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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I think that there's kinda four ways of going about it. 1) The official way (both players declare Factions but might end up fielding whoever Master and whatever crew), 2) declaring Masters and then choosing crews, 3) one player choosing a Master, then the other one choosing a Master and then building crews or, if I understood you correctly, 4) one player choosing Master and crew and then the other player doing the same. And I think that these are in the order of balance with 1) being the most balanced and 4) being the least. In Gencon they played so that you first declared your Master (simultaneously, I believe) and only then chose the crew. Some Masters are very synergistic with their particular crew so you will know what you will face while others can take really whatever. If you are going against, say, Kirai, you will know to load up on casting attacks to bypass Incorporeal. If you're going against Molly, it might also mean lots of Incorporeal Spirits but it might also mean Horrors, so the choice of taking damaging Casting attacks isn't as clear-cut anymore. If you're going against Outcasts, you might come up against anything really, but if you're going up against Hamelin, you'll know what to expect (most of the time) and, for example, take more blasts than you otherwise would. Or Vickies - better not take a force that needs to bunch up. Or, to bring this back to the topic of the thread, if you know which Master you are facing but are allowed to choose your own Master, you will likely choose Lilith over Pandora to go against Rasputina.
  2. He doesn't seem to wear grey, though.
  3. That kinda depends on how you interpret "for" here. "Required because you are targetting" vs "required to allow you to target". I believe that it is ambiguous (though I also believe that the intent is clear).
  4. Just as a general note, I don't think that the game is balanced if you know the Master you're going up against. Some Masters become, if not unplayable, then at least extremely disadvantaged if the opponent knows the Master in advance. Now, I realize that in the real world this is often unavoidable (since a given player might own only one Master) but it's just something to bear in mind.
  5. But those other OR-type upgrades specify that they are Rare 1. This one doesn't.
  6. I'm having difficulty thinking of a situation where someone would have a problem with those. They are great, make it easy to see which model has which wound track and all in all look very nicely done. Two thumbs up!
  7. That is a very cool theme, your crew looks amazing, and the proxies are sensible and easy to remember. Especially as you aren't taking advantage of Levi's gigantic hiring pool which might make things difficult in the long run but limiting to the core Levi crew I think that the possiblity of proxying affecting the game (through your opponent misremembering what is what) is very remote. I think that is a very good reason to proxy some of the more grisly minis and that's a very low amount of proxies that are nicely chosen. The Lawyer is the only one I feel is a bit strange but there really isn't a chance that it would be mistaken for something else in the crew, so no problem there, either.
  8. But does he solve the problem? I mean, in theory he can kinda do something about, but in practice?
  9. "Some models will have Actions with an AP cost of 0." All models have access to Defensive Stance. If it was available at (0), then all models would have an Action with an AP cost of 0. Also, do people really think poorly of Oirans with them having access to the new Upgrade?
  10. He wasn't available at Gencon so seeing him before next year is kinda dubious. Mindless Zombies however came out, so I guess anything is possible.
  11. It's Alessa Raincross from Anima Tactics:https://cipher-studios.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_7&products_id=39&zenid=m76vhh8arp8mg1k87hr1d30996
  12. Ah yeah, Vaettir Varriers would be perfect for Alps! They are also really cool minis.
  13. Oh man, a new Argentbadger tournament report! Joy! The tables looked pretty good - nothing too crazy it seems. The first game was not too one-sided but those other two - man, those were some brutal games! And yeah, I agree that Pigapult is rather broken in some schemes. All in all I'm not a big fan of deliver a message. Some factions have models that do it super easy (e.g. Silurids, Pigapult) and it often comes to who wins an ini flip. I wish it wasn't doable on a player's first activation for a round. It would still be pretty easy, especially against some Masters but at least it wouldn't be a completely done deal. And the third game - wow. That was crazy. And I must say that you handled Black Blood really, really well.
  14. Howabout Amanoyacus from Kensei: http://shop.zenitminiatures.es/product.php?id_product=164
  15. Oh my, you are correct. Sorry - I should've checked it
  16. Doppelganger can copy Mr. Tannen, so two more cards can do it as well. If your opponent uses Lightning Bugs, those can also help
  17. I think that in Jack Daw's case the intention of the rules makers is crystal clear but in Wastrel's case I suppose it could go either way. It's not an unreasonable restriction that they could only return them to McCabe and not throw them out to anyone they fancy. OTOH them being allowed to give them to anyone isn't brokenly powerful, so that works, too.
  18. Until the Waldgeist moves, leaves play or casts it again. It also has an 8" range - it's quite fantastic.
  19. Two per geist. They are severe terrain and provide soft cover (so make sure that you can put models inside). It's their only (0)Action, so expect to see the two forests per geist most of the time.
  20. They are insanely durable for 6 SS, their attack doesn't suck and they have utility as well. It's 18 stones for three so it's not like you won't have points for other stuff and they give OK numbers and are easy activations - they are happy going first or last. Finally, the havoc you can cause with six 50mm Severe terrains is nothing to scoff at. They are slow, but that is their only weakness.
  21. Maybe 10% of all minions are such that I would consider taking three of them into the same crew (if we discount summoning) if I'm aiming for an optimal configuration. Luckily, Waldgeists are a part of that 10%. They are extremely durable (a rarity with Neverborn) and can work as fantastic area denial models. Especially for Squatter's Rights, they can be absolutely amazing with their extreme melee range.
  22. I once took an (i)Defensive Stance action and the game crashed
  23. Put grass and moss and flowers and ferns and blood and entrails and body parts...
  24. They are pretty hot with the new upgrade, though.
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