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Linus Mcmold

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Everything posted by Linus Mcmold

  1. Ninja pony has a great kicking power and jums like a boss. Nice idea!
  2. Very cool looking entry! I love the costume look on the plush monster. You've improved the already awesome Miss Ery. Baby Kade also reminds me of a cat boy from Grudge.
  3. Just got my new plastic Molly. What goes where on Ponto? IR confuze ??

  4. Being chased by penguings. My worst nightmare. I don't even know what music would be playing in the background of this one... Interesting .. umm... flesh tones O_o
  5. I really like the dragon. Beautiful choice of colors. Everything looks swirly in this picture. One of my painter friends says she doesn't like the purple/green color combo, but you make it work.
  6. Interesting choice of minis and I like how you did the summonin circles.
  7. Very interesting twist on the Lynch mini. Really like your Tarot angle and the diorama works. My only remark is that the tentacle thingy looks a bit like a piece of pasta, but it's very nicely painted so I don't mind. Great paintjob all over.
  8. My favourite master, but the theme is lacking besides the obvious witch. The new plastic Zoraida is my favourite from your work...
  9. Very nice action in this one. The bald marshal is my favourite in this one and at first I thought it was some vampire before I've examined the rest of the picture.
  10. Everyone knows who's wicked in this story. Alice is a hitman, doing the dirty work for the "good witch".
  11. I was wondering if somene would be doing a summoning theme. Your paintjob is superb and the diorama has some nice old classic pulp-horror theme.
  12. This can't end well. At least teddy-penguin is not juggling chainsaws..
  13. Very classic theme and I like how everything looks domestic. Even if it isn't clean. Fun little diorama.
  14. It's funny and I love the continuity in your work. Keep up the good work.
  15. What is happening here?? Well it has a Twin Peaks ... what do you call it something lodge atmosphere.. so I like it. I don't understand what's going on, but it looks interesting...
  16. Beautiful an vibrant colors. Yin blends in really nice, but I don't see much of the story...
  17. I love the look on the little kids face. Someone interrupted him in his game of hide and seek. I didn't know Leveticus worked as a part time baby sitter.
  18. I like how the metallics are done in this one, but I'm a noob so carry on. I wish something more was going in the picture so I don't have to guess, but to me it's obvious that she's going to have fun time on the beach...
  19. Nice looking diorama. I almost didn't notice the man. At least he's safe because he hid. Beautiful miniature and nice painting on the ram. Some of those Kingdom Death minis would be really interesting to paint if they were easier to get.
  20. I knew there were cigarette buds on this because I've seen this in real life, but I couldn't find it on the picture. But some people have noticed it. My sight must be leaving me. I really love the look of the alleyway and the Belle herself looks quite alive. Almost no decomposition is setting in, but she's still quite scary.
  21. Very lively scene. Great use of the minis present. I love it how Chompy is leaning on the house, because you can see his magnitude and the futility of the guard in question.
  22. Beautiful colors and very clean fairytale presentation. The croc is terrifying. I don't remember Peter having only one leg in the stories (and he will after this scene).
  23. Interesting idea, but something is missing to really announce the evil that is coming. A shadow of something or a silhouette of something would hit the spot. Cool idea though.
  24. I like how you did the key elements in this diorama. Seamus and some of the barrels really stand out, but some parts are a bit fuzzy and I can't see the girls really well.
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