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Linus Mcmold

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Everything posted by Linus Mcmold

  1. It looks like it could have a crossover, I don't see too much of a conflict in the fluff. WWX is new to me so I might be wrong. Some of the minis look nice and could be paired with Malifaux very well. What about the scale?
  2. Looks great. I actually like those grubs coming out of the sewer a lot. Did you use NMM or metallics? I can't say from this picture. I'd love to see a more detailed photo of Miss Terious if possible (unless it's going to get published somewhere again *smug*).
  3. @Luss: I see some GW horses... that reminds me that I have an unpainted a conversion of centaur I made from GW horse and a Fianna(Confrontation) torso. Also on the horse topic, I have Levi avatar and 4 riders that need a paintjob. Anyway you could build commoners for Malifaux with those minis if you're an aspiring sculptor. Leftover miniatures always have a lot of potential and I used a lot of my unused Confrontation for converting, but I still hope that the game is going to live again one day, so I'm doing that sparingly, so I plan to get those as soon as possible. Is anyone using commoners on their terrain pieces or do you think that it looks too static for living people and animals to be just standing around? ---------- Post added at 12:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ---------- On topic. During Gencon I've placed an order Shadows of Redchapel, University of Transmortis, Dead Doxies, Ponto and Molly for the playtesting of Mollys crew in 2nd Wave Beta and since I placed order during the time when only Gremlin Arsenal Box was avaliable I've got only one pack of cards on its arrival. Plus the Coloring Book... I'll get the other arsenal boxes and the rulebook somewhere during September. I'm also keeping some 20 blisters of metal and 5 already existing boxes of 10T plastic in my sights. It is unknown for how long will the metal minis be still avaliable and I'm not a gambling man, so I'm getting those as soon as possible. There should be a pack of Kensei Fantasy Miniatures I'm getting through a kickstarter of the same name arriving for me some time soon (first hell clan, then earth clan).
  4. I hope someone from my gaming community picks Dark Debts. I'd really love to see them on table and they seem fun to play against...
  5. Is Huggy still a dual faction model? Somehow I don't see him working directly for Ten Thunders... since he can lead a crew on his own.
  6. The first picture was ok in my opinion, but he looks just awesome in this one. It's a shame that Perditas art isn't that detailed, but her mini should come out nice. I'm loving the changes, both ruleswise and artwise ones.
  7. It just struck me: Which art are they going to use for Perditas mini?
  8. They still don't stand a chance against Holmes... *grin* ---------- Post added at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ---------- Somebody stole my thanks button again. This will look awsome when painted.
  9. I love the silent conversation between Henrietta and Frank (whomever they are). But knowing Sherlock he already knows that they are there because he sees everything (CSI style). Great diorama! Where did the street lamp go?
  10. Sorry to hear about the migraine and thank you for the sneak peeks. I don't have any smart questions. I was wandering about Ophelia and you've already answered that one and the questions about Waldegeist, Lilith and Papa. Did they change Myranda or her upgrade Skinwalker?
  11. I'd like to know if Ophelias upgrades got any changes. Thanks 8-)
  12. Hi there! In mood for slacking off. I was caught in the rain today after a week of killing heat :-$ and I'm anxious to let my mind wander. What about you e.d.o.n.i.l ? I think I'll do some stuff with my miniatures today, yesterday I was in a bad mood and haven't done anything... By anything I mean haven't touched my books or seminars and neither any of the miniatures which I was planning. I skipped cooking lunch today and bought a half of a chicken, which is a first for me. Weird *drool* *cyclops*
  13. OMGF, this movie has it all: horror, werewolves, bad special effects, great atmosphere, its Canadian and it has a great ending. I've just finished watching it and I'm still under the impression. There is a little bit of subtle humor, but all in all I had a great time watching it and people on this forum might appreciate it. IE Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed is a sequel and a better movie than the first movie, which is an ok teen horror. The prequel, Ginger Snaps: The Beginning (third movie) is an uncoherent mess of a flick with somewhat better special effects, so don't bother to watch it if you've got interested in the movie I've mentioned. +points for the bad weather and thunders outside of my house... I'm planing to watch Dog Soldiers, since I'm in a mood for more werewolves. I've got all of Romeros movies, but I'm currently not into zombies...
  14. Heh, how does he chew with that? The model doesn't look bad the way my imagination envisioned it. Weird nephilim lion thingy :Cthulhu:, it somehow reminds me of the Zuul from Ghostbusters: I'm excited to see how the wings will come out.
  15. I had a similar idea, but that might not work on all acounts. I've got a Bete Noire Puppet and it looks awesome, but it's just too large to be used as a puppet. I think my favourite is the Teddy puppet so far, but I'm not sure which ones are in scale and which aren't. I was thinking of using some of the puppets as stand ins for normal Wicked Dolls. In the end I've got two Confrontation Puppet like familiars and I'll probably wait for the plastic ones to come out. I like them to be very little compared to madame Zora and I've got the crouching one. I dislike the Voodoo doll mini, but I got him last week after all because I need it for an official painting competition or something like that. On the case of gremlins, what do you say to the new plastic ones, at least on the account of the Art?
  16. Hey, really long time no see. I hope you at least caught some rest this summer. I love about a half of those models from the list. Can't wait for Gremlinette Whisperer, Zoraida, Lenny and Burt. What was the last thing you've done? (Colette?) ---------- Post added at 03:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 AM ---------- What are you using for the 1-7 Voodoo dolls?
  17. Hey, thanks a lot for the useful tips. At the moment I was painting that wood I didn't even had a real brown color but I mixed the colors myself. I'm also planing to paint those skulls on the base in some more vivid colors with a bit of a freehand since the idea behind Ophelias crews paintjob was that they were celebrating gremlin version of Dia De Los Muertos. I've already replaced Francoises sword and stripped Marcuses Machete and glued it back on him. Currently I'm working on another crew, but I'll go back to reatouch all the gremlins after I finish it... @Webmonkey: Great thread dude! This made me think back about some stuff I liked about painting minis before. I never thought my minis were much bad, except maybe those for bloodbowl. I have a lot of bascoated eldar lying around somewhere in my old apartment. @Ratnhard (first page): I love your puppets and the roses on the Neverborn bases. Pink teddy doesn't look that bad at all from what I would imagine (very clean painting) and the pink woes look like chewing gum spirits.
  18. I guess my wolfman (above) was painted like 6 to 7 years ago and the Blood Bowl ones must have been more like 10 years ago... I haven't been painting for some time now, but I see a lot of progress on my first two Malifaux minis (which can still be retouched and fixed I hope): Unfortunately I've taken a photo of Francois before I've finished his base, since there is a chopped of head on it which has a better paintjob than Francois himself. Recently I've found out they come out much better when painted during the day ().
  19. My first finished painted miniature was a Witchelf for Bloodbowl I guess, but I don't think I based her. I've melted my Dark Elven team with burning paint thinner after they've lost two leagues... I really didn't like their paintjobs and I though that I would save time by just burning the paint thinner and paint off the miniatures since they were metal... anyway the details also melted so I threw those away. My first painted and based miniature is a Wolfen Warrior from Confrontation and I painted and converted him for my friend to represent his Planescape (dungeons & dragons) flind character. He was supposed to look more like a giant prearie dog/hyena man (noble subspecies of Gnolls). The rat on the floor is supposed to represent a Cranium Rat which are supposed to get very dangerous when they form a conscious hive mind via psychic powers (that's why he has a little brain thingy on its head). The conversion besides the brain on a rat was adding the scimitars and the cloak. Here's a link for a bigger picture. The painting looks very messy to me now, I remember I was quite happy with it before My NMM is total trash.
  20. Ooo, very nice Pandora. This is the first version of this particular mini that I think looks attractive, I mean you made her look like that with the eyes and mouth. Hair looks nice also and I like her creepy pale skin :Sad_Puppet2: I'd go with a bit darker shade of blue on the Teddy, but I'm loving the freehand that's in his heart *heart*
  21. Hey thank you for this thread. What do you think of the other non-Beast Arcanist models with Marcus? I know they don't have much synergy with Marcus and with other Beasts, but some of them might be useful. I was thinking of getting December Acolyte for the shooting and he has solid stats otherwise. He looks more thematically compatible with the crew than Gunsmiths (who might get cuddled with the new edition). Also the Metal Gamin which aren't that useful with Marcus himself could be usable with Molemen in some cases I guess (I was thinking of adding the lizard looking one to the crew just for painting). ---------- Post added at 10:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 PM ---------- I'm excited about playtesting with Slate Ridge Mauler, Blessed of December, Raptors and Shikome for the second wave. Heh, since Boris the Bear didn't have it's spot in the light of the first rendition of the Mauler, maybe there could be an upgrade where enforcerer beasts could become showgirls. I'm not playing Colette, but still it would be fun and should be possible to cuddle. ---------- Post added at 10:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ---------- Also I have to buy a lot of different dogs and piggies... And I can hardly wait for the new sculpts of Rogue Necromancy and Night Terrors.
  22. Never posted in this thread before. Hey all, how're you doin'? I have a bit of a headache and I'm basing my alternate Bad Juju at the moment. I'm also feeling jelous of all the people overseas, overoceans and those that are somewhere in a vicinity of any sort of sea/lake/river. I'd really love to go for a swim and for a Gencon later this week.
  23. W00t! *howl**howl**howl* Long live the gremlin forum! Is this new as of today?
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