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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Of course it can and I use all sorts of things in my lists and have fun with them. I mean, I've used Moon Shinobis (yes, plural) in a Mah list in a tournament for the hell of it. But the fact remains that the Gremlin 7SS bracket is utterly crazy and Taxidermists are generally the weakest of the bunch. Doesn't mean that they are weak, though. Nor unusable.
  2. Mostly Burt, Francois, Sammy, and Sparks
  3. I really, really love him in Headhunter. He often performs the whole Strat for me while denying it for my opponent thus essentially winning the game.
  4. I think that you will easily fall into the trap of taking too much support and too little actual workhorses for them to support when you take Fingers and then all the usual support. But no, I don't think that he is too expensive. I think that he is awesome. But how do you get him killed? My Fingers usually survives the game. Between nice stats, one of the best Df/Wp Triggers in the game and very nice healing capability I find him very durable. Likely the most durable of the Gremlin Henchmen!
  5. I agree that Zipp is a very powerful option against both. Against Pandora I also really like Zoraida. Her obvious strength is Wp10 but also I have fond memories of Bewitching Pandora and drawing all the cards. Zoraida can also react really well to various shenanigans and therefore works as a powerful counter. Mah is also a fair choice as she can simply power up her Ml to such a degree that she'll simply whomp Pandora. She can also Push around friendlies and enemies in many different ways thus allowing you to rescue stuff from evil Auras. As for Misaki, Somer is a great choice. His defenses make him somewhat impervious to Misaki and his flexible playstyle lets him adjust to whatever the TT are bringing.
  6. Two Banjonistas and Fingers? My initial thought is that you'd need more killyness. Though Banjonistas can admittedly be plenty killy depending on the opposition. But yeah, Roosters make good Scheme runners as does Raphael. And both hit very hard if needed. I would also strongly consider the Sow (though in that case Slop Hauler and Hog Whisperer would also likely be needed but Whisperer can actually kill stuff really well when needed). She hits like an absolute truck, has Terrifying and her only weakness on offense is her Ml which can be fixed by Swilling enemies. Oh, and Smell Fear to really take advantage of Swilling.
  7. I have lately actually been thinking whether this is going a bit wrong about it all, really. I've done the Brewie thing where you take Fingers and Sammy and Wesley and Trixie and suddenly you are in a situation where over half your list plus your Master is basically incapable of hurting the enemy. This seems like it would be great for non-killy pools and I've won games with such a set and so on but I have began to think that Brewie with a killy list would shine in killy pools. Why? Because debuffing enemies, which is what Brew does (interestingly a super rare Master archetype in Malifaux, btw), is a lot more powerful if your opponent is fielding a compact list made up of powerful individuals.
  8. It fully applies to Gremlins. My advice would be to try Brewie a time or two by skipping everything that gives Poison and using the Drinking Contest only as a defensive measure without running full tilt to the middle of the enemy force to party-party. But I also agree with Hoyled that no other Master is as completely trumped by a random Chiaki appearing in the opposing force. Though I'm not sure that anyone considers him "unplayable" - that's certainly an exaggeration.
  9. I think that in almost all cases a permanently Slow Master (so getting only two general AP) would still be better than any Henchman. The differencein power level is very significant.
  10. The pictures show up for me. If the problem persists on your end, try clearing your browser cache? Or testing with a different browser than the one you normally use.
  11. Anna Lovelace is a Merc who seems to have quite a few nice synergies with Brewy. I haven't yet had the opportunity to test this so it's all speculation but here goes. 10SS is a lot but it gets you a durable Henchman with Rush of Magic. The main attraction is naturally her ability to deny Places and Pushes. One of the biggest weaknesses of the Brew bubble is that the enemy can often very trivially Push their models out of the bubble when needed. Anna makes that much more difficult. Anna is also pretty good offensively. She can target Wp with her melee attack and give Poison as well - the synergy with Brewie is obvious. And the Bury Trigger is against Wp so that works nicely as well. Her ranged attack doesn't randomize into engagements, which is certainly nice. It can also cause Horror Duels which is very nice with Brewy. And finally, she has some Push effects of her own. Essentially her whole package is something that seemingly has Brewmaster written all over it. On paper it all looks extremely promising. Has anyone tested her?
  12. IME Mah tends to hog up resources while Ophelia if often very light. I often find that I blew half my hand on a Mah Activation while it isn't uncommon for Ophelia to wreck havoc with no need for cheating.
  13. The amount of raw damage that she does is quite extraordinary, though. And with the positives to Sh she is very economical. If you don't have a ton of Dumb Luck that you hope to trigger Ophelia can perform just fine without Lenny. SS or cards for Thinking Luck when needed (it isn't needed on every shot!). And not having Lenny leaves her far freer to maneuver around as is best for her - hauling Lenny around is quite limiting. Finally, Lenny is kinda squishy and very vulnerable to some things so you shouldn't rely on him too much as a canny opponent can often deal with him.
  14. Why do you factor in the base? It's not a Place effect so base has no effect. I mean, that doesn't change much in your argument but it looks weird. (With Reva's Summoning you should take into account the base, naturally.) Wait, her ignoring damage reduction costs a corpse? I don't have the book handy but I didn't know that - that indeed changes a lot to say the least! Note that both Guild and Arcanists have a large number of excellent ranged options in their non-Master section (December Acolytes and Austringers to name just two). Ressers have fewer and this is compensated by, e.g., the OP Lure of Belles. So the impact of an extremely ranged Master is different for Ressers than it is for Guild or Arcanists. That's an absolutely bizarre line of reasoning. "For a couple of Factions there exists only subpar options for Corpse removal. Therefore Reva is OK." I don't understand your argument at all. As noted, you have really, really misunderstood how Sandeep and Nellie work.
  15. I'm very likely missing something blindingly obvious but I thought that Perdita had Wk 5?
  16. You do realize that the Gremlin side that has been listed, for example, is two models one of which is generally considered one of the worst in the Faction and is an extremely easy prey for Reva to boot, right? So that leaves one 10SS Henchman who has a (0)Action to remove one Corpse Marker very close to him. And Guild has one Master who is not the best choice for all Schemes and Strats and then Judge whose ability to "deal" with Corpse Markers is that models that he kills don't drop them. So yeah, that's not a very wide range of counters to say the least. If the take home message is that Reva doesn't need to be weakened since you can always play Lady Justice against her then I'm not sure very many people will agree with that message.
  17. This is true but to be fair, Seamus is a bit silly these days now that he can shoot his gun three times a turn, attack Wp or Df with it and thus circumvent most Triggers and Def stance and such while also ignoring Armor.
  18. I disagree on Young LaCroix. I find them amazing. They have an absolutely stupid damage track when next to Lenny. Simply Focus and watch the enemy squirm. They are also ridiculously cheap giving you out-activation which, with Ophelia, often means dead enemy model(s) in the first turn turn already. Or else very suboptimal placement from the enemy as they try to hide. Bayou Gremlins are 50% more expensive than the Youngs and a six SS investment will get you three Activations as opposed to two. I can count on one hand the times I've shot Upgrade guns - both Oph and the Youngs have much better normal attacks. The guns are good from Plink and for their (0)Actions. On paper it looks like the special guns would have their places to shine but the situation simply doesn't seem to materialize for me during games. One memorable Young of mine killed both Ototo and Lynch in a single game. It's friendly Kin - otherwise it would be fun for Moon Shinobis... I also don't like WG with Oph as he is too big for Aim High Boys. As is Mancha.
  19. I think Akaname look great with Fermented River Monks but I'm not really seeing their place in Gremlin Brewie crews. They are very squishy and have "only" two AP. The Scheme thingy doesn't seem all that great anymore (there's lots of ways of getting Scheme Markers where you want them with Gremlins) and their Ml damage is pretty bad. So their main use seems to be moving around Poison but that seems much more useful on the TT side of the fence. With Gremlins they can clean up Whiskey Golem I guess but other than that they don't seem super useful.
  20. Got to admit that I consider it quite bad since adding an Upgrade and then using AP from those expensive models for Condition Removal always seemed like a pretty bad deal. I mean, it naturally could save you the game by removing Paralyze from Ophelia or whatever but it just seems to come up very, very seldom.
  21. I really love your competitive NB Zoraida build. It does synergize extremely heavily and works like a well-oiled machine. Switching over the Gremlins removes some of the cogs and that makes the whole engine sputter so I would probably leave one aspect home and try to build to Gremlin strengths. So how about Nurse for Voodoo Doll shenanigans? Or indeed Burt as Clement suggests as passing hits onto it is funny. Dropping Iggy seems a lot easier since he won't work as well this side of the fence. I've used Lenny + Trix combo with Gremraida since a Nurse can keep Lenny healthy and Zoraida can help with keeping Lenny in position (he is extremely easy for the enemy to disrupt). Plus, Obeying Trix nets you two attacks much of the time. Now, it is an expensive combo so I'm not sure I'd take it into this list but just as a fodder of something that Gremlins do that NB don't (aside from the obvious Roosters). And I agree that getting Zoraida killed is a weakness. Nurse can help with that a bit but otherwise she is super squishy.
  22. Proxy bases are used a lot in Warmahordes since model placement is very exact and the models can be really big and reach out from their bases to long distances. Shadow Emissary is an example of a Malifaux model whose base can be fitted into places where the model can't physically go due to other models or terrain nearby.
  23. Hog Whisperer is a must with Swine Cursed. Reactivate is just utterly insane with them. Regeneration and changing shape twice in a turn heals all the damage you take from getting those four extra AP. Four! And it leaves you a Pig so ready to be Reactivated again next turn. Oh, and Trix can Push Pigs for even more ridiculous threat range for a model that goes through most defenses. Reckless, Regeneration, Re-active - the three hard R's.
  24. Sorry, I was unclear. I did not mean that Cojo is an unworthy target (he is a great target, in fact!) but rather that it would be easier to find worthwhile targets in places more saturated with Corpse Markers in bigger games.
  25. They are a bit weird in that they are fantastic when you can give them Fast (fantastic enough that they can be a worthwhile Merc hire for Tara(!)) but without it they are just a bit lacking, IMO.
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