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Everything posted by cetiken

  1. Is buy all the things not sufficent?
  2. Nice looking embasary. Don't worry about the guys crying about tone they are wrong. BTW, my fellow outcast player told me to tell you guys that he wants to buy it next week so you should seed up the production schedule. I assured him i'd pass the word along.
  3. I've seen cheat sheets for other RPGs that are basically a one or two page primer on how the core mechanics (such as AP and Duels and initiative) work. Has anyone got something similar for TTB? Edit: Taking the resounding silence as a lacking I have created a quick one for the game tonight. Ideally there would be info on duels but since the game is in 4 hours I think I'll focus on reading the adventure and walk them through that part. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByAFvcQLcBWcQ0pYaTlvVmRpWEE/view?usp=sharing
  4. I realize I'm nearly a week late, but if you have space I'm interested.
  5. Title says it all. How do i change my text color?
  6. I don't love the Arsenal Sheet in the back of Shifting Loyalties. Fortunately I have access to some software that lets me make one more my liking. You may also like it. If so, enjoy. Basic: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByAFvcQLcBWcWGtEcVo3T3UyYUU/view?usp=sharing Form Fillable: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByAFvcQLcBWcM3Jpb3ZrZkZQZU0/view?usp=sharing
  7. cetiken


    Is that an icesickle in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
  8. cetiken

    the bayou boss

    Greens too bright for my taste, but the hat and suit are nice!
  9. cetiken

    Teddy By Nao

    Care bear death monster fills me with a childlike joy. I'm sure freehanding that was no easy task.
  10. cetiken


    Great job. The base is clearly the standout but the rest of the mold holds up to scrutiny as well.
  11. cetiken

    bette Noir

    Beautiful. I like the colors and the shading is well executed.
  12. cetiken

    "Frozen" Raspy

    Now this is a conversion that works! I like the blues you used too.
  13. cetiken

    Blessed Of December

    Great freehand work and the snow base is good too.
  14. I'm not sold on the convesion. Some of the proportions seem off.
  15. cetiken

    Gremlin Web

    Love the base. The eyes and telescope lens don't impress nearly as much though.
  16. cetiken

    Performer - Front

    A bit of a cop out paining her eyes closed, eh? Not sure where she is either.
  17. cetiken


    I love how this model is telling a story. "Nekima visits the Honeypot" practically writes itself in your brain.
  18. Great execution on the lighting and contrast changes.
  19. cetiken

    C. Hoffman

    The perfect color scheme and shading. I'm not a huge fan of using gem effects for the goggles though.
  20. cetiken

    Santa Claws

    This guy really does love his job no mater the season. <3
  21. cetiken

    Izamu The Armor

    Good color choice. I do with the banners had a bit more going on.
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