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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Spawn Mother. What do you think of her? I've used her with Mah Tuckett pre-nerf as Spawn Mother's damage track is such that she absolutely adores Focus. She is also very good at spawning Gupps and I usually got one on the first turn and then two more on the second. Now, the problem is that Gupps are kinda useless. The combo of Mv4 and Mindless means that they actually kinda suck as Scheme runners so their usual MO is just to get in the way of things and hope that the enemy can't somehow benefit from killing soft targets. And Spawn Mother really doesn't do much else. If she doesn't hit Severe, her attack is really lackluster, she is very squishy and I wonder has anyone in history of the game made use of Nourish the Young. Using eggs to heal is also very AP intensive. I believe the idea is to make use of Annoying on Gupps and Mother's Rage when the enemy kills them but that is very difficult to set up in a way that works. Have you gotten her to work? Any specific Schemes/Strats where she would shine? Am I missing something?
  2. I agree with you in theory but I have never had a Silurid kill anything by himself (his attack can be reasonable in finishing stuff off). Might be a user error on my part, though, admittedly. Adze also has the pulse that, on a Trigger, can cause one damage and one Burning with no resist. Edit: Oh, as a note, in my meta the very squishy Scheme Runners like Terror Tots or Hounds and such are extremely rare which might account for differences in experience!
  3. I dunno that I would agree that comparing Adze to a Silurid is a good idea. Silurid is all about Schemes and he's superb at it and if all you're using Adze for is the Mv 7 Flight + Ambush to Scheme, then yeah, a Silurid is obviously better. So if you use an Adze, you should make use of his damage potential and other abilities like Lure. A Silurid will never threaten enemy Scheme runners but an Adze can. As for the Lure - in GG1 (and, well, Malifaux in general), a Lure at the end of the turn can oftentimes deny a VP, which is huge. Especially when the thing that Lures is as extremely mobile as an Adze is. I don't usually like leaving Zoraida for last, so I don't think that Lure is completely useless in a Zoraida crew due to Obey. But I do agree that the lack of Stealth is a huge, huge drawback, no doubt about it. And that is my main concern and why I'm asking about him.
  4. I've been looking forward to Alphonse getting released as he seems to be quite an interesting addition to many crews. I already have Wong, though, so I'm waiting for the special order. Lenny, however, is an interesting suggestion that I hadn't considered. Being outside of Big Hat removes quite a few synergies but he does still offer quite a bit. On the Swampfiend front - have people tested Adze? The more I look at him, the better he looks. He's crazy fast with Mv 7 and Flight and Ambush. (Admittedly Ambush can be sorta weird without Unimpeded but Zoraida has easy access to cards for discarding.) His melee attack is surprisingly potent due to Poison so a single hit is sortakinda min damage 3 and the built-in healing is good. Especially needed since Adze isn't durable at all. His Lure has two fantastic triggers on it and naturally combines nicely with Shimmering Lights. Finally, Firefly is pretty cool when you get the trigger. With it and a single attack (getting a positive to the flip, even), he can sort of do 5 damage to a model which can kill a Scheme runner pretty reliably and Armor negates only one point of it. For a really stupid combo you could give him Two Gremlins in a Ghillie Suit since Disguised is potent with Shimmering Lights. Of course that would be 9 SS and he'd still die extremely easy to shooting so, like I said, a stupid combo. But it is pretty hilarious. So yeah, I can see him being used for Lures as well as for Schemes and even as a damage dealer suitable for some situations and targets. Should make an excellent counter scheme runner at the very least. Put mine onto the painting table in order to test him out in the (hopefully) near future.
  5. Mama Z, the queen of the Bayou. She's a cool mama. Let's talk about her and Swampfiends and good versatiles and OOK stuff from the Bayou. Let's talk about Strats and Schemes. Let's talk about experiences and highlights and stuff. I'll start with some OOK picks. First of all, I think that Swampfiend has excellent support models and scheme runners. So I haven't felt the need for those OOK. But on the beater front Swampfiends are sorta lacking. Bad Juju is, true to his name, bad IMO, and First Mate's beating power was (justifiably) nerfed. Which leaves McTavish who is quite potent in melee but a bit squishy. So getting durable OOK beaters is something I find myself reaching for. Whiskey Golem. It's no secret anymore that Whiskey Golem is a top-notch beater and Zoraida likes big beaters and she cannot lie. Armor works nicely with the Crows Trigger on her Obey to make Golem Fast and Bokor healing the Golem makes it remarkably durable. An excellent beater pick. Francois is on the other end of the size department but also works nicely enough. His only weakness is that his damage isn't all that high without Triggers so Zoraida's Obey's Mask Trigger isn't quite as potent. Still, he is a remarkably angry little dude who can put out a lot of damage and is reasonably durable as well. Then there's Gracie, who can haul Mama Z herself a bit and a Bokor healing Gracie is very nice. The 0" melee reach with a 50mm base is an absolutely massive drawback, however, so I've never been very impressed by Gracie. Finally, there's Mancha Roja and Emissary both of whose strength is removing Markers. Definitely worth it when the opposing Master is someone who enjoys dropping markers but otherwise I haven't found them to be better than the other choices above. Especially as Zoraida doesn't tend to drop markers of her own to help Mancha. That's my quick two cents about OOK beaters for Zoraida.
  6. I have the same issue. I'm not sure when it began but it wasn't always the case.
  7. I've used a lot of Foundry stuff with Mah before the nerfs - Survivors benefited immensely from the Focus as their gun is super sad when it does weak damage but very nice when it does something else. The range is also crazy! The Mah nerf arguably hit them the hardest, though. Rail Walking, at least in my experience, isn't nowhere near what it is with Mei Feng due to the lack of Metal Gamins but it is still useful for more "surgical" teleports around as opposed to the Mei Feng crew zooming every which way. Having several Foundry models however makes Rail Walking certainly more potent. Also note that Bayou Smugglers can haul the Scrap Markers around and since they can also haul Pit Traps, they aren't actually half bad with Mah. They even have a Push Trigger on their attack to make use of those Pit Traps. Finally, Survivors are crazy survivable (go figure!). Armor, HtK, and Scamper combine into an extremely durable 5SS model. If you can get some healing into your crew, that is naturally absolutely golden for them. Unfortunately Gremlins aren't very good at healing anymore, so Bokor is probably the only even semi-realistic option.
  8. A smokestack that shoots attention seeking missiles? Sounds just like high school!
  9. Seriously. One is a shirtless zombie barbarian from a post-apocalyptic setting holding a giant smoke stack with a bizarre handle on it, one is a cyber wraith with a spiky ball for a hand, and the third is a Warhammer 40k imperial cultist with a giant hammer and a monocle. Why are they like that? What's the deal? And seriously, does anyone have an idea what that enormous exhaust pipe is supposed to be and why is the post-apo-barbarian-zombie hauling it around? Please help!
  10. Back in the day we used to have two erratas a year - do we know whether we'll be getting balance changes this summer?
  11. Looking fantastic so far! Love the face! Have you considered adding a wee bit of turquoise to the icy areas? I find that turquoise always makes ice pop very nicely, though admittedly it doesn't look all that super realistic.
  12. I really hope that Rex has a 0" melee reach... But I have to agree that it looks like it will be difficult to game with. The Shadow Emissary already results in problems quite often - at least with the amount of terrain on our tables.
  13. 21 Glowy onto Alphonse on turn one? Wow! That's pretty bonkers for sure! Mind adding that to the Wong Tactica @ShinChan?
  14. Absolutely stellar work! And a good game, as well.
  15. Summoning is very powerful, not doubt about it, but I'm not sure it's hugely problematic as such. In this edition Wyrd made a ton of individual restrictions to summoning which certainly helped. There are top-level Masters who don't Summon out there so it isn't game-breaking as such. There are lots of minis game with some kind of summoning mechanics but they are usually much more limited than in Malifaux. I mean, there are games without summoning like Moonstone or Blood Bowl or Infinity but many, many others do have summoning (the big GW games, Eden, ArcWorlde, Pulp City, Twisted, Hell Dorado, etc etc).
  16. Whiskey Golem is always a solid choice when one needs a tough, mobile beater model. He's reliable, simple to use, and self-sufficient. As a bonus, people don't tend to take all that much anti-armor stuff against Gremlins so he can be monstrously durable in the right circumstances. Wp 5 is a definite weakness, though. I've also taken Spawn Mother with Mah as Focus makes Mother's damage track very, very juicy and Gupps can be handy in some situations.
  17. I think that the far more common scenario is that the player playing slow is newer to the game or is playing a new crew and aren't playing slow on purpose. It can be very difficult for a TO to penalize something like that and oftentimes, in such a case, the other player would be winning the game anyway so giving them a 0-0 would be punishing towards the wrong person. I think that that suggestion would lead to more problems than it would solve. I'm pretty sure that you'd be up to the task but I'm super interested in your thoughts on the matter after the experiment so please report back once you done it! (And if you somehow remember to tag me, I would appreciate it immensely but certainly no requirement)
  18. That's somewhat problematic due to the fact that things moving slow is often the fault of only one of the players.
  19. I think that pinning the Wong tactica is a great idea - it's well-written, quite comprehensive and wasn't affected by the errata. Mah needs to be looked at in a somewhat different light after the errata, I feel. She arguably got hit the most by the errata with her signature ability getting impacted gigantically, BBB getting a small hit, and Miners getting nerfer massively. I agree with all of the changes made but she wasn't exactly oppressively winning tournaments left and right and her power level was impacted massively so I'm a tiny bit worried. I did ask about Zipp and there was a wealth of great information in that thread from the likes of @Jesy Blue, @Rufess, and @wizuriel. I hope to take him for a spin in various configurations soon including testing the new Smugglers.
  20. In the case that this was a genuine question, note that the post was made before the errata which should make the answer somewhat obvious.
  21. I believe that @Maniacal_cackle's point was that the examples were real examples from a real game so theorycrafting all these options for theoretical situations is maybe not all that useful.
  22. I demolished a McMourning crew in three turns using Mah - they were just pulverized by the Roosters, basically.
  23. @Jesy Blue Thank you so much for the in depth explanation! Also, sounds like a very skill intensive list with lots of decisions points and ones that change heavily from game to game, which is certainly always fun. Very cool to see these very different lists! But I can easily see Zipp slotting into various playstyles as funneling the enemy through pianos can be exploited by fast Schemers and fast beaters just as well (though for a very different feel and playstyle, naturally). Elite list special Zipp advantage of Pass Tokens is certainly a cool note. @wizuriel Slop Hauler + War Pig with Inferiority Complex OOK is rather an expensive pair - are they worth it? How do you normally use them?
  24. Has anyone compiled a handy list of models that can remove the Underbrush? Bayou has Lucky Emissary (versatile) Mancha Roja (Infamous, so can be taken by Outcast Zipp as well) Wrastler (Infamous, so can be taken by Outcast Zipp as well) I can't think of other options in the Bayou.
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