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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I think that Francois makes for an excellent Scheme Runner. He is very self-sufficient, extremely fast and can do a number on any enemy Scheme runner he might run across. YMMV.
  2. Mierce I think does it right in that they don't draw any special attention to it - they are as you describe: parts of the anatomy. But Kingdom Death absolutely revels in them which I don't think is any better than avoiding them. I mean, take Lion God - he has a bunch of hands ripping open a gigantic vagina from which his face erupts with his chin turning into this absolutely enormous giant penis. And of course he had another giant penis coming out of his anus.
  3. I worded it badly - I do agree but I meant that you would easily end up with a lower model count than that of your opponent's since he is interested in killing your dudes while you are more about locking down his. Eight is indeed a somewhat high model count for Reckoning.
  4. I disagree with Joel. There are differences in Master flexibility. You can take Hoffman into Reconnoiter but he is unlikely to be the best choice. Similarly, there are several Masters who like to bunch up and are therefore a bit more limited than ones that don't care one whit what their crew is doing, for example. I mean, you could naturally play them and you could win and all that but they would be at a disadvantage in such a situation. Unlike some other Masters. Similarly, if much of your Master's schtick is about summoning half-dead models onto the field, they might not be the optimal choice for Reckoning. Thus being a little less flexible than someone else whose schtick doesn't revolve around a thing like that.
  5. I seem to recall my Nurse surviving to the end and being quite a nuisance throughout the whole game in our Molly vs Dreamer match. I mean, I thought I got great value out of her but of course it's just my point of view.
  6. Fingers is worth if the Strategy and Scheme pool make him worth it. Francois is always worth it Slop Haulers are always nice though with Brewmaster they aren't as fundamental. Bayou Gremlins are also good stuff as expendable Scheme runners. Also, take Wesley.
  7. Thank you for the write-up! An excellent read. I was a bit surprised that you didn't take Spring the Trap since, at least on surface, your crew looks tailor-made for it. Fingers is naturally seriously good at it as are Performers but also of note is that if Brewski locks down the opposing Master, you can have quite a bit of time to craft the Trap around him. And your model count was pretty low. Distract also seemed like a good choice against tough enemies like that and again makes lock-down even more fun.
  8. I could easily argue that both Hoffman and McMourning are below Lucius. I'm not sure I would but I could. I think that Justice is pretty safely at the bottom and the top three is pretty obvious but aside from that it isn't very clear cut, IMHO.
  9. She's the Master I'm the most looking forward to. I still don't think that she is really any good on the Gremlin totem pole, though.
  10. These are really nice! Love the masks. Hope that the mould lines are in easy places.
  11. I hear Myyrä is available through Vassal as well...
  12. OK, true, it depends on the terrain on the table. If the terrain doesn't favor it, it is only super strong. But if the terrain favours it, I am 100% of the opinion that it is the most broken thing in the game.
  13. Double Wall (Flame or Ice) is the most broken thing in this game. But there are 40+ Master and Faction combinations, which Dgraz was probably referring to.
  14. Wong's story even features Roja so I think it fairly likely that they will be packed together.
  15. ZFiend has been using it with Ramos to a devastating effect (give Langston Reactivate, activate him last, go again, win initiative and go a third time - that's a lot of death).
  16. We have seen Kaeris crew in plastic but it's not out yet (then again, neither is Ironsides or Collodi). So depending a bit on what you mean by "not seen fully in plastic) you should either delete Kaeris or add Ironsides and Collodi. Here's Kaeris in plastic, btw: http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.fi/2015/03/theyre-real.html Kirai is also missing most of ther stuff so I'm not sure she counts as being truly out.
  17. Malifaux is a really unforgiving game, unfortunately. A more skilled player will win against a less skilled one a huge majority of the time even if the crews are really lop-sided. Malifaux really takes a lot - memorizing the models is crucial for success and it takes a lot of effort. Not everyone is cut out for this game or willing to put in the effort. That said, you could try building a crew that's not about killing (as getting killed is frustrating). Low River Monks are an excellent start - take three of them. They aren't horrible, but tricky to use and non-threatening. Also, use Mei Feng rather than Jacob Lynch - Lynch is one of the most powerful "early" Masters in that he is extremely dominating when both players are new to the game (a bit like Viks, for example). Try to focus on non-killing Schemes if possible. Play as good as you can, but take several models that don't excel at killing but rather in other areas. Wastrels are also nice.
  18. Why was Outcast the wrong choice? As for Lilith, may I suggest tracking down her metal version (or a suitable proxy (very easy to find!) if you aren't playing in official tournaments)? She doesn't really need the Nephilim. Getting the Pandora, Jacob, and Zoraida boxes you can build a plenty powerful crew for Lilith. Maybe add Waldgeists and Primordial Magic to the mix. My long term suggestion for you would be (in rough order of importance): Pandora's box Jacob's box Zoraida's box Doppelganger Metal Lilith Waldgeists Primordial Magic Insidious Madnesses and Stitched Togethers once they are out Oh, and a Teddy of course Graves, Tannen, Tuco, Nurses, Gupps, Beckoners
  19. I've been using Arcane Reservoir (she loves cards!), Imbued Protection, and Seismic Claws. Really miss Vapormancy but this way I can do this as my opening: 1st turn, move everything up and Mei Feng Railworks and Vents Steam twice. 2nd turn Mei Feng goes very late to keep up the Steam for as long as possible and then crashes into a cluster of enemies. 3rd turn Mei goes early, kills stuff and strikes a pose. Then the opponent retaliates but Imbued Protection keeps her alive. Arcane Reservoir would be the one I would change for Vapormancy but she is seriously starved for cards so I'd hate to lose it.
  20. I have never met/heard of anyone having anything against it. Joss is useful but I wouldn't consider him mandatory or anything.
  21. When an opponent declares his faction I mostly think "Crap! There's no way I can win this..."
  22. Aye, this is a good point. Lilith can reposition things and Johan and Taelor like that very much.
  23. Eh, that's hardly a fair comparison. I mean, if you go there, you could calculate McM as doing an effective 10 minimum (against Armor +2 which he ignores, doing two Poison and then Catalyst and Induction going through). Add Nurse's +2 to that while you're at it But seriously, ignoring Armor and then adding Poison (with his tricks with it) isn't the same as 2/3/6.
  24. I agree that Lilith is most likely your best bet. What models do you have for a her?
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