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Everything posted by Evilbleachman

  1. I am really digging that cute green skirt! Niceley done crew!
  2. Thank you! Yeah this model had more to offer in that extent as the other model did. The other one only has wounds and loose skin here and there. I will have to figure something out. Might just go and pick up a new yellow later. Citadel released new paints of which a lot of them are 'base' or 'foundation' paints. Basically like primer sprays just in different colors. There is a nice yellow tone there. Maybe I will get it and try it out.
  3. Looks fun! Though more lighting and larger images would be great to see more of the models.
  4. I am sure plenty of you have been there before. You painted a model and end up scrapping it, because the color scheme or paints weren't to your fancy. So how do you get rid of the paint to repaint the model? I used to use nail polish remover and let the model soak up in there over night and clean off the goopy paint with an old tooth brush. But in the recesses there would often be clumps of paint that can kill some fine details. Do you guys have any suggestions?
  5. Did you paint all three of those box sets in one week? O_O It took me over a week to get my Chapel Gang + 1 Belle done. lol
  6. I figured it must be something like that. I use their 'Mosaic' bases for my Dark Eldar (Warhammer 40k). They make a good line of bases, though the majority of them aren't really suitable or fitting for this game. The sizes are more catered towards other games than skirmish games like Malifaux. Edit: I take that back. Just went through their catalog and found they have quite a lot of 30mm bases. Must be somewhat new, haha.
  7. www.ebay.com Best bet. Or make a thread in the trade forums.
  8. I haven't really been able to paint much the past couple of days. So I figured I would post another sneak on one of my Dead Doxies. Still have to do the shading and highlights. I should be able to finish this model sometime today after work. Might get some progress on DD #2. Also side note: I despise yellow. Haha. I only have two yellow tones. Both of the old Citadel line (Sunburst and Golden Yellow) and they coat extremely poorly. Though I have yet to highlight the yellows in this model. I will figure out a way to use as little yellow as possible. Haha.
  9. Haha! Didn't notice that beautiful Ort crew was yours. I should pay more attention to posters' names. Hehe. Well done, though I do like your Ortega Crew a lot better. Side note: How do you manage the whites?
  10. Yeah better pictures might help! Though I do like the color scheme on Perdita. Still looks cowboyish instead of just pretty. Is really nice. I must say I am not too fond of the tiger mount. Though that is just a personal preference. I did see a video of a man painting a griffon as a tiger based animal and it was amazing how he did it. He cut out strips on tape and taped them onto the black primed model. Then he painted everything orange and highlighted with yellow (all with an airbrush) and then took off the tape. Looked really awesome. Edit: Here's the guy's video painting the griffon.
  11. I voted 6 because it looks the most like an actual convict. Haha. I just got my Miss Demeanor. Too late to join in, huh?
  12. The Baby Kade idea is really nice. I think I would have personally took off the top half and leave the eyes and brain visible.
  13. Which yellow paint did you use for these models?
  14. Indeed the flesh tone is very nice. I think I have seen that base somewhere. Aren't there 30 and 40mm ones of that line as well?
  15. McMourning is a damn fun guy. Haha. I generally recommend painting whatever you are in the mood for. Though I am the kind of guy to save the limited figures for a later day. More painting = more practice = better quality of follow up models. I'd want my limiteds to their best. Reason why I am saving my Miss Demeanor, Miss Pack and Dead Justice Crew.
  16. I really like the Levi and Lilith crews! I used to play the same faction in Warhammer. My models back in teh day didn't look nearly as good as your knights. Kudos!
  17. Looking pretty decent. Though the red circles in the left models stockings are kind of odd looking.
  18. Looks pretty awesome! If you want to be a perfectionist, try using a dark wash to clean out the few white spots on the base and chain. The white spots aren't too bad. I, however, would go nuts knowing there are some there. Haha.
  19. I don't really have a contrast for mine. Just all kinds of brown shades as well as some amounts of pink. Browns that run into pinks and pinks merging into browns. Though I might use black as a contrast color. Since my pinks and browns are going to be more brighter than dark.
  20. Which colors are you planning to use on the Orts?
  21. You could try a very light wash and make it slightly darker and natural looking. If you wanted more fake, add some green stuff to her chest! I still have to think up how I am going to paint my Miss Pack. Going to need a lot of orange in mine, as she is to work well with my color scheme. So mine will end up being a bubbly orange bimbo. Haha
  22. Sounds interesting, haha. I couldn't even muster up one model a day. I wish I had more time to paint though. So are you guys going to focus on certain factions or just random models you are in the mood for?
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