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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. Serious question. I usually just narrow each faction down to the two masters I am most interested in = (most powerful + a backup to do what the main one cannot, usually) - I'm not sure why I would ever see myself choosing Justice over McMourning. He can hit hard - jump around like crazy and has a considerable amount of tricks - even when taking a similar crew (ie. the Guild trio of Frank, Judge and Sidir, for example - but pretty much anything seems alright). Also, Nurses. Tell me what I'm missing.
  2. Well, holy shit - I think I made a bunch of threads about this desperately searching for people in Western Canada a little while ago. When I'm in edmonton I'll drop you a PM. I'm from all over Sask. There's nothing in s'toon but regina has a small group from what I've been told. I might as well drive to chicago when it comes to meeting up in BC - but I'm definently interested in the Wet Coast GT if I can make it happen.
  3. No need for a test for me, either. I play dwarves/chaos dwarves and i've always had a thing for death korps. At first I thought I was just a sucker for expensive FW crap but actually I'm all about the artillery and gun lines. I want big tanks and even bigger guns. In Magic I played heavy into red and black decks. I despise blue. What's weird is that I don't like Rasputina/Sonnia/Perdita (ophelia's cool) and my two main masters are Levy/Daw. Levy is kind of half ass red and Daw is pretty blue - both with a twist of black. Malifaux has opened my eyes to a whole new way of playing games, maybe?
  4. With the plastic release I will have access to 5 different Collettes... I've had enough of her already. Some of the TtB stuff would make great models though - specifically the one that everyone thought was a grown up baby kade or even that hare from the last Chronicles.
  5. Question not answered - phrased in a different way - what do we get for winning (ie. prize format - other than qualification) and will there be a painting award? (overall - or for particular events?) >8) Thanks!
  6. I will repeat my original miss prediction months ago: Miss Understood - the emo ronin. Nightmare box will hopefully be Jack Daw - because I really don't like his plastic boxset. :/ More likely though - I really hope that it is neverborn lucius for reasons stated - or maybe a nightmare So'mer just because. Nightmare Rasputina would be sweet.
  7. Bang on for me! Its nice that someone else said it so I didn't have to. Honestly, I do a lot of research and have a game every now and then but i spend most of my time hobbying. Im not a gamer, painter, or modeler - I'm a hobbyist - I do it all. When I have free time I don't think "i should get a game in" - i look at my queued projects and give'r shit best I can. I have a hard time doing anything game related or reading fluff mostly because I'm too busy with the modeling aspect of it. Most people seem to get absorbed with the game - which I just see as a fun little bonus thing to do with your shinies - the real draw for me is the models and the possible crazy stuff I can do with them - from what I've seen though, you are correct. All the super crazy awesome people are doing 40k (which draws me in big time after seeing the display boards @ adepticon - consider me inspired). From what I've seen so far no one has really taken the hobbyist plunge into Malifaux the way the crazy 40k people have - I'm hoping that post-nationals @ nova open, people will be more inclined to go crazy with the hobby. Unfortunately/Fortunately, the Malifaux game is so good people would rather just focus their time playing it instead of getting their modeling done. TL;DR - No ones telling me I can't play my army. You silly vassal people should be painting your minis! Personally, I don't like the idea of factions at all - I play whatever masters I like - the gremlin faction is the only one where I seem to like almost all the masters in it.
  8. Thanks for the comment vike! Yeah... didn't really pay off in the scoring though - I got hammered by one judge. Oh well, can't please them all :/ Honestly, because of differences when comparing our styles of painting, I thought Crissy would hammer me the hardest in judging but actually she has consistently rated me higher than the other judges. Very interesting.
  9. I love that I can look at your stuff and say "yeah, that's SpiralingCadaver's stuff". I don't like effects when people just auto include them in their work because its expected (formulaic like "I must do 2 highlights + OSL + freehand to get a minimum 8/10 on CMON) but you are able to take lighting effects and make it defining part of your style. You're one of my favorite painters on the forums. I'm so scared of those slenderman ankles that I've decided to wait til its plastic to buy it so that it will be a bit stronger, myself.
  10. Is there a listing of the awards posted somewhere I missed? I noticed there is a painting requirement but no talk of a painting/modeling award. I'm just wondering if there is a listing of what all is being offered - ie. typical 1st, 2nd, 3rd(?) and painting - or what? Thanks.
  11. *looks around* No new model renders? *walks out*
  12. Honestly, when I look at this line-up - I am pumped for the event. I love the amount of different events being offered, even if others don't. You can tell that "fun" is taking a primary placement over "competition." We'll see if everything goes smoothly at the event itself and then with slight corrections I believe that this will be a great event to support a great vendor at a great convention. See all of you wyrdos there! >8) Question: I was told that Justin Gibbs is coming in full cosplay as a Shikome - nipple guards and all - is this true? Thanks.
  13. +1 to Victoria's suggestion - this is the method you can't go wrong with and I do the exact same thing. After years of Magic I have more 9-slot sleeves than any mortal man needs. If I am going to a tourney I carry my fate deck and crew/upgrade cards I will be using in a magic card deck case.
  14. Personally, I see no reason for fixed faction. I have no loyalties! I see no reason why I can't bring Perdita, Levy and Colette to the same tourney. >8)
  15. Its an interesting and kind of funny way of playing but its kind of like a gimmicky watered down version. I never really run From Ash - Levy's true power comes from 2 for 1'ing your opponent producing a scheme-capable roadbump. You can run Levy like a pseudo-seamus or pseudo-hoffman too but running levy like a levy is pretty hard to beat. If you do it and you are able to actually beat them then it would be great for trolling. I definently like the idea of beating Ramos with his own crew - fucking ramos...
  16. From what I have seen/experienced - Hamelin gains a good benefit from delivering KJ because it also allows him to get a head start on his summoning engine BS while the oponent is dealing with the monster distraction. Getting a solid turn 1 and 2 without too much interference gives Hamelin a great advantage. Much like any other Outcast master... you don't have to play completely in theme to get the most out of a master. I don't run "pure" builds for any master I dabble with, really ( and you can sprinkle Freikorps on any damn thing if you need a quick fix ). I know a lot of you guys are fluff bunnies but bringing deuce trappers/killjoy or any other crazyness instead of an entire crew of rats will only help your crew. Hamelin lacks big models with staying power... take them! (even if it means bringing a strange unfluffy choice like Strongarm).
  17. I found the comments sufficently entertaining and I have been reasonably distracted. Eric and Natham both have models but hopefully the incoming Justin model has nipple guards. I am willing to try this Gen Con format out before outright bashing it. I can see the reasoning behind the decisions from the format itself and CheatedFatesJoe's response reinforces those ideas. Maybe I am missing something and I am required to give it more thought before being pissed off about the format? I think I'll just play it instead and then make judgements on it, Post-Gen Con.
  18. I counter by asking: "Who actually fields Hans?" Also, I was thinking pathfinder/trappers when I made that statement - I should have been more specific.
  19. I like Justin's post a lot, actually - Malifaux is still growing and this assortment of events will give good insight into seeing what people like to play. I'm pretty easy going though and honestly don't care what I'm playing as long as I'm playing and having fun. Whatever the format or situation - I promise to try to skew, exploit, and manipulate it to the best of my ability - especially in unbalanced game formats, hope for favorable matchups, and see what happens. I expect anyone and everyone else to do the same. Then again, most people don't insist on wanting to pilot legacy goblins in multiplayer or field deuce hellcannons so I am pretty sure this is the part where I get flamed and zFiend laughs at me. I thought that 25ss enforcer brawl was a typo for 25ss henchman led - I would have liked that a lot! No worry about time constraints with those!
  20. I disagree with a lot of what you say, actually. However, I think your end suggestion of 2 gaining grounds and one of each others is (probably?) superior. Malifaux-proper should be the highlighted event. Multi- format qualifying makes the event much more interesting in my mind. Its like going to a Magic tourney and qualifying for either regular/draw/edh format - I think thats really awesome, actually. Chances are pretty good that one of the top four in gaining grounds will take the single elim anyway - so I don't see a problem, really. From what I've seen, I think Wyrd/tourney organizers put more thought, not less - into this event. Also, I've been hearing lots of discussion about wanting a multi-format qualifierin podcasts/community - I think this is a "listening to what the people want" type situation. Furthermore, at gen con you are probably not going to want to play Malifaux all weekend - there is so much to do. Multiple gaining grounds formats is a major time sink in a repetitive format. At least this way you can pick and choose what you want to do and invest whatever time in whatever format you want. Additionally, hyper competitiveness is always a small percentage of the total population of a gaming group. I think it just makes more sense to cater to the masses than it does to the top 4-8 players - who will probably suck it up and play anyway. It may not work for you, but there are going to be a lot of people who are going to love the way this event pans out. I have a feeling it will end up working out much better IRL then it looks on paper. It will certainly be more fun and less repetitive then slugging out a full weekend of nothing but 50ss GG games.
  21. Actually, I think that the height rules are janky and annoying. Height is always a difficult interaction that wastes time (tourney settings) and generally isn't worth it. I fully support a 2-D Justin Gibbs style of game. I never throw snipers in towers (I want them mobile for scheme marker dropping). From what I've seen most players do not like this, however, but I like a focus on simplicity of play to make things flow better. What I hate is when I see people ruling terrain in a skewed way to specifically give them an advantage (pigapult shooting gremlins on buildings, for example). You might say a good player would just bring appropriate models - and this is true (ama, valedictorian and watchers are great choices) - but more often than not that usually results in me playing a gimped game I'm no longer going to enjoy. 2D all the way.
  22. Attention to detail on the inside of his cloak for bonus points!
  23. My favorite horseman!... War, I mean... obviously Mech Rider is better.
  24. Reminds me I have Walking Dead to catch up on.
  25. Very solid entry... everything goes together so well!
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