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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Mech Rider would be good for the first one. Large Arachnids are always good but they need something to Push them around. I've been replacing Captain with Angelica for half the points and Practiced Production is really good. Arcane Effigy and/or Johan is also kinda mandatory. I would go with that as a core. Then, if you need more Scheing ability, Firestarter is a good choice or if you need more durability, then maybe Joss. And of course, if you need hitting power, then Howard.
  2. The more I look at it, the more it looks like a caricature. Like one of those big-headed political cartoon style caricatures. In the render the head seems better proportioned but still weirdly big. And again, not weird in a good way. But it's not just the head, it's the whole getup. Not a fan.
  3. Not a fan at all. It looks weird but in a boring way. Maybe the back will save her if there's indeed something interesting going on there but by far my least favourite of the previewed Masters so far. Oh well, can't please everyone all the time.
  4. Gremlin Zoraida is missing Papa Loco, Ototo, and Iggy. Thank you for compiling this!
  5. I listed Wind Gamins and Winged Plagues but as noted elsewhere, Shifting Loyalties models tend to have somewhat high stats so the only ones with low Wp are kinda inconsequential.
  6. Wong is also super durable. Somer is also durable due to his Loudest Squeel but in a weird way and doesn't really "tank" as such. Wong has Counterspell, Armor, Squeel, and with access to Gremlin healing he is one of the toughest Masters in the game. Which is surprisingly useful.
  7. To be fair, I think that Zoraida's hiring pool is basically three models over what Somer brings. Nurses, Waldgeists, and Iggy. And I'm not even a big fan of Iggy in Gremlins (he is great in Neverborn, though). So it isn't all that much extra to grasp. Maaaaybe Papa Loco but I don't see the need, really. I suppose he could make a Rooster pretty silly and afterwards start helping McTavish since they both have damage tracks that are helped a lot by positive twists (and Roosters have Bayou Two-card on top of that). But he is a gamble and there's Pere already if all you want is to blow the opponent up. Of the others, Bad Juju sucks completely without his Upgrade, Spawn Mother I think isn't all that even in Neverborn, Gupps are unnecessary, The Winged Plague doesn't add anything at all, Silurids are also not necessary (Gremlins aren't exactly lacking in fast Schemers), Samurai aren't needed since Gremlins shoot quite well enough already, thank you, Wind Gamins are again unnecessary, Ototo is overshadowed by Mancha Roja, and finally Malifaux Raptors aren't worth it with the Merc tax and Pigapult can be used instead. Did I forget any?
  8. She isn't bad at all. She has only two problems IMO: 1) Gremlin Masters are so boss that she gets outclassed by being only "good" as opposed to "bloody amazing!", and 2) her special niche of Pushing, distracting and beating in melee is not obviously awesome in any strat where Zoraida or Wong wouldn't be more awesome. She is lots of fun to play and competitive. Just not very likely to be the best.
  9. I think that the only one I wouldn't take is Brewmaster. Mah would be a weird choice but she could handle everything if needed. Wong, Zoraida, and Somer would probably be the most versatile ones but I really can't think of Strat and Scheme combos that would give Ophelia or Ulix real pause. Somer does have the edge in that he is particularly good in Reconnoiter and Interference while remaining a very good choice for any other strat as well. Zoraida OTOH is really good in Headhunter. Finally, Wong does some Schemes better than the others but you can substitute with crew selection.
  10. I know that this is a bit useless but I wish to note that there's very few models in the game I'd use three of in a list unless they cost 3SS or less.
  11. To be fair, there were lots of talk about the tactics of the Belle list and counter tactics to it. And most of the angry posts have been deleted by the mod (which, incidentally, makes the thread read a bit weird when things seem calm because you can't see the deleted posts and then there's periodical mod responses of "EVERYONE BE CALM NOW!" culminating in closing down the first thread).
  12. Focus gives you a positive twist to damage (as well as Attack) and the most common way of hitting something is to have a difference that gives a negative twist. They cancel each other out and therefore you get a cheatable damage flip. And since Bayous have Bayou Two-card, they can cheat from the deck if they land weak damage. This is very efficient and quite powerful for a 3SS model. Gremlins have a steep learning curve, I think. Once you get the hang of them they are amazing but they have so many tricks up their sleeves that remembering everything is honestly not easy.
  13. Here's a couple of long threads about it:
  14. Haha, Peter Pan would've sure been a different story/movie if Tinkerbell had looked like one of those But I too really like them.
  15. To me it looks like six of the silhouettes have hats? Or did you discount the nun habit that Reva has?
  16. You could also embrace it and give him a hook or something like that for a hand. Just cover the join in GS bandages (those are easy to make).
  17. Wasn't she in that band? Space Girls? She was the black posh girl, right, who ended up marrying that tennis star, David Bäckhams?
  18. The render look very good. The best horse by Wyrd so far, IMO. And the rider looks great as well. I like all the folds in the fabric. A lantern like that would get hot, though. Wish we could've seen her from the back as well. Pretty please?
  19. There is not much to "Reload". I tend to use Ophelia's guns for Plink most of the time. Her built-in guns are better in most situations and with Youngs I usually try to Focus next to Lenny.
  20. Sweet Stitched! I would really advice against getting more Wicked Dolls. They are a bit situational and the three you get in Collodis box is plenty. At the very least, play a few games with just the three and only then decide if you want more. I would strongly suggest getting a Brutal Effigy (or Hodgepodge or Arcane) instead.
  21. I think that's exaggerating things a bit. I mean, I doubt that Datsue Ba would have 12 Wounds, Onryo would have 10, or that Jaakuna Ubume would have 12 if they weren't incorporeal. 50% more might be a more accurate prediction.
  22. This is true on the Gremlin side as well. Focusing on Drinking Contest is a trap. Binge is pretty rad. You can use it to get an Obey on a friendly for any Masks card (no TN). This is also the reason why Wesley is useful as he can give your Master an extra AP. Not mandatory on the TT side, though, since he is so expensive due to the Upgrade tax.
  23. I meant "wider scale" in the sense that there would be more models with lower stats. It was indeed a bad expression. Out of the models that Myyrä listed previously, The Sow has 3/5/6 (as well as three-headed), Slate Ridge has 2/3/5 or 4/5/7 depending on his health, Rail Golem has 3/4/6, Rat King does 2/3/4, Arachnid Swarm does 2/4/5 (plus in-built Overwhelm Trigger and Strength in Numbers), Ama No Zako does 3/5/7, Candy does whatever she does, Cojo does 2/3/6, and Sue does 2/3/4 but has a built-in Critical Strike. So essentially four have min 3, two might have it, one has other stuff to make up for it, and two are just kinda bad (Rat King and Cojo). OTOH almost everyone has an extra AP available through something be it Smell Fear, Casting Expert, Overwhelm Trigger, or a (0)Action that can provide essentially extra AP.
  24. But yeah, points, definitely. I think Howard would be a lot less used if his Ml was 5.
  25. As noted, Coryphee can't form a duet when used by Collodi. Furthermore, his box comes with three Wicked Dolls so I definitely would advice against getting more as an initial purchase. Collodi is a very powerful Master. He can order around his own dudes and buff them but also cause lots of grief for the opposition. He is also extremely difficult to kill under normal circumstances. He likes all of the Effigies since they all have different buffs that Collodi can then share among his Puppets. Unfortunately Effigies all come in separate boxes so are a bit expensive. I would suggest starting with Brutal and then either Hodgepodge or Arcane (or both, if funds allow). And those Stiched Togethers will absolutely shine under him.
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