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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. The opponent activates Lucius. After some furious flipping his own totem is dead, two of his guys are Paralyzed and Lucius has walked twice. "Let me see that card!"
  2. You can also look at your cards and if you have the correct ones, summon the Electrical Creation, kill it with Ramos and then Summon the Spiders. Have a plan B if the cards aren't there but that way you don't waste models.
  3. Those three sound possible. Now that you mention Depleted - there's also Stitched Togethers, right? How are they with Lynch?
  4. Thank you! I think that Samurais have the problem of being kinda similar to Fuhatsu. My intuition would be to add something relatively cheap and somewhat numerous to bolster the numbers as the list is looking very elite but Tengus seems superficial due to the TT Brothers and I'm not sure what else TT would have to offer on that front. Fermented River Monks? Obsidian Oni? But yeah, Katanaka Snipers or Shadow Emissary look very enticing.
  5. That's a cool list! Hadn't really considered Gracie for some reason but she's pretty golden for the format. Great stuff!
  6. Burt is good as he can bunch up enemies and inflict serious damage. Francois is golden as he can inflict serious damage and can Companion so Brewy can debuff something (twice, if they have Access to SS) and Francois can kill it. There is very little in the game that can't be killed this way (I'd like to say that you can kill anything but there's always things like A&D and Colette). Roosters are good because they can inflict serious damage and make prime targets for Obey and Binge. McTavish is golden because he can inflict serious damage and shoot into melee. You might notice a trend in my suggestions But seriously, Brewster is debuff so you need someone else to make use of that and IME the best way of doing that is to cause untold damage. A forte of many a Gremlin, luckily! Sparks might also be nice since limiting the targeting of enemies' own dudes makes it a lot more difficult to remove conditions or get models out of the drinking contest bubble. But I haven't had a chance to try this yet so this one's theory.
  7. I'm guessing that my "really dislike" should've been something along the lines of "really, really, really dislike"
  8. No no, it naturally is preference-based. It's not crazy to like the VP differential system and certainly the Infinity tournament system had its proponents and a lot of tournaments were played under it. Nothing wrong with preferring it! And as long as the system is known in advance the players are free to vote with their feet if they really dislike a certain way of doing things.
  9. Infinity uses VP difference as the main decider (or at least did a while ago, not sure of the current system) and I was in a tournament where the winner of the tournament lost to the guy who came second but the loss was a small one and the winner had completely decimated his two other opponents while the second had won but not with as big a difference. I'm not a fan of that system!
  10. Bah, that wouldn't make even the top five of my list: Switching to 62mm scale on the minis Upping the prices 500% Switching to a system where one player activates all their models and then the other player goes Introducing a faction of space ships Not errataing broken stuff like the rat engine
  11. But this happens with all the errata that they have issued already. Levi, Rats, Metal Gamin, Lynch, and so on. And note that we're talking now of situations where the illegal card would be strictly worse than the legal card. Edit: You also need the Upgrade card. I mean, technically you don't but you're obviously short-changing yourself badly if you don't use a no-drawbacks 0-cost Upgrade. So you still need to be on the pulse. But all that said, I wish to re-iterate that I can see the cons as well and I'm not even advocating for a change here. I find Errata-through-Upgrades clunky but it most certainly isn't nowhere near game-breaking. A mild annoyance at best. And I don't even want Wyrd to cater to my every need as I understand that some of my "needs" are peculiar. Seems like a perfect opportunity to have this discussion, then. But I would be utterly astounded if Aaron made drastic adjustments to these things and I'm not even advocating for that. All I'm really, actually advocating for, is a veritable monsoon of errata that hits the two Pillar effects in the game. Now, somehow this has ballooned into "ERRATA EVERY CARD EVERY MONTH!" or something to that effect in some people's minds, apparently (not yours, mind you)
  12. I fully agree that they need timestamps or version numbers or something onto the cards (Eden has a simple V-02 or V-03 denoting the version of an errataed card) but I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree about the rest of this. I think that when errata is needed, it should be done to the base card when possible, not introduced as a no-brainer Upgrade and I think that the benefits of doing this outweigh the cons. You think different and obviously Wyrd seems to think different as well.
  13. Somer was my first thought but I see that Omenbringer has be covered Marcus is also a very good suggestion. But to add something: Dreamer isn't a bad choice for this, I think. He has two distinct playstyles depending on Limited Upgrades and can further refine his role using other Upgrades. And his crew is quite varied.
  14. Imagine a model collection consisting of Lynch, Huggy, Fuhatsu, Kang, one Illuminated and 3 TT Brothers as well as Johan and Lazarus. How would you build a 50SS list from this if you were allowed to add one non-starter box? A specific list isn't needed, just the box and the reasoning for it is enough (though you can include a list as well).
  15. ??? I'm arguing for errata (proper errata, not errata in the form of Upgrades) - I think that me holding a card "sacred" is about as far as you can get from my stance. Imagine if, instead of the new Whiskey Golem Upgrade, that ability had simply been printed on the WG card instead. How would that have been worse? Then you could've still use Angry Drunk if you'd wanted to (with Sparks and the new Trigger it would've been a possible choice - far from an auto-take but not horrid). Why not open up that chance? Why do you hold the WG stat card so sacred?
  16. I have been known to sword stuff to death with her on occasion - that 6AP does add up with her Ml6 even though her damage track does leave quite a bit to be desired. And yeah, I've come to conclusion that ignoring her theme crew (Death Marshalls are the only thing I miss from it) and focusing on giving Fast to your own models is the key to playing her. Rotten Belles are excellent at luring an already-activated enemy model into your lines so that you can apply Fast and then slaughter that enemy. I have also began to steer away from the "bomb" style of dropping something huge in the face of the enemy. These days I more often drop something like Sebastian in there or transport a Nurse into a more advantageous position or something. But then again I tend to shy away from ultra expensive models with Ressers in general.
  17. This is the big one for me. If you flip low against them, you are under a serious threat of Paralyzation and this is pretty damn golden. I think that they are severely underrated as people either haven't really tried them or have focused on Shafted (which is cute but not worth it, IMO). I actually can't remember a game where I've fielded a Crooked Man and it didn't end up Paralyzing at least one enemy model.
  18. Oh, one more thing about Brewie - he really likes The Sow as does Ulix. Smell Fear and Terrifying and Brewster's Wp shenanigans and the ability to put enemies onto negative flips can make The Sow shine. And now with the new Upgrade from the newest book (Pork Whisper'n) allowing better control over Pigs I could see using Brewie Pig-heavy. I often take just Binge and Stilts for him so you could even put the Upgrade onto him directly.
  19. Not to mention models who already had a personal Upgrade and can take only one Upgrade. Karina and Whiskey Golem using their original personal Upgrades is going to be mighty rare now that they have excellent 0-cost ones.
  20. PMF is the natural place for it though some faction forums also have stickied tactica threads for some Masters.
  21. Dogmantra is consistently awesome like that! He needs a suit for his Obey so he does it quite a bit less than Zoraida (though he does have access to Binge which you can cast on your own dudes and discard a Masks card to get an Obey-like effect). The general consensus is that Brewmaster is the weakest of the Gremlin Masters though there certainly are people who think otherwise and enjoy him immensely ( @Four_N_Six ). I for one couldn't get him to really work despite playing him heavily last spring.
  22. Just to note - "cuddle" is this forums replacement for the word n-e-r-f (some probably find this endlessly amusing but I find it a bit distracting). Iggy's Upgrade is bizarre as Iggy was perfectly fine without it and it doesn't really help his role. SRM was really bad but now is usable, IMO. I agree that some of the zero-cost enhancement Upgrades are really annoying. Some make use of the Upgrade system (like discarding or allowing for options like the Samurai) but many are something that really, really could've been written on the card. And since you already need the Upgrade card it doesn't make much sense from the perspective of avoiding the need for new cards.
  23. I used to like Bete quite a bit though I do agree that she takes quite a bit of thought to get her working properly. "Luckily" there's the merc Aionus available to everyone now who destroys Bete trivially so I don't need to consider taking her anymore.
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