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Everything posted by Golden

  1. Thank you. I just couldn't bear to spend 2 hours painting something noone wants to look at. This isn't all of my models, though. The battery on her camera died, this is all she had power for. Please direct the guy that does the Henchman applications here. At this point I have Misaki, Leveticus, all Guild masters, all Resser masters, and their Henchman, painted and playable with most crew choices.
  2. Perdita Ortega- Sofia Vergara Don't know if its been said, but Danny Trejo would make a good Santiago. Antonio Banderas as Francisco. Make her look Hispanic and have Betty White play Abuela. Cuz its Betty White. I think Hugo weaving would be better representing Lucius. Hugh Jackman is definitely McCabe. Totally agree with Robert Downey Jr, as Jakob Lynch. Look at alternate Pandora, I can see Scarlett Johansen doing that. Kirsten Dunst should play absolutely nothing, ever, in anything. Stupidest choice for Mary Jane, on Earth. How about Christopher Walken as Nicodem or Leveticus? Actually after reviewing this thread, Id cast my vote for Hugh Laurie as Nicodem any day. Leave Leveticus to Walken.
  3. Yes. It specifies melee attack, not melee strike.
  4. Declaring triggers is actually the last thing that happens before moving to the damage flip. And in casual games my circle never does this, we tend to notify the opponent of possible triggers when we flip the suit. Except for our local henchman, who tends to dance around or celebrate in some exaggerated fashion.
  5. Only during the action itself does it state that its friendly. In some cases like Avt. Ramos' Override spell, I could easily understand a model being neutral until that action is taken. It would create some ridiculous shenanigans otherwise. Side Note: Isn't there a rule that states that an obeyed model cannot take actions that would cause it to be sacrificed(Like dance apart)? And if so, can someone remind me where it states that.
  6. Yeah but if its 5 or less you know by looking, theres no actual counting involved.
  7. I spread them slightly when they get really low and then fix them immediatlely when there are a few cards left (10 or less). I dont' count them per se' but usually its only to see if Ive got more then 3 or 4 cards, or to make it thru the flips on an action.
  8. The statement that it is good sportsmanship was made by a Rules Marshall, so I'd go with they should tell you. If they choose not to and state that good sportsmanship is not a rule, I wouldn't even finish the game with them.
  9. I think its when a model ends a movement action, it has to test. Which would make 5 incorrect. Also, I think it has to retest specifically if the number changes.
  10. My answer to your question would be, get better friends.
  11. Seamus doesn't heal from his gun or from the bag o' tools. His only attack that he heals from is Live for Pain.
  12. Flame Burst most assuredly does, have the gun icon.
  13. I was thinking of painting a white bordered, blue circle with the number 5 in it on the side of my Lazarus' head.
  14. Where can I find a good color for asian flesh? I was thinking about Desert Yellow mixed with elf flesh, but I dont usually mix and would prefer to find a flat color that fits the bill.
  15. Hmmm... They aren't on mine and Im wondering why. Oh well, I just wanted to know if I can run them with Leveticus and the Rail Golem. Guess so...
  16. The crew creator isn't listing Fire Gamin as a hiring option for Leveticus. I haven't found any rules on their cards that would stop this, and Leveticus can hire most constructs, so what gives?
  17. Good job, krautly. Way to make sure nobody else completes that achievement. And I will be signing Mr. Tannen's sheet for losing a model due to the Black Joker. He flipped it as Sonya 3 times last game, just not on defense.
  18. Decay doesn't specify that you can attack friendly models, it just states target model, and therefore you can't use it on Nicodem. It lists an alternate effect should the spell, or the blast, hit a friendly undead model, in this case it is heal 2 wounds. The only reason Nicodem can heal from a blast that might hit him is because of Embrace Death.
  19. Check pg 115 of the new 1.5 rulebook. It states base contact with the target.
  20. A model summoned "to" another model is placed in base to base unless stated otherwise by the effect, thats how Ive been doing it since it was found by our local henchman. I think its in the general rules, good luck with finding it.
  21. With your list of constructs I'd go with the Peacekeeper. Especially since your comparing it at 1model to 1model. 1Keeper to 2 Wardens I'd still say go with the Keeper, only because of your list choice. Now if you run Lucius and Hoffman, Wardens all the way.
  22. Off a lucky Red Joker flip, I almost got a Steamborg Executioner at full wds with this. If only he didn't have that one 13 in his hand.
  23. Apparently you failed to notice that it happens to be the Bat-Dreamer on his shoulder.
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