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Cats Laughing

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Everything posted by Cats Laughing

  1. Pretty cool. Too bad I didnt get to see it in person.
  2. I think it has to do with perception. Imagine you're in school, around age 12, and you're gonna have a foot race against your classmates. Say 100 meters. Now imagine that your teacher says, "little bobby can start 2 meters ahead of you because he is short and has short legs, and you are tall and have longer legs." It's a bit unfair, but you probably think "ok, I can catch him, he has short legs, it's ok for him to have a little headstart/buff" On the otherhand, imagine your teacher tells you to starts 2 meters behind the starting line, because you have longer legs. In this case, you're probably thinking "dude, WTF, this is so unfair, why am I being penalized/debuffed for having longer legs. I hate my teacher!" People, in general, don't like being told they can't do something or that they have to take a handicap (debuff), whereas, they're usually less put off by someone else being buffed so that the relative difference is the same. I had a strange experience with NPEs recently. I used Raspy vs Sonnia (hard counter) recently and kind of expected the game to be a bit of a NPE for me, but because he had Destroy the Evidence and I had Ice Pillars (placed on his objective markers), it ended up being somewhat of a NPE for Sonnia. Essentially, yeah, debuffers probably see more hate than corresponding buffers.
  3. I'm definitely getting Misaki and MeiFeng, along with related models. I'm also thinking to add on Beckoners, but I'm not sure about the rest of Dark Debts (kinda cool but not sure on my funding). I would have probably picked up selected Resser and any Gremlin releases available, but as those appear to not be coming out I might be able to throw some money at increasing my Neverborn selections...
  4. That's a pretty cool base idea. I look forward to seeing that finished and painted.
  5. Perhaps bad flips combined with no cards for cheating? If Perdita flipped the black on df then she's at 10 (8+2). Santiago would need a 4 or lower left in his hand to cheat in and miss. Flip the red on the damage flip and Perdita is in a world of hurt. Yeah, a lot of things just went wrong, but certainly could have happened.
  6. For Nicodem, Mcmourning and Kirai, I would agree, but Seamus is a great demo crew that works straight out of the box, plays very differently from both Raspy and Kaeris and can highlight other aspects of the game. There is also a very nice background story in book 1 (iirc, maybe a wyrd chronicle?) that shows a battle between Raspy and Seamus that actually mirrored my own first game of Malifaux quite well. As for other crews I would suggest for demos: Lady J (yeah, I know she's not an option in this case, but I thought I should list her in case other prospective demoers decide to read this thread). Sonnia would normally also be good, but she does counter Raspy quite strongly so I wouldn't suggest her in this case. Ophelia and Perdita are both options, though Ophelia does need a blister of Slop Haulers or Young'uns or Bayou Gremlins to get to 25 stones.
  7. I'm not much of a painter, but I'll continue with the "nice start" vibe. I think it looks pretty good and i would be happy to hit that standard with my own painting. One thing you might want to work on for this model is to finish up the base (put the tab all the way in the slot, add grass or other details, etc...). Some sort of basing will typically make the model as a whole look better. It looks like the base tab on this model is too tight to fit in the slot properly, so you'll want to file the tab thinner or file the slot wider. Another option is to cut the tab off and glue or pin the model directly to the base (or any base insert that you might use). Anyway, nice start. (oh yeah, nice custom fig too
  8. This response is a bit late, but a model to possibly consider with Rasputina is: Myranda: Can transform into a Raptor if you need speed (then transform back to avoid insignificant). Can transform into a Mauler for beatstickery. Can transform into a Raptor, beast trigger Rasputina, then Furiously cast December's Curse (on following turns, due to lack of AP, at least the Beast characteristic sticks around, iirc) or other (1) spells, and can then also heal Raspy as needed. Can transform into a Sabertooth for melee (though you don't get access to leap Also can do Shikome, Rattler, Lawyer, Silurid, Gupps, etc... (though once again, without access to the related Beast's spells) Sadly can't become the Blessed (unique Just a thought on a versatile model that you could include with Raspy. See Pull My Finger for more info and some tips and tricks.
  9. I firmly believe the "Marcus is rubbish" viewpoint still held by many on the forums was a direct result of propaganda by ukrocky (via many many proxy accounts) to make himself look better when he rolled face with Marcus ;-)
  10. I'm going to add my vote to Raspy as the best Arcanist Demo box. Though I will confirm your fears that this will lead to a shooty bias when you do Kaeris vs Raspy demos. One thing you can look to do to avoid the games from being entirely gunline boredom, is to ensure that the scenarios you present in the demos are not simply shared Slaughters. Consider running Treasure Hunt to highlight the movement aspect of the game (and also to introduce the Raspy player to the fun of Ice Pillars and Freeze Over). You can also use Claim Jump to force the players to engage. I think you could also get away with using Marcus's box in these demos as well. While his box is not the best, by any measure, it out manuevers both Raspy and Kaeris and therefore should have a decent chance a certain strategies. You might want to pick up an additional beast or two for Myranda's transform, but you could always wait for the box models to die first before pointing out to the newbies that she can transform. This is just an option, and I'm not arguing that it's the best choice. I think Ramos can also work well, but he needs another model to even cast one of his spells. That's not a huge issue though and you're looking at demos, not "tourney winning lists" so some lack of ability is ok. I think the lack of any ranged, outside of Ramo's spell and blowing up spiders can make him suffer somewhat against Raspy or Kaeris, depending on terrain and strategy. Colette properly needs Doves to be played well, but you could use her box in demos. I think without doves she might be underpowered and still hard to learn how to use (moreso because the doves aren't there?). So I would join with those suggesting against her. The new crew coming out with book 4 looks to be self contained in the box (includes totem) so perhaps that is another option. Ice Mirrors is pretty easy for anyone coming over from Warmachine (except maybe Khador players who avoided the Old Witch), and adding 6" to a 10" spell is a 60% boost in range, or pretty substantial in this game. There's also the 'not needing LOS from Raspy' aspect that makes ice mirrors more than just a range boost. 6" is also 1/6th of the total board length/width. Imagine if Snipe added 8"s of range (the equivalent 1/6th of a 4'x4' table) in Warmachine... The Ca penalty is a pain, but I find it's easy to work around, as long as I'm not directly targeting the opposing master. I find that I actually haven't needed to use Ice Mirror as often as you might think. Turn 1-2, yeah, but by turn 3, in many cases, I'm blasting away directly as things get closer to Raspy. Also, the whole splitting swarms and swarming spiders thing may be a bit complex for demos, whereas just shooting stuff is pretty simple to explain. I don't think Ramos is a bad choice, but the summoning and swarming/splitting thing is somewhat complex.
  11. As do Myranda, Molly and Ponto, iirc. Could be pretty interesting, perhaps...
  12. I note a similar lack of color splits on the Mei Feng minions as well. But dual suits on the cards in the background. I would not be surprised by some crossover hiring, but I would also not be surprised by your thought as well... Btw, has anyone gone back through the Wallpapers Ratty has been posting? I see Lynch with Beckoners, Mei with the Metal Golem, and I would suspect we might see a few more boxed sets paralleling the other wallpapers. I personally can't wait for the Gremlin box and Resser box...
  13. May add current Armor to WP when defending, sounds totally plausible. (sort of a reverse of your suggestion)
  14. And armor, which both fire & ice have as well. Speculation: Wk/cg 4/6 Wp 5 Ht 1 Ca 4 tome Df 5 Wd 5 4 stones Armor 2 A gun and melee attack possibly ignoring armor or applying molten counters? That lower armor or possibly lower df? Iron heart? = immune to influence? Assimilate? Shatter (2) 2
  15. My only disappointment with her.
  16. Note that there are rams on the card shown in the Archer's art.
  17. Started with Rasputina and still consider her my main, even though I've gone on Marcus and Ophelia kicks and am currently trying to get Molly declared Op in my mini meta.
  18. Is there a model with Animal Instincts, other than Myranda? So this infinite loop only occurs when two Myrandas are played and Marcus Alphas the opposing one?
  19. Last local game with gremlins bs Seamus saw the dapper ole man dead by turn 2 thanks in part to dumb and lucky.
  20. He was once seen giving a disembodied head directions to the nearest pub. Reporters have written posthumous articles about him. Three headed animals of dubious origin call him brother. He is the most interesting man in Malifaux. "I don't always play ressers, but when I do I play Molly." "Stay undead my friends."
  21. I would consider making it: 1 vp for killing a female minion and collecting her corpse +1 vp for summoning a Belle from that corpse
  22. After the game I was thinking either slow to die or love the job wouldn't work off philosophy, but during game we weren't sure and flipped that it worked. On the bright side I keep seeing reasons why the games should have been wins for me rather than draws. So I'm happy.
  23. Been playing Molly exclusively for a short while but due to several issues have therefore gotten in only 4 games. All have been boxed set + totem games, though the last I borrowed a model from the local Henchman to summon Sybelle. I've had my ups and downs with her so far. Game 1: Crushing defeat to Rasputina in a shared Slaughter. Terrain allowed Rasputina herself to hole up in a second floor window with ice mirrors + silent one northwinds, giving her almost full board control. Molly finally managed to steal Decembers Curse and lob it back at Raspy, but by that point it was too late. Game 2: Tie against Sonnia in a game where a single crooligan managed to complete the entire destroy evidence strategy and pull off the break through scheme for 6 vp, while the remainder of my army, including two additional summoned crooligans failed to pull off the grudge scheme (falling short by only 1 wd). Selecting grudge was a mistake, but a summoned Sybelle in place of either summoned Crooligan would have likely won the game. Game 3: Tie against Lady J in a game where the Rogue Necromancy killed Lady J, the Executioner and a Death Marshall (with those last two being turn 6 kills). A brainfart on my part with Molly + Totem, allowed my successful "Philosophy of Uncertainty" to turn into a sacrificed Necrotic Machine, dead Molly and fully healed Executioner. We may have played that wrong, but I could have played the activation order of that turn differently and had a different outcome. Losing Molly and Totem to that brainfart essentially turned a winning game into a losing game that only became a draw via Rogue Necromancy heroics. Game 4: Tie vs Somer in a shared Reconnoiter. Really needed to work some magic to tie shared Recon in a game where I was outnumbered 2-1 in significant models. Later, I tried counting up points and I think I was playing 24 stones (I lack the models to spend all my pts) vs 39? stones (Somer, 2 Warpigs, 3 Piglets, 7? Bayou Gremlins...), so a Draw is pretty decent, imho. The Rogue was once again a pretty major component, whacking a Warpig in one round, surviving the other Warpig's attentions, handing out Acid Breath to both Molly and Ponto (the Necrotic Machine) and terrifying several gremlins/piglets. Got to borrow a Sybelle and summon her for more terror and killing. Crooligans didn't kill many Gremlins, but managed to survive all game and at least grab one corner to offset the corner the Gremlins held. I do admit that in all these games I haven't been facing optimal lists or cut-throat players, but I have been enjoying the games and trying to get the most out of Molly and crew.
  24. Need to win a week of the campaign...
  25. Does not look dead/undead, are we sure she's a Resser? Looks very awesome, I will get regardless.
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