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Everything posted by Mutter

  1. I just recently got it second-hand (still unpunched, though) to use some of the models for Malifaux (Nurse, Hooded Rider for Zoraida, etc.). Love the minis and would be keen to get my hands on some of the later expansions. So, yeah, would probably buy. Might even try the game some day. ^^
  2. It's the post right above mone, where Nikodemus suggests using the Emissary and Chiaki to give Yan Lo an easy Fast ... In general, I'd agree, but especially in the first round, most other models wouldn't be that critical. And using Yan Lo with Hunpo Assault twice could put him really way out front. Probably wouldn't mind a bit of extra security. Plus, after recent games, I might even consider bringing two Terracottas ...
  3. Could you not give Chiaki Ancient Protection first and then transfer both AP and Fast to Yan Lo? That way, you could Hunpo Assault twice, possbly with Ml 6 (if Emissary is in the crew as well) and to both attacks and damages, and then be protected for the rest of the turn by Ash Ascendant, Recalled Training and Ancient Protection. That would be one tough old bugger to kill ...
  4. Depends. With Endless Hunger, it's Terrifying (All).
  5. Thanks for the battle report, easy to follow and very enjoyable. And yes, hemmed victims don't count, same as models dying from poison, burning, etc.
  6. Think somebody here used the Puppet Wars version of the Hooded Rider in Malifaux on a 50mm base ... Very cute.
  7. Just as an update, I started making those for my TT and NB, and decided to make a generic set for all factions:
  8. These are the ones I built before the official ones came out. I still want to get the real ones, but I have no inclination to smash them on the tiny bases and transporting them will be a pain, too. :-/ Gorgeous models, but really wish they had the same scaling issues the Mounted Guards had ...
  9. A pity that this was skewed so much by the Commanding Presence mistake. But apart from that, it was a joy seeing Lucius in action, and yeah, another vote for more of him in the future. But either way, thanks for a very entertaining report ...
  10. Here are some topics where something similar was discussed. Some good insight in those. McCabe came up most often (I personally played him for a while with three Joroumo ... ^^)
  11. Cool report, as always. Thanks for the splendid effort. And I like that you're mixing Lilith in with the Puppet(eer).
  12. Here's another thank-you for an easy to follow and very enjoyable battle report. Looking forward to your Resurrectionists.
  13. With Spirit Beacon, she can get a lot more than 1 Seishin per round ...
  14. But Illuminated with the Brutal Effigy buff and possibly +1 armor or +1 defensive are really, really hard to take down.
  15. It's pretty similar to the Doppelganger, so first thing that comes to mind is Nekima's sword ... ^^ *edit: Seen as you can also copy (0)s and (2)s, maybe there are some things not yet explored with the Doppelganger. I assume one could copy Spawn Mother's Lay Eggs and then hatch both eggs with one Will'o? That'd be neat, two Gupps turn 1 ...
  16. "The Belle Brigade" is a very pretty name ...
  17. Yeah, I love me some Stitched Together in a TT Lynch crew with the Shadow Emissary & a Monk of Low River for some healing ...
  18. Damn ... You're right, that's a trap I keep walking into. But still, it seems like a fairly powerful ability, saving tons of AP. Maybe Morty would be worth it if one was to use Fresh Meat fairly aggressively ... Something to ponder, I guess.
  19. I actually totally forgot about Fresh Meat. The way it is written (not 'other Undead models') I assume Mortimer can use the Wk himself, too, right? @ClementYeah, I milked that thread for all it's worth ... It might actually be the one that started my recent interest in Nico again.
  20. While eyeing up my growing Rezzer collection and thinking about finally getting Nico to the table, I've stumbled on the 'corpse-conundrum'. Do I include stuff to create corpse markers starting turn 1 to make use of Nico as s summoner, or do I really on people succumbing (my own and my opponent's) to provide for them? Reading up on Nico, it seems most people just include Mortimer and Corpse Bloat to get a sizable number of corpses. While this seems legit, something rubs me the wrong way about paying that many ss basically just for corpse markers. The way I see it, there seem to be very few ways of going about it: - Patience. Just don't include any corpse marker tech and wait for things to drop. Frees up some serious points for a beater like Izamu, and I guess if one were to include a couple of Belles, one could be fairly certain to at least get one opposing model close enough to bash its brains in and thus gain a corpse marker. This seems to be minority approach, though. Guess because it's counter-intuitive to how Nico seems to function? - Secondary corpse tech: I guess I could include something like two Canine Remains and hope for a couple of 9+ . Advantage would be that they are fairly good scheeme runners, too, so they don't seem wasted. Disadvantage is that Nico would need those same , so you basically create an artificial shortage of them. Something I'm loath to do. - Go the whole hog: Bring Mortimer, Corpse Bloat and I'd even include My Little Helper to get 3 corpse markers turn 1. Would have the advantage of having surplus Mindless Zombies if not all of them are used for summoning, never a bad thing. Would have to take good care of Mortimer, or else he'll perish quickly, but then that mightn't be such a big problem if I have 6+ corpse markers tun 2 (Carrion Emissary included). - Do something else entirely: I've been looking a possible alternative Corpse Bloat carriers, but pickings are slim. If only Izamu were a Henchman! He's be perfect. But possible candidates could be either the Valedictorian or Archie. Both have the advantage of being able to carry Take Back The Night, which might be cute (but I'm not too sure if it's really worth it). Archie is kinda cool, because he could potentially fling bits of himself at the enemy, damage them and THEN blow up the corpse marker with Corpse Bloat. But he's 13 stones, 16 with both upgrades. O.o So, yeah, long story short, not really sure how I should go about it ... Any clever ideas?
  21. Sorry, didn't mean to make it sound harsh, was just pressed for time. I myself have tried them together a couple of times, and found them ... ok. Not bad, but not quite as overwhelming as some others have found them to be. Still mean to try the combo with Lynch, seen as he makes the Gupps Leap much more reliable.
  22. There have been a couple of threads discussing their merits, above is just one of them. Short answer: yes.
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