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Everything posted by Gabbi

  1. Wait. I may be wrong, but... shouldn't the metal be exposed to air to develop rust..?
  2. Also, don't know Lucius so can't say how much use he could make of them, but Lynch would greatly love Beckoners.
  3. Feedback+ for Soul Puppet. Model arrived quick and in great shape. Thank you!
  4. It depends on how they're done. As an example, I do not like at all the current official offer for Warmahordes, and after a first set, to check them, I didn't purchased any other from PP as I think tokens from some 3rd parties are way better. One thing that Wyrd could easily do (due to producing miniatures in hard plastic on a sprue) is adding base inserts and even tokens directly on the sprues.
  5. Don't know about Wave 3 beta Avatar, nor I tried them in campaign, but I did like how they worked in 1.5. Albeit not every one being same power level, they were fun (loved the trigger mechanic) and quite thematic. This said, my only proxy atm is right an Avatar in place of an Emissary Not tried it yet, though. First, I'll have to assemble it, I suppose... Totally Agree
  6. Just received the Dreamer Avatar I plan to use in as Mysterious Emissary. Wanted to say how awesome this model is: great concept, full of character, great posture of the models (love Dreamer's attitude, and how Lord Chompy's fingers are positioned, both in the hand carrying the bed and the one resting on the ground). Very, very cool model. Well done, Wyrd! Well, maybe there's a more practical subject to use this thread for: a modeling suggestion. Since the "wall" section is resin and the rest is metal, would you think there could be any issue in the resin part bending due to the weight of the metal parts stuck to it? Any experience from those already owning the model? In case, any suggestion on how to strengthen and support it?
  7. Sorry if I'm a bit slow, but... £7,50 is just for shipping, or is it the model shipped? thanks in advance
  8. Interested in Lazarus. Is it assembled or on sprue? How much would cost sending to Italy? Thanks, g.
  9. I'll try one last time asking something here, as the section seems fuckin' dead... Anyhow, just wanted to know what others think about what the Doppleganger is handling: a towel, or her own skin? The picture on the box seems to suggest it's her own skin, but well... I don't know how this could render if I'll paint her all the same color. Maybe deciding it's a towel could be better, to have some different color on the model?
  10. Just got my Aionus (it's a long trip to Old Europe ) and was thinking on how to base him. Don't intend to go something as elaborate as the "official" one. As for now, I think wood planks would be a neat surface for a pendulum clock to rest on, but happily look at what's others have done
  11. Thanks for the suggestions.
  12. Seems odd that nobody started this discussion before... anyway, thoughts on using Aionus to lead a crew? (He's an Henchman). What models would you accompany to him? I own Convicted Gunslinger, Desperate Mercenary, Johan, Malifaux Child, and I was thinking if, by buying a spare couple more of models, I could be able to build a simple crew to teach games (that, given how "tricky" Aionus is, could be a bad idea).
  13. Not myself, but after I told a friend that bicarbonate can be used as accelerator for superglue he tried the trick and managed to solidify a whole bottle of superglue (the kind with brush-like applicator)
  14. Today I met with a friend to play Malifaux. I will not write a true battle report because I do not have details and photos of each round but will post pics with random comments instead. Let's start with my Crew list: Jakob Lynch (The Rising Sun), Hungering Darkness (Fears Given Form), 2x Illuminated, Depleted, Beckoner, Mr. Graves, Angel Eyes (Strange Alliances). Don't have friend's list, but he was using Von Schill with Hannah and Student of Conflict as Totem. Strategy: Reconnoiter Schemes: A Line in the Sand, Breakthrough, Bodyguard, Take Prisoner, Plant Explosives. I chose Bodyguard (Angel Eyes) and Take Prisoner (Von Schill). Table setup: At the top right Huggy, the Depleted and one Illuminated already disintegrated by my opponent. The game looks uphill ... At this point of the game I decide play more defensively and focus on scoring points via Reconnoiter and eventually the two Schemes. Huggy strikes back ! But I forget to reveal Bodyguard, so no points for Angel Eyes still alive in the 4th round... Von Schill is a tough opponent. His crew is though, punch a lot of firepower, can heal, and has castings able to blow Huggy in a couple of actions. He's a very strong Master. I really struggled against him. He felt almost unfair. Not saying he is, just how I felt. I have to learn to fight this crew, I suppose. I had eventually managed to end game in a draw. In fact, if we didn't flipped a 12 at the end of the 5th round, I might have even won. This game still amazes me on how everything could seem lost, but you can still try to win. Killing models is good, but won't win the game alone. So losing a bunch of modela early in the game doesn't necessarly mean the game is lost. Also, any comments and critics on anything I've written (or you can tell by the pics) would be very appreciated. Full post here: https://gabbigames.wordpress.com/2015/12/27/malifaux-neverborn-vs-outcasts-50ss/
  15. Since I'm not very fond of official Metal Gamin models, I've painted myself a proxy: It's a simple repaint of a Runetagged Brawler from Dreamblade. I find it perfect for the purpose: the runes carved in its body make it very arcanist-ish to me. More pics: https://gabbigames.wordpress.com/2015/12/26/metal-gamin/
  16. One question: how happened that the community became more serious? I used to enjoy the more funny posts, like the ones from Dirial or zFiend (among others)... I quite miss them now.
  17. Great news. I hoped for this solution to come true
  18. I've tried lots of 3-way games/scenarios for 2-players native games in the past (not Malifaux) and usually they didn't work as well as hoped. The first that come to mind among the well working ones is HeroScape. Quite a simple game, but not a stupid one, and it really did work great for 3-players battles. The hexed-terrain helped that, and lead me to think about a hex-shaped table for traditional miniature games. Would it help balancing 3-players games? i.e. deploying on alternating sides, so every player is equally far from each other and the center.
  19. Same for a friend of mine. He was quite happy as he had just purchased Sonnia crew box.
  20. How? The only ways to get more cards (apart the obvious spending SS) are the Upgrade that requires Lynch to activate last and recycling aces. And since we're talking about it: I am correct in assuming that if Lynch himself discards an ace it cannot be recycled?
  21. just noticed this on fb group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1440075866282096/permalink/1650360761920271/
  22. Thanks! Glad I'm others can make use of this
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