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Everything posted by PanzerHarris

  1. Loved the event. I've said on Twitter that it was the most fun gaming weekend I've ever had and I stand by that. The match up process will never satisfy everyone. Just a quick read of this thread confirms that! The one we had was fine and worked well - if there's going to be a change then it should be one that's put through some testing rather than theoryfaux. ? I would like to have seen some distinction made between club teams and 'national' teams when it came to trophies. No disrespect intended and I genuinely congratulate them on their win, but Trump Card was made up of the best US players. All the top UK players were either judging or playing with their clubmates. There wasn't a UK version of Trump Card to give them a real run for their money. There will be next year I'm told, but that just decreases the chances for the club teams and it would be cool to have something to compete for if you'd rather play with for Leicester or Yorkshire than form a super team and play for the UK or US. Again, not dissing national teams in any way. Going 5-0 is still a heck of an achievement and playing national teams is a real draw for the event. Just my thoughts.
  2. See you there pig lad.
  3. I'm already in, so if you want to message Mike and Graham feel free. ?
  4. If a ticket comes up I'll be able to fix two problems with one stone - will take it and have a 7-table stash of terrain!
  5. @PositronMike we've had a dropout so if you're still interested, you're up! ?
  6. As the title says, anyone got a nightmare Tara crew that they're willing to part with please? Would prefer new on sprue. UK based if that matters for shipping costs.
  7. Whereabouts are you? Can potentially help you out with a new on sprue model.
  8. I'm going to go slightly left field and opt for Marcus. There's a lot of terrain that could slow down and block off other Masters and their crews, but the Beastmaster isn't phased by such trivial matters! Marcus (Trail of the Gods, Feral Instincts, Hunger Cry) Jackalope Myranda (Imbued Energies) Sabretooth Cerberus (Imbued Energies) Sabretooth Cerberus (Imbued Energies) Angelica (Practised Production) Night Terror Night Terror Malifaux Raptor 9 models, cache of 4 This crew is possibly the least subtle one I've put together in a long time. The reach of the Cerberus is enough to cause sleepless nights - 5" push from Angelica, 5" Imbued Energies walk, 7" Leap, 7" charge, 1" melee range. 25" threat range. Unimpeded. And there's two of them. Three if needs be. I'm confident that whoever the opposing Master is, they're going to end up in a big cat's stomach. Practiced Production makes Dig Their Graves ridiculously easy, particularly with this much hitting power and this much speed. Add Marcus with his 8" walk and charge. Pain time. Covert Breakthrough or Claim Jump can be accomplished via the Raptor and Practiced Production, or the Cerberus and Marcus if they end up with AP to spare. If Myranda went for the Blessed of December option then that model can easily accomplish Claim Jump by itself (marker, unsuited Leap, marker). Recover Evidence probably isn't a great take. Ten Thunders can make it very difficult for you to interact in a certain place if they want you to. 10T Brothers in particular are sods. For that reason I'm not exactly heartbroken that this crew doesn't like it. For Extraction, I'm relying on Angelica and the Night Terrors making use of cover to keep contesting, plus the hunting beasts. The Night Terrors are, believe it or not, Minions. They also take at least 2, possibly 3, AP to get rid of. In this crew there are much more pressing threats for the opponent to be dealing with! 10 Thunders in general have all the positive flips available to them. They have good stats and will probably have good cards. That's why 3-headed Cerberus are good choices to hunt them down because they also have good stats and positive flips, and high minimum damage to help with defensive abilities. Using Marcus' combo of make the enemy a Beast / Domesticate can lock down a model per turn or at least nullify its bonuses. Plus with a 4/4/6 damage track courtesy of Trail of the Gods, he's also quite happy knocking lumps off things. The crew does rely on getting the first hits in, as it isn't particularly resilient. However, having used it a lot, that's generally not a problem with the enormous threat ranges, Leaps and Unimpeded that it has. That plays even more into its hands with Extraction as the opponent has to come forward and contest the Informant marker. Anyway. I've rambled on enough!
  9. Oxfordian Mages do it for me. Furious Cast, Ca6, ignore armour trigger is built in if they're standing next up a friend. Which they should be. These guys are the first names on the team sheet for me with Ironsides, Sandeep and Kaeris because they're so versatile. Ignore armour, slow, push or burning depending on the target.
  10. I'm currently having a blast experimenting and throwing models on the table regardless of Internet opinion. Running double Ice Golem with Ramos has proven to be hilariously effective in Turf War / Extraction, for example. The only model I can't justify giving more than the one game he's had is Mouse. Seriously. What on earth is he supposed to be? He doesn't play like the spymaster of his fluff and he sure as heck isn't worth 4SS. Heretical though this may seem to some, I played a handful of games with Mei Feng and can't ever see myself adding to the tally. If I want a beater Ironsides or Marcus do it so much better. You want mobility, Kaeris or Colette get the nod. Buffs? Ramos, Ironsides and Sandeep. Denial? Rasputina. All rounder? Sandeep. I just don't see a role for her and I found one for Kaeris.
  11. And that, quite incredibly, is a sell out! I'm blown away - huge thanks to everyone who's bought a ticket! If you want to go on the stand by list please post here or drop me a line, and I'll pass tickets across accordingly if there are drops.
  12. Me too. I like my kneecaps where they are and intact! ?
  13. Cheers guys! Be great to see you again. Prize packs are on order so we'll have a well stocked raffle at the end as well.
  14. Entrants List 1. Matt Ledgerwood 2. Joel Henry 3. Ben Halford 4. Chris Donaldson 5. Adam Hutchinson 6. Richard Matthews 7. Rich Bream 8. Mike Jenkins 9. Troy Ashdown 10. Marcus Rose 11. Ross Baker 12. Mike Marshall 13. Rory Carter 14. Matt Spooner 15. Tom Skitt 16. Scott Peden 17. Johnny Donaldson 18. Tom Martin 19. AJ Barr 20. Tobias Dracup 21. Josh Leak 22. Graham Bursnell 23. Tim Britton 24. Lukasz Rozanski 25. George Hollingdale 26. Stuart Snares 27. Craig Woods 28. Karl McConnell Reserves 1. Alex Hill 2. James Doxey 3. Jamie Varney
  15. Aloha! I'm very pleased to announce the next Warzone Northampton event, No Faux King Clue, will run on Sunday 4th June at the shop in Northampton. Warzone Northampton Gold Street Mews Gold Street Northampton NN1 1RA Recommended parking is in the St Peters Square car park, off St Peters Way and Horse Market. It's free all day on Sundays and a very short walk away - head to the top of the car park and there's a street just to the right of Argos that brings you onto Gold Street. Turn left, Gold Street Mews is a few yards down the street on your left. There will be 3 rounds at 50SS, starting at 10am. We will be playing; - Turf War, Corner deployment - Collect the Bounty, Flank deployment - Squatters Rights, Standard deployment There will be 28 tickets for sale, at £10 each. To buy your ticket go through this link (or cut and paste it); http://paypal.me/panzerharris/10 Lunch isn't included but we're right in Northampton town centre, so there's pretty much everything you can think of and it's very close by. You can play either standard fixed faction, or Trinity. To play Trinity, you declare 3 Masters at the start of the event. These Masters can be from any combination of factions. Dual Masters must choose a faction. For example, you could have Collodi, Som'er Teeth, and McCabe (10 Thunders), or Lilith, McMourning (Guild), and McMourning (Ressers). At the declare faction stage of each game, you have to declare your 3 Masters but not which one you plan to use. The painting competition will be best single Malifaux miniature. You can do what you like in terms of scenic bases, display boards, conversions and so on - let your imagination run riot! We will be laying on the usual spread of prizes; - 1st, 2nd and 3rd gaming - 1st, 2nd and 3rd painting - Best Sports - Best Loser (last place!) - Best in Faction awards Any question, please feel free to ask. And hopefully, see you on the 4th!
  16. Death Marshalls are your friend. Granted, locally Frame for Murder is known as the Panzer Handicap because I nearly always give away points, but boxing a model and running the Death Marshall away is an entirely viable tactic. One of my favourite games involved me doing this to a Langston - Death Marshall put him in a box and ran away, forcing Ramos to try and hunt him down. Last turn possible, the Death Marshall doesn't quite get out of range and Ramos kills him. I reveal Frame for Murder on the Death Marshall for 3VPs and my opponent was... unimpressed. Especially as Langston now didn't have enough time to get back in the fight. Equally good denial is using the Emissary and a well-placed Scheme Marker to dump the Frame model way out of position. Or, if you think you can get 3 points for your equivalent scheme, just kill it with an Enforcer, Minion or Peon to only concede 2. That puts you 1 up and personally I'm happy with that these days.
  17. Has anyone else taken inspiration from Justin Gibbs' Before We Begin and tried Ice Golems sitting just in front of Ramos with Field Generator and Under Pressure? With a Metal Gamin nearby? Df6 Ice Golem with a pos flip on defence and pos flips to attack from Ramos, and potentially spiders clinging to the enemy to reduce their Df, has proven to be downright hilarious so far. And that's without getting into Brass Arachnid Reactivate fun. Arcanists as a faction have so many tools there's usually one for anything. Even retooling Ice Golems. That's certainly been my experience since making the jump from Guild.
  18. Grilled chicken and pesto hot sandwich please. If they can sneak some cheese in there too would be much appreciated! ?
  19. The other two are Ben Harris and Chris Donaldson - I'm driving so Chris is buying the tickets. ?
  20. Quick tweak to the entrants list - space was found to bring in the reserves as well, so assuming everyone's able to attend, we're at 28 players and the magic 100 rankings points. No pressure or anything...
  21. Question 1 For the record I think that this is more of a Colette pool than an Ironsides one. But hey. I'd use something like; Ironsides (Frontline Leadership, Iron Determination, Seize the Day) Arcane Emissary (Ironclad Conflux) Angelica (Practised Production) Shasta Vidiya Guard (Imbued Energies) Johan (Imbued Energies) Wind Gamin Wind Gamin Wind Gamin Personally I find Arcane Emissary an auto take with Ironsides. He gives her Adrenaline, she gives him risk free 10" pulls across the table. That and the fact that the Emissary is an incredibly versatile model. Love me some Bullocks. Especially when he charges in and clears away the enemy Claim Jump / Dig Their Graves markers. Angelica is there for extra pushes early doors and potential Claim Jump or Dig Their Graves markers later on. Shasta Vidiya Guards and Johan with Hand Picked Men is a brutal combination. Johan is normally double positive to attack, single positive to damage, with a 3/4/6 spread. Putting the Guard and their huge array of triggers on positive flips is amazing, and a 2/4/6 spread on positives to damage is a beautiful thing. Wind Gamin are probably in the crosshairs for a summer cuddle and rightly so, but in the meantime enjoy them while you can. Extra attacks even if you miss, they don't die so don't count for Dig Their Graves, and they can Leap, not to mention that huge push when they die. They do so enjoy Tail 'Em too. Not sure the opposing faction would give me pause for thought. I'd be pretty confident that crew could deal with all comers by offering enough variation and hitting power. Terrain could change things. If it's a 'Guild friendly' table then the Oxfordian Mages may well get the nod as they won't have to move much exposed to the enemy crew. What they would replace would depend on enemy faction choice. Question 2 I've not actually seen anything from Ironsides that makes me scream 'that's broken filth!!!'. What makes her strong (and I've thought that even before the errata) is all the various ways she makes her crew better. *Deep breath* A Ca7 Lure to bring models into range for your crew. Positive flips for the Oxfordian Mages Wp who can buff the bejeezus out of her. Hand Picked Men. A tank to grind out the models you don't want to risk the rest of your crew on (I'm sure you've all seen the maths on Langston attacking her and dying first thanks to Nice Shot My Turn). Then there's the AP efficiency. Starting with one or two Adrenaline you can easily chain 2AP into 3 attacks, at least one of which will be at a 4/5/7 track. Yes, she can break face when she needs to, and for some reason there is a lot of sulking when models get killed by her.
  22. OK, final preparations underway. My painting desk is currently a sea of resin walls, MDF bridges and plastic mausoleums... Trophies have been ordered. We have big shiny trophies for 1/2/3 in both gaming and painting, and a trophy for best sports. Also on the way are engraved medals for best loser and all the best in factions. If everyone who has volunteered to bring terrain could please throw a table's worth in the car with them, it would be much appreciated. I'd much rather have too much than too little! Thanks for coming, and I look forward to welcoming you to sunny Northampton (note - sun not guaranteed, and Northampton frankly nicer in the dark) on Sunday!
  23. The Dirty Dozen I've just bought for; Ben Harris Joel Henry Johnny Donaldson Chris Donaldson Peter Shepherd Adam Hutchinson Graham Bursnell Alessandro Zaramella Ben Halford Brooks Martin Dan Humpage Richard Miller
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