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Everything posted by dreadpiratelynx

  1. It's a Ca duel for the caster and a Wp duel for the defender. That's assuming that you're using standard deployment (and actually it's only 6" in), and that there's no terrain to move around or to block LoS. If you're using the corner deployments there's 29" or 40" between deployment zones depending on if it's square or triangle deployment. For some reason my games tend to be played on the latter. I'm not bringing this up to say "See?! She can't get into range turn one!" I simply noticed the error in your calculations and wanted to comment on them. I'd like to say that as far as the first turn kill is concerned, I never even attempt it. As I've said before, doing so leaves her unsupported in the event that it goes horribly wrong, and I'm not really willing to risk that. I don't make a move with her until the rest of my crew is in position on about turn 3, which could be the reason I don't see the same problems as the rest of you. Again, I don't doubt that she needs something done to her, but the proposed change would take her from being one of the fastest Masters in the game to one of the slowest (unless you get really lucky). That's a huge change.
  2. Possibly, depending on deployment and terrain, but then you have Pandy unsupported well ahead of your front line for around 2-3 turns (I don't consider Sorrows "support"). Not a very fun place to be IMHO. She's likely to end up dead as well. I can see what you're saying, but ultimately if they make this change to her, I see her as being infinitely easier to shut down, and not in a good way. I'm not saying that I want to play an invincible Master, but without the speed she currently has, the people I regularly play against would tear her apart every game.
  3. Wow, that seems like a bit of a knee jerk overreaction. I know you say that you haven't had problems playing this way, but I'm having a hard time seeing how it can work against half-way decent opponents. Incite and Pacify are too unreliable against enemy models to be relied on for movement unless you start using your high cards to ensure success. At that point you're making it less likely your casts are going to be effective. Honestly if they do this it seems to me that they are catering to all the people who would rather call something broken than actually use their heads and figure out a way to stop it. She's not impossible to stop as she is, I've done it myself. You just need to understand how she works to do it (which you could say about any master in the hands of a good general). I will admit however that if my above idea works half as well as I think it will, she probably will need something done to her, but I think making Incite/Pacify enemy only is the wrong way to go about it.
  4. Unfortunately I tend to overestimate his prowess a little bit and get him in deeper than he can handle. I still love him though.
  5. As I was falling asleep last night while considering how best to use my Sorrow's actions to give Pandora even more movement than usual, I had an epiphany. Have all but the last Sorrow to act try (and fail) to Pacify/Incite Pandy, then cast a spell or two at her (which she also resists). The last Sorrow then uses Siphon Magic to cast Dementia on Pandy which she allows to affect her. Now every time she successfully uses Incite/Pacify she gets to push 8", and every time does anything else she gets to push 4". This is of course dependent on her passing the Wp-->13 duel to keep from wasting her action, but with only 21 cards in the deck that fail vs 33 that succeed, the odds are in your favor. Add to that that you can cheat or stone a fail and you're looking pretty good. This obviously is a gamble, and isn't a tactic you should be using every turn, but can give you a huge speed boost for a turn should you need it against an opponent who is familiar with Pandy's normal shenanigans and is doing their best to shut her down. Also want to point out that as of this moment, this is only theory, but I'll probably be trying it out myself this weekend.
  6. Guild players rejoice! I have read here that several players are hesitant to take GP against Pandora for fear of her triggering Mental Anguish and making it that much easier for her to kill your models. Well, falling back due to Pandora's Mental Anguish trigger isn't a Morale Duel, so GP won't kill models who fall back due to it. There appears to be no reason not to take him when fighting against Pandora anymore. See here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=12134
  7. You are correct, but since Vikky can't hire her, it's kind of a moot point.
  8. That looks like a more respectable list. Another nice thing about it is that you can switch out the Convict with Johan for no difference in cost if you need to. He doesn't get a lot of love with the Viks, but he's got some nice synergy with Ramos, especially if you have Joss too. Without Joss I'd probably use him primarily as a bodyguard for Ramos though as he gets +2Cb while within 3" of him. EDIT: I'm thinking about piking him up myself, but have a question. Does his boxed set come with bases for both swarms and individual spiders?
  9. It's been a couple of months since I read the fluff so I could be mistaken, but wasn't Leveticus with them too?
  10. I think fog counts as obscuring terrain meaning you can see up to 3" into it. I could be completely wrong though.
  11. I always enjoy having the Black Joker pop up on an important :+fate damage flip. It only ever seems to happen when I'm on the receiving end luckily for me.
  12. Keep in mind I don't play Ramos, though I have played against him a few times. That said, starting with 6 spiders seems a bit much since you can make them during the game. You might consider dropping 3 of them to include Joss as he's a total beast.
  13. I think that currently there are only Outcast mercenary models, but there could be others in the future. I think the point was simply that in the section talking about hiring mercenaries there is nothing saying "only from the Outcast faction".
  14. If I understand correctly, Jack Daw will just be another Hanged sculpt. Not saying there's anything wrong with that though
  15. I was under the impression that after the errata pushes are now affected by severe terrain just like other movement. I'd love to find out that I'm wrong about this however as I main Pandora, and a special terrain result of rubble is no fun!
  16. I like it, but that sure is a lot of open ground in the middle there. I'd hate to fight against the Guild like that lol.
  17. Remaining just means you can't recast the spell you just cast. It doesn't keep track of the spells you cast earlier in the turn.
  18. You deploy your entire crew at once, so you really can't delay anything. I have always wondered whether your opponent should know the faction you're playing when choosing their own crew though. Although to be honest I usually tell my opponent either my faction or even sometimes my master before we even flip for location.
  19. That's what I thought too until I saw that clip again. He looks Ht 1 to me
  20. If I understand you correctly you're saying to target the pillars and the hit Sonnia with blasts? As per the Errata, you don't get any blasts off of hits on targetable terrain.
  21. Well, it's the epitome of a Tool-Kit unit. I think it would probably work equally well with all 3 of them. That said though, it has some really nasty synergy with Pandora.
  22. I'd say that the effects of Link persist until the ability says they stop, even if the Doppelganger no longer has the ability to Link to something else. Of course I'm not a Rules Marshall, so I may be wrong. EDIT: This could have some interesting uses if I'm correct. Look at Nino's "In My Sights" for example, or a Moleman's "Dug In".
  23. Undead Psychosis doesn't cause a model to fall back, it just keeps them a certain distance away, so I'd say it affects a Warpig as normal.
  24. This way you can play in a Brawl too. Win-win
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