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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I think that Stuffed Piglets with Pigapult should simply be lobbed far away and not used as ammo proper.
  2. I actually hadn't realized that! I read that the Obey is controlled by Zoraida but of course it's still the Pig that declares the Action. That makes my usual inclusion of a Hog Whisperer even more important, then. Thank you for pointing that out!
  3. Generally Gremlins don't have any trouble killing themselves so getting Killjoy out is not a problem. Show Off is the most trivial option but simply Drunk and Reckless and Dumb Luck and kill your own models very efficiently.
  4. Very nice! I like this one the best, I think. Lucky is a close second but this is very nice. The tree-guy itself is a bit boring but not actively bad. The base however is pure gold. Really, really nice. It does look like it needs to be painted in pieces, though, just like the Lucky Em.
  5. Marcus with nothing but Pigs (Zoraida at least can Obey them while Alpha leads to Activation within Charge reach).
  6. I would just add that tracking down a single Samurai might be a good idea. The three that come in the box is rather a silly number to have in a list. Oh, and note that they like to be ordered around (their gun can't misfire then) so Brewie has some synergy with them as well.
  7. If I may suggest, gerbil bathing sand is perfect. It's not actually sand but rather clay or something, very fine and when glued it clumps up making for a very natural fine sand look. You can get it from pet stores and it's practically free.
  8. If I may suggest, gerbil bathing sand is perfect. It's not actually sand but rather clay or something, very fine and when glued it clumps up making for a very natural fine sand look. You can get it from pet stores and it's practically free.
  9. That is the question, isn't it? People seem to say that Anna is a silver bullet hard-counter but then don't really tell the rest of us how.
  10. I think you misunderstood what I meant. I meant that if this topic is not one you wish to discuss, then make new topics about things that you do wish to discuss. This has nothing to do with seniority or anything like that. You are posting here and indicating that this topic doesn't interest you (it's a "dead horse") which, to me, is a bit strange. If you feel that topic can't give anything, then why read and post to it? Why not post something that interests you? I'm not trying to put you down in any way. I really await Anna as well! She is one of my most eagerly awaited non-Gremlin models. Your input to the topic originally was one sentence ("Seamus gets hit hard"). All the rest was some kind of meta-commentary. Now you added the Anna angle but it was, again, something that had already been brought up and discussed. You didn't add to that discussion. And that's OK! I'm not trying to shoehorn you to a specific behaviour. You are absolutely free to call this topic a "dead horse" or a vigorous penguin if you feel so inclined I'm merely trying to shed light on my reactions.
  11. I'm afraid that I do not understand. I tried to frame the conversation in the thread to be about what people thought would change if Belles were nërfed as outlined in the OP. The discussion about whether they should or should not be nërfed is something that has been discussed at great length in other topics. I was more interested in talking about what would change. And I think that, e.g., Adran's, Astrella's, Fetid Strumpet's, lusciousmccabe's, daniello_s's, and oryxwild's input was very interesting. I didn't agree with all of them but I'm not sure why I would be needed to (in fact, agreeing with all of them would be weird since they had essentially opposite view points).
  12. OK, did some research. You have started seven topics on these forums (two this year, one of which was on the Resser subforum). Does this somehow invalidate what I said? If you consider this topic a "dead horse" and wish to talk about something else than the possible implications of changing Belles as outlined in the OP, start a topic on those things you wish to discuss. Whether you have done so in the past or not is sorta irrelevant. You kinda skipped the dissenting views on Anna being a great counter without addressing them.
  13. Unless I'm extremely mistaken, Anna Lovelace only affects enemy models which really doesn't "hard-counter" Belles. Sure, it means that they can't drag their own models out of combat but Lure can do quite a bit more than that.
  14. Huh? So I should not engage people about the thing I wish to talk about if I limit the thing I wish to talk about? Be the change you want: go start new topics. I will even do you the courtesy of not coming in and telling that they are "dead horses" even though I have likely seen them before since I've been here for quite some time
  15. That's a good way of going about it, agreed! She can carry a Master's unique Upgrade which allows her to, e.g., do the Summoning for Somer or hold My Threatening Gun and order Ophelia around with it essentially giving her an extra AP. She doesn't have an Obey but rather curses enemies so they can't Walk or Charge, use Triggers (can really mess some models' defensive mechanisms!), or cause Terror duels. She can also turn enemy Scheme Markers into Stuffed Piglets. And she has Bayou Two-card. She is a tiny toolbox, really. Sounds good to me! Burt isn't as essential since you have Francois and Raphael and Gracie, though very nice, is sorta vulnerable.
  16. Somer is extremely versatile and can do other things besides the Summon thing. If you want to Summon, then another box of Bayou Gremlins is a good idea (to bring them to eight total). But you can do plenty with Somer out of the box. If you want to expand on the LaCroix, Merris is extremely good at Schemes and Sammy is super fun as well. Both work very well with both Ophelia and Somer. Gracie is fun but dies easy if the enemy ignores Armor. If they don't, he's golden. And with Saddle makes sure that Lenny or Somer or whoever can rider around in style. Burt OTOH is just very good - a sort of mix of Raphael and Francois in a way.
  17. First of all, thank you for the input! Much appreciated! I agree that Jaakuna Ubume would certainly be a very compelling option but, and maybe it's the terrain we use, I really don't see the Performers being at all in the same ballpark when it comes to dictating enemy movement. Push is just such an incredibly inferior mechanic compared to move. And that 18" range is also something else. I do agree that it would change Seamus' playstyle a bit but not at all to the extent that you present. Ca6 is still equal or over to, I dunno, 90% of the Wp values in the game? And attacker wins ties. Now, I'm not saying that it wouldn't be a big deal if their Ca went from eight to six - it would be - but I don't think that it would invalidate Seamus the way you seem to think. Though I'm willing to entertain the thought that we play Seamus differently and I'm pretty much certain that you're a better Seamus player than I am. If I got to "fix" one thing in the game, Belles most certainly wouldn't be it. Heck, if I got to "fix" ten things, Belles would probably still not make the list. But this is a debate that has been treaded several times and I'm not interested in re-hashing it again. My point here was just what people would think would happen. So far we've had two people say that it wouldn't really change anything and one person say that belles would disappear. Metal Gamin were like they were from the start of the 2nd edition as well and things like the Mech Rider were extensively tested with it being able to Summon Metal Gamin in their old form.
  18. I've used Sybelle in the lead with Sebastian as the main beatstick (then a Nurse and a Belle). Sebastian is really, really killy but he does kinda easy so using him as the leader isn't ideal, I think. Anna Lovelace should be pretty nice once she's available. She has a very nice attack and her Push can be nice in Turf War. Plus she's very tough and can keep her distance.
  19. Ah, I realize that my original post was maybe a bit too short. I didn't mean to debate the Belles and their need for a nërf or not but was more interested in what people think that would happen if they were changed.
  20. What if Belles got the same treatment as the Metal Gamin? What if their Ca dropped to 6 on Lure and their Wd dropped to seven? How would it affect the Ressers and the overall Malifaux meta? Edit: not saying that they need the nërf or that they don't. I'm more interested in opinions about what would happen if they were nërfed.
  21. A very recognizable proxy (recognizable as Old Cranky). Good job!
  22. Really like this one! In the render the front of the dress looks awkward but on the actual model it's fine. Thank you once again for doing these! A huge service to the community!
  23. I really like the head (the serrated beak is very neat) and the wings are great. The robe is really boring and I agree with Kobayashi that a more tattered look would've been a lot better. Now it looks like it absolutely needs some freehands and I'm not fond of minis requiring them. A solid model but certainly not amongst the best Wyrd has done.
  24. The first list with Trixie in the lead would IMO be the best option. I don't think that it's a good idea to launch your Leader into the middle of the enemy in Henchman Hardcore since Assassinate is often what decides who wins. Would dropping the Second Gremlin allow for this? If you are on Mancha being the Leader, then I would still drop the Second Gremlin as I don't think it's really worth it. A Bayou Gremlin isn't very useful in the format so changing that to something else would be my number one priority. OTOH Stilts and the Gun are pretty golden so how would you feel about a second Slop Hauler? Or maybe a Lightning Bug? Even a Piglet might be an option (Trixie can launch it forward on the first turn) and then you could have Dirty Cheater on Mancha.
  25. Belles are great for Luring in an opposing model in order to Fastify everyone. Also, if you want to do a Tara bomb, Decaying Aura makes it a lot scarier. Outcasts give I Pay Better + Double Trappers and the Rat Outactivation System but other than that I feel that Ressers are quite a bit better for Tara.
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