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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. Counter-counter argument though, again, is that, much like Leveticus, once those things really hit the table for real people will figure out how to beat those things (wong and ulix, specifically). After all, Ophelia is out in plastic and I would certainly say that she does not wreck other crews to a significantly higher degree than say, a comparable master like Perdita (at the present time, anyway). Keep in mind that all this talk is highly speculative anyway - gremlins seem very strong, and they are, but on the table they somehow seem to be not so bad in some strange way - certainly manageable anyway. This game has a funny way of having an answer to any outrageous situation - trick is to find it.
  2. Sorry guys... but all you're doing is making me want to play gremlins more... hehe. I'm the asshole who always had to get kicked off GM Island in WoW and I'm the jerk who rerolls a faction just because they are the strongest. I seriously play games because I love to break games - I love the exploits and its stuff like that that has always gotten me excited. I'm not saying that I'm ever the best, but I'm always looking for the top tier stuff and always aiming for the most optimal builds. Listening to people talk about combos and the next hot crew configuration, all that stuff. If those things get patched or changed, then its off to the next best thing I go. Tweaking for efficient lists is one of the things I put the most effort into (I mostly blame Magic, mostly). It's stuff like Apocalypse rules in 40k that almost got me to want to play that hideous game. I want power!!! I want gremlins!!!
  3. You know those models that are just funny and can be used anywhere for a good laugh? Without a doubt, the most famous of these is the Warhammer Giant Fleeing Peasent who has photobombed more pics than any other model in the history of wargaming... ... case in point. I'm wondering if anyone else has found any really good exploitable models. Ones that already come to mind are the little fat kid from the nightmare teddy or the mooning gremlin. Anyone have any other ones?
  4. The wood work looks very clean. Solid entry.
  5. So that is why Lelu looks like that.
  6. I'd hit that, purple eyes or not.
  7. Haha... neat story. I was also confused at first... theme is not immediately apparent.
  8. Good details. The coat really draws your attention.
  9. Great cloth and water effects, in particular. All around solid entry and one of the best, at that.
  10. Okay, I take it back... THIS is my favorite mimic of the bunch. Very well done. Love it! Coming to my Freikorps crew soon! Liked.
  11. Favorite mimic of the bunch... I think. He's not surprising an unfortunate treasure hunter though!
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