I really like the diorama!
  6. folletrap


    nice idea! cuteness is over 9,000!
  7. folletrap


    nicely done, i really like the freehand
  8. amazing! the tatoo, the mirror, the diorama....very very very good work!
  9. Is reference about toy story 3? poor Lotso...
  10. really like the purple one..not so much the pik:color seems too flat except for the socks. Do the ideograms on the bases mean the name of the models?
  11. too small to judge. get the general theme but no more
  12. nice paintjob, maybe it'd be better to use sand for the terrain (for a better zen feeling ) Btw, very good job!
  13. simple and effective. well done!
  14. I really like this work: so much (made in) Japan!
  15. at least you submitted your entry (not like who is writing... )
  16. I'm ashamed 'casuse i did'nt get the reference (thank you Sprectre for the link) Very good effet on the glasses, I don't like the red coat: seems too flat.
  17. folletrap

    Round 4

    well done, it's only seems to don't have that touch of "malifauxness" but, well, this is not required.
  18. good work, as other sad you should work more on NMM: you have the ability, improve it!
  19. Great work but I don't like the blue on the low part: it seems too flat. All the rest: WOW!!
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