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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. To be fair, I'd consider Mah to be among the very best Melee Masters in the game - her support and maneuverability is great. It's just that Gremlin Masters don't do "mediocre".
  2. I take Liquid Courage if facing Neverborn or Ressers or otherwise thinking that I might need it (Jack Daw, Marcus, etc). If I don't take Youngs, I might also take My Threatening Gun and/or Dirty Cheater but usually I use Youngs. Youngs Focusing are really powerful. And loading guns means that they are really cheap. And if they Focus next to Lenny... And they give cheap activations. I really like them but I might be the only one of the forums as it seems that everyone else prefers Old Cranky (who is certainly extremely good). She doesn't take Taxidermists much
  3. I played a Zoraida list with two Nurses and three Moon Shinobis. Definitely a laugh. (The +2 Armor and negatives to all flips turns Moon Shinobis into quite potent monsters indeed but of course the set-up is rather involved so it's not like it's all that superb). Six Stuffed Piglets and the Pigapult in Interference is also somewhat silly. You just rain those Stuffeds all over the place. True Interference. It's a bit like reverse Angry Birds, really.
  4. This. The treatment of Chinese in Deadwood might be one possible view. Oh, and Sparks and Survivors also show that Gremlins mingle with humans.
  5. At least the Wong story from Crossroads very strongly suggests that they are sorta-kinda tolerated in Malifaux city. The Ulix story as well, though to a slightly lesser extent.
  6. Very worthwhile! Give Sammy My Threatening Gun and you can order Ophelia around. Even the negative to Actions doesn't hamper her much since she has a positive to her guns anyway.
  7. Also, a Young LaCroix standing next to Lenny Focusing his shot is a scary, scary thing.
  8. That's a really cool piece of art. I haven't been this excited about a Monday preview in a long time. Really nice!
  9. We did the campaign thing as well but I didn't find it very fun, to be honest. It just completely breaks the balance of the game. I mean, that "when everything is broken nothing is" just doesn't hold with things like jetpack Izamu (we had one as well) or my Francois (can't remember fully but he had Armor and positives to Ml and something else as well). Oh, and a Slop Hauler with a Flammewerfer (Reckless and Bayou Two-card makes it all in all quite silly). It just stopped being fun. As for generally against Kirai, yeah, she is very tough. Ophelia wouldn't be my first choice against Ressers in general but she can still compete. I would mostly fall back on the usual stuff like Lenny tossing Ophelia, who Ooh a Girl's him next to her and then kills everything. Merris and Pere are really good against Incorporeals and Francois' Companion allows you to Summon Ikiryo and then kill her immediately if needed. Note also that Jug Rocket can kill Lost Love.
  10. It's an Arcanist Peon model that can give you various bonuses. It's also the cheapest source of Scrap for Ramos to start producing Spiders.
  11. Fair enough. Do you have any expected time table for when the details would be released? I mean, even a rough idea like "before the summer" or "before Gencon"? The mystery boxes were given out randomly to the tournament participants since the TO wanted to keep the tournament less-competitiveness focused (newbie friendly), which I think was a great idea (even though I didn't get lucky in the raffle).
  12. I won a chip with a three on it! ... To tell the truth, it was a bit of an anti-climax. I mean, now what? In the previous system I would've gotten a box of minis or something but now I have a chip that might be, somewhere along the way, changeable somehow into something. Do I mail it to the States? Who then mail me something back? I checked and it doesn't have a code of any sort on it so I suppose so. Also, what can you change it into? Since you get one chip for participation and three for a win, I'm guessing that you will need quite a bunch in order to get something sweet? Is their approximate value about a dollar per number? Two dollars? I'm a bit confused by the whole thing, to tell the truth.
  13. Aye, Dogmantra is correct. See page 26: Duels are either simple (against a TN) or opposed (against another model's flip and stat (unless they relent)). A damage flip is just a flip. As is a healing flip.
  14. It really hampers, e.g., Belles Luring him out.
  15. Agreed! Listing his capabilities is all well and good but OTOH you can just read his card. The most interesting part is how you use him and how you mitigate his problems. For example, you mention that you like him with Mah since you can get to Ml 8. Well, both the Chores +1Ml and his 1000Masks +1Ml require Rams. Also, Mah likes to discard cards. So if you have Trixie to cheat ini with, you might be discarding two Rams per turn as well as a card for Mah. That's half your hand! And it requires you to hold two Rams, one of which you use to cheat ini and one which you discard so usually a high Rams and a low Rams. How do you deal with all that? And so on. Never take him? Sheesh. He's insanely good! I mean, sure, really expensive, but he always delivers, basically. He is absolutely blazing fast, messes up enemy Schemes utterly and can perform yours trivially. Superb in Headhunter, for example. If you can do what you set out to do using cheaper models, great! But if you can't, then he's your Gremlin.
  16. Zoraida is a lot of fun with Gremlins and well worth a try once you get your bearings.
  17. You are likely thinking of the Upgrade for Brewmaster that no one ever takes (The Good Stuff) that gives him a mediocre Ml attack that does, indeed, receive positive twists against models with the Poison condition. (...and with his Avatar, he can get Drunken Gremlin Kung Fu making for one of the worst combos in the game (especially since his Avatar also gives him a superior Ml Attack))
  18. I don't think that Old Cranky is a must. I really like Youngs. They help to get outactivation (a Bayou Gremlin is 50% more expensive!) and loading up the guns makes them sorta kinda even cheaper. And they are annoying to remove at range and have the potential to pack an enormous wallop - try Focusing with them as much as possible. As that potential often forces the enemy to cheat to avoid getting hit. Especially since they can't know whether you have a Rams in hand and can get Severe damage. I've killed, among other things, Lynch from almost full health with them.
  19. I aim for 6-7 for basically all Masters. They are an incredibly versatile resource and can be used to mitigate bad luck in various ways and I'm a strong believer in the idea that minimizing the chance for disasters is the path to victory in most games and consistency wins the day. I do tend to use quite a few Henchmen often as well, though.
  20. This. Being able to shoot into combat is absolutely golden. Doubly so if the enemy has Swill. Also, as Dogmantra mentions, both Masters have ways of moving or giving straight up AP to a model and McTavish is an expensive yet impressive model so giving him more AP is great. Oh, and do note that he is no slouch in melee either and his very impressive 3" Ml range on a 50mm base can be used to tie up models really effectively. If combined with Fingers' Chatty aura you can shut down really big areas from Interacts (hello Squatter's Rights).
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