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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. There is nothing offical out there. I made up a campaign where you carried over your crew from one game to the next. I also have some other campaign settings I am looking on. One is going to be a cross between Mordhiem and Malifaux. Here is what happen the last time I asked about a exp based campaign: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?36906-A-malifaux-campaign-system And here is the campaign I made: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?36892-The-Disappearance-of-the-Masters
  2. I just printed out the ones Ratty made, but I find you need more now days with ten thunders out.
  3. Nice. It is not easy to get Keltheos to stop and read something.
  4. From the sounds of it so far, I will be there. Not signed up for anything yet, but I will Henching.
  5. Well, if we are going to talk about summoning and creating undead, I think Seamus out shines them all. Just think about it. He can turn ANYTHING, a canine remains, a gremlin, a guild guard, and even Papa Loco into a belle. Noodle that one for a while.
  6. Dreamer versus Hamilen, these cards come with the box, but you need these cards to play them. Kirai versus Leveticus
  7. Using the new ten thunders is not a bad idea. But you could go with a plastic versus metal demo also. That way people get to see a little of the two sides of Wyrd. Maybe Viks versus Mei Fang or Misaki.
  8. I don't celebrate my birthday anymore, but I will take the Mei Fang box!
  9. If anyone tries to sell you on the idea that Seamus is a beatstick, has never played Seamus. Even McMourning can dish out the pain, but when it come time to take it, he will crumple like a wet bag. You want in your face without Neverborn, Lady J or the Viks, I would suggest Misaki. She has the AP and triggers to deal out the damage and still get away from all the action.
  10. D&D tiles and maps are great for that purpose. I have quite a few of them and they make great for setting a scene.
  11. I wondered what happened to you and your great idea know as Maliquest. From one alt rules creator to another, I tip my hat to you. Good work sir! Now I need to get some ink for the printer and get to work on printing this up for the group.
  12. To quote the gaining grounds rules Conversions are an excellent way to show off your modeling skills. Original sculpts and conversions are allowed if the TO deems them to be accurate representations of the models portrayed. If using a model that was converted with manufactured pieces, no more than 33% of the finished model may be built using other game companies’ models, while the rest must be either wholly or a combination of original sculpt or Wyrdmanufactured pieces, as determined by the TO. So if 100% wyrd, then it is all good.
  13. I always recommend looking at the faction you like. With the except of the Outcast, who are like factions within themselves, you can always use the stuff from one box set with masters in another box set.
  14. I don't know, maybe it is just me, but I enjoy replying to questions. I have always felt that the standard "go check the wiki" feels like brushing the person off. If I were new (and we all were at one time, as much as some like to think not) I find that helpful, but not really answering my question. It seems like a lack of community to just tell someone to go to another site and check that when it just as easy to post up your ideas and thoughts on the topic. You would learn more from asking 10 people about their experience versus reading 1 person's experience. But then again, that is just me.
  15. Own two painted crews, two fate decks, and a love for the game. That is really all you need. Everything else just comes naturally.
  16. I can't anywhere in the rules that you couldn't. Just means your opponent can do the same.
  17. It is a super fun game! You should check it out.
  18. You know what models would be prefect for this? The Horrorclix set Freakshow.
  19. Sounds pretty neat. I know a friend of mine that would love this idea. Let's see what I can come up with.
  20. I use Seamus and Ramos as my demo crews. But I am thinking of switching to Rasputina and Seamus after she is painted.
  21. Do you have a better chance than a snowball? Drop by the Dragon's Lair and find out. It is the offical Dead of Winter winter campaign. You got 6 hours to get in as many games as you can as you battle it out to complete achievements and have a good time. New players and veteran are all welcome! New to the game? Ask about a demo and try it out. It only cost $5 to enter, but all money collected will go to prizes and I am even going to up the ante more and add $35 dollars to the prize pool every Satruday! So don't let the winter cold get you down, come out to the Lair and fight for your favorite faction! Stop by and get all the details and a sneak peek this Saturday (January 12th). Check out the details below! Where? Dragon's Lair Comics 8316 Blondo St Omaha, NE 68134 Phone? (402) 399-9141 When? Starts January 19th until February 23th. On every Saturday. Time? Games can start at 10am and must be finished by 4pm. You can start as soon as you pay and get your sheet from me. Cost? Only $5 for 6 hours of fun and every dollar goes towards prizes with $35 dollars added to that! Prizes!!! There will be prizes for the player with the most Achievement points, the player voted favorite gamer, and the Snowball award (the player that came in dead last and didn't stand a chance). Prizes will be wyrd based products and will vary from Satruday to Saturday based on entry fees collected. Extra bonus? Try your hand at the Ultimate Malifaux Boardgame. If you can make it to the finish, you could win a starter box of your choice!
  22. The master is still the master of the crew, but you can link him to other undead models to get the bonus. Lots of the time, that is why he is taken, just to link to another big model (Azumi or Dead Rider) and give them the bonus and still cast spells from the master (or leader) of the crew. So for your questions, (1) yes he is still companion to the master of the crew and (2) again, spells from the master of the crew.
  23. I might not have the best win track, but I think I can take the Resurrectionist to the top, boss!
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