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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. Done for the year, huh? I thought my Levy was pimp'n til I saw yours. I got the top hat on Levy (that you have on Schill) to compliment his pimp cane. You're right about Schill - I find he works best as support or VP denial with a "ragtag elite" crew tacked on top of a small Von Schill hit squad - JD can work the same way. The entire crew doesn't always have to be all freikorps or all tormented to be really good. Trapper x2 is never a bad thing. Also, if you're worried about waif hunting, double up on your anchors instead of having fatty double digit anchors - especially if you're forced into a scheme marker heavy game - perferably with some scary pull for deterence - hunters are king probably. Few people actually go after the waifs and there are also some good fatties that your opponent won't want to pull towards them, anyway (Howard). I just play Levy aggressively focusing on VP denial - as Levy you really need to aim to prevent your opponent from racing a 10VP game. If you try to play cagey you will lose Levy's innate advantage. Even if they do kill a waif or two they are investing a lot of time into it so it really isn't too bad of a thing to lose a waif late game provided your positioning is sufficient with the other waifs or a sac-jump. If I take out a key hitter at the expense of a waif, I'll still consider that a win. Do as much denial and disruption as possible as fast and as often as possible. If you want to play Levy defensively, you should just swap him out for JD instead - similar gameplay but in a passive way and your answer to an anti-kill marker-heavy scheme pool. I like your blog, I'd love to see more battle reports.
  2. To be fair the model does look to be fanning its wing while the other is not, judging by the shape of them... If you have ever seen bat wings they stretch quite far when they fan out. I am actually not bothered too much by this model since I think of it like that. /shrug
  3. Got my order Christmas Eve - nice gift to myself. The DE and rogue necro are amazing. Nekima makes me sad buuuuut Carver has a M2E card so yeeeeeay.
  4. I'll be the dissenting voice... She is a shocktroop type roadblock that draws all the attention and isn't worth the cost. She is a pricey show piece that can be easily and reliably countered. She rarely sees turn three... I've never been impressed. Good in hardcore >8) Kinda like Killjoy - you take her a few times to have fun then just opt for more efficient models afterwards. If you have to significantly cater your list to support a model who isn't your master then that's probably not a very effective choice, generally speaking.
  5. I did the same as Rathnard - didn't like the 50mm - just stuck her on a 30mm skull base with voodoo dolls dancing around fire tee hee
  6. @Johanmaul - Competitive fun and casual fun are just not compatible - I just simply refuse to believe it - these are conflicting modes of play. In a perfect world it would be great if they were but the fact is - if you are in a tournament and you are helping your opponent you are hurting yourself. These are two totally different mindsets. If your goal is to "be nice" and "have fun" you are not playing competitively. Of course you can say, "I can win without being deceptive and taking advantage of my opponent" - and that's nice, good for you - but in the end you are still handicapping yourself. And this isn't neccesarily a "douchebag" situation. I am extremely competitive but I am sociable enough to not come off as a snotty neckbeard. Pretend for a moment that you aren't " the nice guy gamer" - what if you are a hardcore tournament player who does all his research and is sick of scrubs showing up to a tournament asking a million questions and clearly having no idea what they are doing... in a masters tournament. Or maybe you're sick of those annoying casual players who intentionally play so stupid "for fun" that they give away free differential and you lose a spot because you've been playing all the conpetitive players in your matchups. Point is, if you think and play a particular way there is always going to be another particular type of person who you dislike. Your opponent is responsible for themself, you're not supposed to be looking out for them. A major part of deception that I do is that i seem so friendly and social that people don't really know that I am playing as cut throat as I am... and most of the time they never catch on. Taking advantage of that and punishing the opponent for their mistakes is what I find "fun" - a person who plays like this should not be automatically considered to be "tourney douchebag" just because he's not "playing nice." Chances are, that douchebag probably thinks of you as a casual scrub and this cycle of in-group stereotypical stupidity never ends.
  7. From a strictly competitive perspective - Kadeton and Moxypoo are very accurate. I would almost always prefer 4 aboms to one desolation engine except for in a very specific circumstance. This is one of those "there are just simply better options" situations... for the most part. Reckoning or turf war in Flank or (especially!) in Close Deployment would definently have me giving this hire an extra thought, though. If you want one, hire it - you will almost certainly not be able to summon it unless you spend a lot of effort specifically trying to do so - and if that is the case then you are probably neglecting what you are supposed to be doing - the abom split upon death makes up for the cost. If you are in a position to go ahead and summon one then chances are you are winning anyway. Also, board position (or presence in this case) is big and like I said, extra activations are huge - do you want four models or one? Now - pretend I didn't say any of that shit... if you are playing henchman led crews and you choose Rusty as your leader (as you should) - then a DE should be one of your highest considerations. That shit is amazing When I first started playing this game I came from a Magic background - Levy was my first master and in M2E he is one of my mains. I'm sure its because he exemplifies two of the most important considerations in Magic - controlling tempo and board control. Also, If Levy's crew was a deck - they'd be black and playing suicide... which is baaaaaadaaaaassss. Soon as I realized that, along with that ridiculous hiring pool, I knew this would be my main man (and henchlady, as it turns out).
  8. At $25 I'm okay with the situation. Having said that... I'll be using this as a female alt Neph/Barb. It does combo well with the appearence of Lilith now though. No comparison to the metal model though.. I always laugh at how many "oh no... metals!!!" comments. Pinned and seated the joints can be damn strong, with minimal if any breaks - how are you guys building these things? I suspect people aren't doing it right or have little experience with metal models (?) or maybe I'm just used to it since once upon a time you didn't have a choice anyway The hate for metal models in the Wyrd community certaintly seems disproportionate to opinions in other game systems... But annnnnnnywaaaaaaay... the original nekima is so damn nice I didn't see this one living up to it anyway and I am a sucker for alts so I can pout all I want but in the end I would have bought it anyway FYI - I have no problem saying that I primarily bought it because of bust size. Some more nude sculpts are cooooooool with me
  9. Why do you think Austringers haven't seen plastics yet? >8) Leveticus took them prisoner in 1.5 and decided to never give them back.
  10. The new hench(wo)men are Dr. Grimwell for Asylum and Angeleyes (Angel Eyes?) for the Wretches (half human/half neverborn). Merc is cool buuuuut I still really hope Asylum is tormented... If a nurse is tormented you best believe the asylum crew is! (please? ) I have a feeling that masters will rotate out to keep things fresh as time goes on and the henchpeeps level up (some, not all). Of course, you can always play "classic" with original masters with a disclaimer that you can only use a model in its "master" or "henchman" form. These are my thoughts. Also, Von Schtook is clearly a professor by day but at night he moonlights asssssssss..... ... Leveticus! (PLOT TWIST!) You heard it here first!
  11. Pretty sure the nurse that was discussed will not be the nurse looking character in the Chronicles. Judging from the Chronicles article she is definently tormented... but iirc their names aren't the same and Gibbs said she would be a "Nurse Ratchet" type character. I can't remember her actual name though for some reason. Tormentors is close enough... to tormented imo - JD needs more friends! EDIT: The Asylum characters are: Dr. Grimwell, Nurse Hartswell, deuce orderlies. Mos Def tormented Pleeeeaaaase. For neverborn its bloodwretches, scion of black blood, and angeleyes (just need a blonde now lol) btw
  12. I wasn't going to ask because I was just going to wait til the models are released but this question is burning in my mind and I'm excited about it. Sooooooo the Guild Asylum henchman and his minions... they'll have the keyword "Tormented", won't they? If not, can you make it that way? Pretty please.
  13. I am shocked to see Hateful Darkblack not even mention Hanged... I heard TWPP where you said you hated them but you can't just leave them out like that With Lady and Hanged you have more than enough rabbits for your opponent to chase while you do stuff that is relevant. Models like trappers, hanged, and lady are great just to suck up APs. BTW And off topic but JD is amazing at spring the trap... with all that Finish the Job its easy mode - the crooked can do it itself like a champ.
  14. Kadeton makes good points - It sucks to say but Killjoy doesn't seem to be the ace in the hole that he looks like he is. I've had more luck with the Engine, honestly.
  15. You seem to "suffer" from the same taste I have. I really like sharp distinct highlighting and contrasts in a more "drawn" or comicbooky style for most models - any models that are predominately metal, wood, cloth, or fur I make more realistic though. This probably has a lot to do with me sucking at painting flesh, lol. Apparently this is "the wrong way to do it" according to painting snobs but I like really busy models not those "proper" ones that are the appropriate amount of detail and lighting and blah blah. I want models to grab my attention, more freehand, more guts, more battle damage, more sharp highlights! Busy busy busy... I never understood why people say "don't disperse the focus over the whole model - focus attention towards the face" or whatever else - make the whole model pop! Your stuff is fresh compared to all the typical tedious and boring stuff you see. I see so many models that make me go "wow that's well done... but boring as hell or easily forgettable." Oh gee, another OSL model, wow look at all that blending and like whatever else the artsy fartsy community considers to be "proper." I'm not a snobby critic by any means but I personally think your style is great, please don't change it to appease the status quo.
  16. I didn't intend this to be a "which is better" plastic vs metal post - my focus is on the "I absolutely will never buy a metal" mentality. I get the impression this comes from the newer crowd of gamers who aren't used to them, but not always I guess. From what I've experienced before, most people are just simply indifferent. I just hear a lot of "I'll wait for plastics" that I don't hear in other games or pretty much at all in the past. Besides, I'd rather pin a metal model than take off the mold lines and assemble a 53 piece plastic model. As far as robustness, If you use a combination of greenstuff, pinning and super glue - the seating of parts are very secure and practically permanent. If you do it properly the joints will be very strong and you should have minimal breakage. Metal is easier and faster to clean up and assemble. Also, plastic breaks are difficult to fix and permanent. Metal bends and the sculpts are more together not to mention the heft makes tip-overs and drops less likely if anything. You don't have to throw them around and bang them while drunk to damage them... those little thin plastic pieces can be damaged from the slightest mishandling or taking them in-out of foam cases or just nicked with a fingernail or a small bend.
  17. Personally, if you post your pics on the internets, I feel that you are at the mercy of the public and the internets can be a scary place - not a very good place to get an ego boost that's for sure. I know when I look at models its to get inspiration and I often go in with a "what would I change about it" mentality so that may factor into it - if others are the same way. I know what I'm good at and what I'm not good at so putting a "I didn't even attempt to blend because it takes too long and I game with these models, so I went with a sharp cartoony kinda look" disclaimer or similar would be a good step - and that's the responsibility of the OP. Basically, expect criticism and don't post if you're sensitive, pretty much.
  18. To build on what Enternalvoid said - elements of the game discussed in the deception article is stuff that you are going to be bound to run into sooner or later. As the game becomes more competitive and brings in more competitive players the game will shift to being comfortable and fun on one side of the line and competitive amd cut throat on the other side. The game is still being "figured out", like how some podcasters refer to it as being in a sophomore stage. When the highly competitive number crunchers come to play, the tight-knit friendly Malifaux community will have to be ready for it, or take an inevitable bavkseat. In highly competitive atmospheres every single advantage or loophole or exploit will be used, if possible. That articles does a good job of highlighting some of that. To say "I want tournaments to be fair and relaxed and to put most emphasis on fun and competitiveness second" is not a tournament mentality. Achievement league and Story Encounter is the time to have "fun." The competitive, cut-throatedness of tournament setting is what the power gamers find "fun", which is, of course, in direct conflict with the "fun" of the casual gamer. Play filthy, measure precisely, bluff and read tells, call out your opponent on any mistakes, run around the tables and make note of what is on who's tray (peek in them foam bags if the leave them open), and take all advantages you can get - with the coming of events like Masters GT's and National Championships you better believe the neckbeards won't be far behind. Besides, you can always find comfort in the fact that no one likes us dirty cheesy powergamers anyway, so you can "play as mean" as you want with them and not feel bad about it
  19. Waaaaaait a tick... if we were to have a Levy mirror match at Adepticon would you still try to assassinate Levy and make him into an abom? If you actually pulled that off against me I'd quit the game. Of course, according to the rules, I don't think its possible, correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. Basically, I am just wondering about the degree of conservativism pertaining to this topic. I acknowledge the "no metal model available", "can't find metal", or "I like sculpt better" argument - but, I mean, if you were really waiting until primordial magic or soulstone miners are plastic before you buy them, you're probably doing something wrong Also, 50% (!!!) off on metal models during Black Friday is huge and I can't see a lot of people sticking to their guns when you can get get something like a Widow Weaver for like 4$ (oooooor not, as it seems ) or pick up a Pigapult or Nekima for half. Also, not sure how other people utilize there gaming materials, but at home I have a premium game table with premium terrain and I use premium crews. Buuuuuuut if I go to the game store I whip out dry-brushed to hell JD or creepy old "pimp" Levy (thanks to hats of malifaux ) and some terraclips. Basically what I am getting at is - using a crew of more robust and solid minis (when possible), or just proxies, for games away from home or a loooooong distance away is what I try to do so if a breakage happens I don't instantly lose my shit... just a thought. I hear a lot of "i'm waiting til plastics" that may or may not be warranted... I dunno guys, do you really think a 30+ piece peacekeeper is going to be that much better than the current metal one? (or look that much better) I also consider things like aesthetics, don't get me wrong, but as mentioned, that's not always the case and that fishing gremlin ain't never leaving the house if I can help it. Where do you really stand on this argument?
  21. This is awesome - not in tournaments for me but I'll post if it happens.
  22. I am reading these comments and every single time I see mention of the hanged as being "not that bad of a model" I shake my head. Clearly you haven't played against Hanged in a JD crew. When declaring outcasts, your opponent won't be as prone to auto-include condition removal as when you declare ressers, as well. If you're looking for a more aggressive elite Daw crew, take hangedx2+trapperx2 and ama... On the same note - I don't believe singular models are nearly as scary as the combination of "filthy" models... For example, Hanged, Illuminated, Slop Haulers, Riders, are filthy "on card" or when talking Theoryfaux... 4xStitched+2xIlluminated or Teddy+metal gamin or Hanged+ama are filthy in the game itself... I play ultra-cheese and would never "not take a model because its too good" - call it filthy or bad taste but you best believe I will choose the best most powerful and most appropriate model all the time, every time. I don't get complaints usually either... its more "wow that looks solid and i'd love to try that out" not "screw that this game is broken." "Can I fit deuce trappers in this list" is often my first thought when deciding crew The reason Levi is so strong, imo, isn't even for the reasons mentioned - "one man apocaylpse " is his thing - that's just what he does. The reason is a combination of being an aggressive master (control the tempo) who has a large hiring pool. Take advantage of that hiring pool to get the best results and tailor make your list the best you can ( provided that you are actually capable of playing those models to a sufficient degree )
  23. But MD - don't you know all of your guild constructs are belong to Leveticus anyway? When he says that its okay, only then may you have them
  24. McMourning vs Ramos vs Leveticus - Geriatric Royale Rumble? A starter box for old folks homes - that's basically a completely untapped gaming demographic for miniwargames
  25. I find the extremely stereotypical humor to be perfectly "gremlin-like" due to their affinity for mimicry. When someone who is very ignorant or just ridiculously silly tries to copy the attitude or characteristics of another, they tend to over exaggerate them. Therefore, it seems perfectly suitable (or at least a good excuse) for the gremlins to act in this way. Having said that, I am a person who is difficult to offend, so there's that too
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