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Everything posted by Jeebus

  1. you already have Burt, now you need Gracie!
  2. good catch. serves me right for not referencing the cards while posting. Glad someone checked my work!
  3. Putrefy is a (0) action. It needs an 8 for it to go off, but soulstone use can help with that.
  4. The upgrade is called Hexed Among You. You should be able to put it on McTavish, but for some reason the crew creator wont give the option. If for some reason I'm wrong, you can put it on Bad Juju or Zoraida. I believe you can only deploy minions this way, so you would not be able to put McTavish up there with the rest of your swampfiend minions.
  5. I play the Tax-man from time to time also. I usually use him to carve some corpses off of Pere turn 1. Then summon stuffed out of those. The problem i see with the Taxidermist is that he is there to make stuffed pigs, but isnt all that great at it. what he is great at is making corpse markers. If it was a mercenary I'm sure it would be in all the Nico lists! The problem is that gremlins dont do anything with corpse markers. So this guy is piling up the corpses for no reason at all. Just a chance at a new Stuffed. You can use him in Neverborn with Zoraida for a turn 1 summoned teddy. Zoraida makes a voodoo doll of an enemy model. Tax-man goes reckless and attacks the voodoo doll 3 times for 3 corpse markers and 6 damage killing the voodoo doll and dropping a scrap marker. Then Widow Weaver summons up your teddy. And really, you can do this every turn as long as you have an 11+(preferably of masks) in your hand. Sammy can make stuffed piglets too, and it uses enemy scheme markers to do so. Sammy lets you get a stuffed piglet AND deny your opponent VP at the same time. Couple that with Animal Shape upgrade and Sammy just hops around the board eating scheme markers.
  6. Even he can't get ALL the undead . . . He hasn't mastered the art of Stuffed Piglets.
  7. I played a Ulix/Ulix game that was interesting. we actually had almost the same list even! my list: Gremlins Crew - 50 - Scrap Ulix -- 5 Pool +Dirty Cheater [1] +Hunting Bow [2] +Husbandry [3] Penelope [2] Gracie [10] +Saddle [1] Old Major [9] +Corn Husks [2] +Quality Mash Liquor [2] Piglet [4] Slop Hauler [5] The Sow [8] His was the same but another slop hauler instead of the piglet and saddle on Gracie. maybe QML on Old Major was swapped out but i cant remember. The game ended turn 6 with a 10-10 tie, and it was an uphill battle for those last two points for me. It came down to a bad positioning allowing me to lay down the last scheme marker needed for Line in the Sand. I don't know if it was a bad match up really though. there was a lot of "My Gracie is charging your Gracie" action going on.
  8. Jeebus

    20150405 175553 zpsrtksxgmx[1]

    well of doom tentacles??
  9. Jeebus


    actually no, Lenny is too much of a 'fool' for that!
  10. Jeebus


    And so it begins....
  11. silly little tentacle pancakes (insidious madness) can be made with sprue and a lighter! only costs being time, a base, and burnt fingertips.
  12. it also doesnt say that the disengaging model has to actually disengage all the models for them to get their strikes. It just takes one. IF the disengaging model were to move in such a way that it were to disengage one model but not another (due to melee ranges and placement scenarios) they would both make a strike, right? I mean I guess it wouldn't really come up that often because you announce that you are disengaging before you actually move . . . .
  13. okay. just thinking at work. didn't have the cards with me.
  14. Now here's something, could you obey a warpig to charge, then obey vasilisa to obey the same warpig to charge? (assuming you are playing Neverborn Zoriada with Vasilisa)
  15. First obviously being the Swamp Hag "Ol' Flappy Bags" Zoriada, right?!
  16. I love skeeters. I tied up an Ashes and Dust, AND a Trapper for two turns with one Skeeter. didnt use pull my finger. Just quit screwin around and then defensive stance.
  17. Gremlins Crew - 50 - Scrap Ulix -- 7 Pool +Corn Husks [2] +Husbandry [3] +Quality Mash Liquor [2] Bayou Gator [5] Bayou Gator [5] Bayou Gator [5] Bayou Gator [5] Bayou Gator [5] Bayou Gator [5] Bayou Gator [5] Bayou Gator [5]
  18. Ulix is a lot of fun. I play him a lot, but his crew is highly specialized so there will be little overlap between Ophelia and Brewie's crews. Basically with Ulix if it is a pig it will work with him. If it's not you're gonna have a harder time of it. Most of the time the only other gremlin models I run with Ulix is a slop hauler and sometimes Merris for the blast protection.
  19. Ive always played by the first scenario (which makes 50mm models a pain in the terrain.)
  20. i was just musing over this the other day (obey terrifying), and i came to the same conclusion. it wouldn't end the action but would apply paralyzed. There are similar things that seem to slip through due to actions taken outside of activations such as Shot in the Rear from Ulix and Eat Your Fill on the Warpig. Shot in the Rear lets a pig make a charge action and if it kills the target make another, and another, and another, . . . Eat Your Fill lets you heal all your wounds but end your activation. The warpig isn't activating so it would heal up and continue rampaging due to Shot in the Rear. at least thats how ive understood it. Someone more educated may see it differently.
  21. I'm usually up late too. I get off work at 0300 CST.
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