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Kogan Style

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Everything posted by Kogan Style

  1. I too find Nexus2 to be very consistent to run because I think a crew led by them can cover pretty much every situation due to having activation control and ability to fit in OOK tech options as required. As a Nexus2 player I find I can always have activation control, the right models (on top of the 5 i start with for free), upgrades AND a soul stone cache. I like Hydranixx's option 3, but I'd also suggest changing the Many Voices ability so that you must hire 2 more versions at a soul stone cost of 2 each/4 total (or some other cost that isn't 0 or 1) Now the 3 Botanist list only has 2 stones in its cache, or do you drop something to keep the cache higher in assassinate pools? For my OOK heavy crews I now am forced to decide what is included since I cannot have it all.
  2. Checking in on Discord and it seems 1 or 2 upgrades on turn one is the default. One from Luna and one from McCabe. So you are looking for either 6 if you have a Huckster, or 6 so that McCabe can hit the Glimpse of Gold trigger on "Take what you can carry" This way you'll get the Botanist two grow tokens on turn 1. Corpse Curator isn't helpful in this particular build as using the curator as a corpse marker doesn't proc. the grow token as no marker gets removed. Still a valid piece for card draw though. I had thought about Curator and Jessie Halliday or Lamplighter and Halliday, as the Curator and Lamplighter create/bring markers that Halliday could remove, and then turn into a scrap marker but at this point you really start warping the crew build into something that works for making upgrades, but isn't going to help you win the game! Interested to hear other options/opinions on the Tomb Delver!
  3. I'm glad we are relaxing, as this month I'm getting married and seriously considering using the Mulligan! Going on Honeymoon straight after so I hope I might be able to paint something before the month is over, but if not, well I'll just relax and enjoy all the amazing paint jobs in these threads. Keep up the great work all, over half way through
  4. Cleared the painting queue! Joining the Umbra from earlier this month here comes the Sand Worm, Dr. Meredith Stanley, 2 Spelleaters and sadly.... Vernon & Welles minus.... Vernon and Welles! I built the models separately from the contraption and now I can't find them 😆 Its super annoying as the effect of launching off a cliff is somewhat lost without Vernon screaming while Welles is oblivious (or is it the other way round?) All in all, 76 stones completed!
  5. Hey @hydranixx I am currently studying McCabe2 and Botanists and with your lists I am wondering how quickly you "grew" the Bots/created upgrades? As the lists above looks like they would create 1 or 2 on the first turn then rely on Luna creating scrap? Are you ensuring that any 6 or higher is going to the huckster to generate scrap? Is Luna then creating an upgrade then generating more scrap so McCabe can create one so the Botanist get 2 grow tokens before they activate? I think my problem is I see McCabe needing to play the upgrade mini-game, but is that actually a trap?
  6. The list was: Nexus2 (x3) - 6ss cache Shambling Nest x 2 Hires Dr. Stanley Archivist Nightsilk Botanist x 3 Eyes & Ears @Radek explained that the Archivist makes a web marker before giving the Nightsilk Tomes via Font. Silk can use web strand on a nearby totem to create two more markers, plus its bonus. 4 web markers are down, then totems can slam them, Stanley converts one to make a husk and you have 3 or 4 grow tokens on your Botanist so they are ready to go score the strat & schemes.
  7. After a disastrous June where I just about made it with the commitment (a Botanist), I am firing on all cylinders this month! After playing one game with Ivan I was inspired to get the Umbra side of the Keyword done, presenting Mr Mordrake, a Brocken Spectre, 2 Daevas, and 2 Nocturne. I was originally going for shadows and grey, but then I got hooked on purple and decided to lean into the colour! More to come (hopefully!)
  8. And I think we have @hydranixx to thank for that 😆
  9. I'd like to see a change to Turncoat, but instead of allowing for charges I'd like the model to be treated as if it were an enemy model for the start phase for the owning crew. Thematically I see it as the Turncoat has switched sides temporarily. In game terms this would allow you to: Avoid the opponent relenting any attack Allow you to move/flip/remove a strategy marker Which makes it much more interesting to use than just the ability to charge.
  10. Yannic has gone from being a maybe include to a very good option for me. Some of the benefits she brings are: Giving Corvus Focus and card draw for a bonus action turn 1 (I don't find his bonus used much T1) Austrea drawing 3 cards at the cost of discarding 1 and a scheme marker Hopeful Prospect drawing 2 at the cost of a scheme marker Easy access to healing via bonus action for minions and democratic elections I've also had her in combat with a Fire Golem, hitting her trigger on her attack to push and stun it, then democratic elections to ping it for 2 damage and killing it. It is a useful combo to have in your back pocket. I do bring either the rifleman or the prospect, but feel like both is overkill. I like the rifleman cycling scheme markers on turn 1 before focusing sets him up, and the they provide is a small deterrent to charges which can add up with hazardous markers floating round the board. With Yannic around I like to include seekers in my crew as the heals mean I can inflict more ping damage where it might kill off a damaged model. Typically I'll include a Surveyor and a Lamplighter so that a heal triggers a geode creation (plus card draw) and a push into the geode and if Field of Steel is up then so much the better 😍Incidentally, the new Seeker versatile minion also helps here, being able to push the healed model a further time. Sadly the brawler has been used once but very unlikely to see further play.
  11. Adding two more to complete the month, locking in a total of 34ss done for the month. Can't say I'm too happy with Mr Ngaatoro's face. I had grand plans for it and then the small scale just got me! Hopefully his weapon looks better, being a a tooth that oozes poison. Sovereign went through 2 repair jobs before finally holding together long enough for a photo! Time will tell whether it holds up... Full gang Thanks to those who liked the Stone effect. I got the inspiration from this site, worth checking out to see how it should look when done properly: Realistic Stone @CaedrusI like Mad Dog in jeans, it goes with the rest of the crew. I think Mad Dog might be mad enough to go... double denim! I think changing the shirt colour might help, as the cape and hat tie in with the rest of the crew but the current shirt colour is perhaps too close to the cape. @DemiMurgos Desper looks great, there is enough contrast between the different dark tones that it doesn't all meld together. The Rotten Harvest look very vibrant! @Trimasel The bases are really tying the two models together, despite the different colours, nicely done! @feagaur Ensouled looks great, but please don't play him when facing me! The brass on the Necrotic Machine really catches my eye. At this rate you'll be finished well before Nationals! @TimH Love the purple tones on the skin. I love adding purple when painting skin, gives a slightly horrifying look without being rotten. Love the Orange with the red, really sets the model off.
  12. Working on my Faux pile for the month and finished these two! Winston looking as dashing as ever (well... since he got favoured by fortune at least!) and the Emissary, who I really wanted to have a realistic stone effect. The blurb in my head as I was painting it was "Behold! The Stone Emperor, the Mountain King! He whose roar cracks the earth asunder!!" (also... only gets hired when assassinate is in the pool 🤭😅)
  13. He means the other Ngaatoro - Harata (topless Water dancer with a stick)
  14. I think new keywords open up space for new masters which is a good thing, but I like the idea above; micro-keywords for now, possibly with Versatile added to make it more appealing to plug these models into existing crews? then later down the line (like, next year) bring out the Master and drop versatile (or make some other ability that cheapens the hiring cost outside of keyword, but only if X models from micro-keyword are hired
  15. My output last month was due to a more scattered focus on which models to paint. Keeping all my undercoated models together meant that if inspiration struck I'd just grab it and start laying down some paint. With the UK nationals 199 days away and wanting to field fully painted crews I've started to organise models a little more to have what I feel I need ready (then, because of my personality traits I'll rip up all my organised plans and paint what I want, because Hell, I'm not the boss of me!) this month sees the Emissary, Winston Finnigan, and Vernon & Welles all heading towards the finish line. Then I hope to paint the NexKids as they are my favourite Master to play atm so will certainly feature in the Tournament. Gaps - well originally I had been using Milliput mixed with water, but that didn't really work. Switched to Plastic putty... which I'm not sure I'm using correctly (you'll see the Emissary's face later) So I might try the IPA with Millput mentioned above and see if that yields better results
  16. Sneaking in on the final day, @Moinetbeard and @Diddick loving your work! Managed (due to spending all of today!) to get 4 models done and break my 25ss ceiling that has been bothering me for the last 3 months.
  17. I have maintained my 3 models a month output, which wasn't what I thought I was going for, but seems to be the standard for me at the moment! Trying to take a group photo when one of the models towers over the others was a challenge.... But here is Calypso Mk2, Corvis Rook, and Austrea and Twigge for 22ss. Hopefully next month I can break my glass ceiling of 25ss! Calpyso Corvis Rook Austrea and Twigge
  18. Welcome to the Hive! excited to see what you do with them. I'll be carrying on with the Cadmus keyword as I have 4 models left: Meredith, 2 Spell Eaters, and a Berserker husk to do. I also have the NexKids but I need to build them first. For basing - When I first played I wanted to keep it very simple as painting wasn't my focus. So sand/texture paint and done. Now coming back, I want to try telling stories with the models, or at least try to immerse them in a scene. The models I've done so far are my first attempts, adding in mites, eggs that I 3D print to get the hive feel. I think I have done better with the Eyes and Ears than the rest of the crew, as I spent more time on those. I think as I try to speed up painting for games I lose time in the basing aspect. I am using a mixture of Cork (for height), milliput for sculpting cobblestones/flagstones and Mud texture paint to create my current crop of bases. I am trying to theme each keyword and I don't mind if different keywords don't mix base wise, as I am incorporating a unified colour onto the models (Kabalite Green) so that there is some visual link. For some models I am 3D printing base toppers to sit inside the lipped base which is working well so far - pics to come!
  19. Eurgh, these airsick lowlanders! 🤭 paging @wobbly_goggy who is also a fan! Thanks for the kind words @Viruk I am in awe of your work!
  20. The deadline looms! Didn't get as much as I'd hoped to complete (Austrea and Rook were so damn close, but oils will take time) so I hope you enjoy these humble offerings (of parasites 🐞...) 21ss worth!
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