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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. You, Adran, are probaly be the worst yard stick ever for solving whether cookie cutter lists dominate or not, though. Just noting.
  2. A painted model! Awesome! I'm tempted to get it simply to show my appreciation for that (the postage and the VAT for Finland are a bit of a killer, though).
  3. I'm nearly always convinced I'll lose a given game. I realize that it can be a bit annoying as well since it happens every damn time and I tend to win way more than I lose (especially in some games) but it is a genuine feeling I get and I really don't know how to help it.
  4. I'm always saddened when threads like these come up and many posters' primary concern and aim seems to be to try and shut the conversation down. I think that it is a very important conversation to be had and even if the consensus is that no change should be implemented it is still a worthy discussion. I might be wrong, but I read ZFiend's point as being that Lynch doesn't die trivially even though he is far squishier than Perdita. I mean, sure, if you let a Reactivating Langston Nimble next to him to Flurry while blocking Squeeling away, he is going to die. But since he is a ranged Master, as is Perdita, he is quite survivable if played with a modicum of care. As for the Mech Rider, I think that her problem is mainly the Metal Gamin. HtK coming at 2 Wounds is huge and the little buggers are simply really good. One possible fix would be for the Summoned model to come at 1Wd - this wouldn't affect her other Summons much but Metal Gamin would be affected rather dramatically. If that seems like too much, then maybe a Trigger (at Rams or at four Tomes for example) to heal the Summoned model for one wound. As for Seamus needing the Ca8 Belles - I think that's hogwash. At Ca6 they would still be quite powerful enough, especially considering that they are hardly the only Wp attack that Seamus has access to. I do think that Fetid's general point of ripple effects is an important consideration but I don't see it coming into play in this particular case. Mostly because no other minis game community ever suggests tweaks to models Yeah, must be the open beta and us being a special snow flake!
  5. What sort of evidence would you like? I haven't seen nor played a Guild crew in months that didn't have Francisco in it. Is that enough evidence? No, of course not. But what was the evidence behind the Lynch downgrade? Was it somehow more compelling? Now, realize that I'm not really arguing for errata here. I do agree with ZFiend that having had those two abilities be Master-only would've been nice. Similar to how some other things could be tweaked a bit (Dumb Luck could've been +2 Damage to take an example from my favourite Faction). They don't break the game but neither did the Lynch thing, really. But my main point is that the demands for "evidence" are silly as the only thing accepted as evidence would be an insane winning streak at major tournaments when, if one or two models are a bit too good, that really isn't something that should be expected. Lynch didn't win left and right all the tournaments before the errata, either.
  6. Guardian can also help keep Samael or Abuela healthy which, considering their damage potential, can be rather nice. Samael is slow enough for the Guardian to keep up with and, well, Abuela can order him to walk. But really, the 3" Ml 7 (coupled with his durability) is just as much what the Guardian is about as his protection mechanic.
  7. I think that the Papa Loco positive twists sort of overpower Sonnia - she gets the most out of them and she is utterly ridiculous with them. Rasputina or Wong have nothing on her. I mean, sure, it's a hefty tax to pay (6 for the DM, 7 for Papa - though you can get some mileage out of them both so it's not like they are wasted points) but the devastation is quite silly. Depends on the board of course, but if there are fire lines (as there should be) it's a bit too much, I think.
  8. Liquid Bravery is also nice if you are afraid of Wp stuff. It's essentially an autotake for me for most Masters since Stubborn is so handy. Also note that Skeeters can be used to deploy the buff part. And then there's Old Cranky who gives out a 6" +1 Wp Aura. Finally, Francois and Burt are not afraid of much and can kill most things
  9. Depression is rather crazy in the format as well.
  10. I'm pretty sure that the "she" in ZFiend's "She'd be better off with the message." was referring to Tara as opposed to the dude playing with Tara. The player naturally denied three VP which was good for him.
  11. "Hey, I have a message for you"Sticks fingers in her ears and goes "Lalalalalala" Urge to kill... RISING! Ah, the Gremlin response to Assassinate! . . . (I know it doesn't work but it's a reference to a story that someone told on the forums) "Hey boys, I think they're trying to kill me!" "What did he say?" "I dunno, all I heard was 'kill me!'" *Banjo Bash*
  12. That was the reason for the smiley - I don't think that Killjoy needs the extra damage or is much helped by it all in all. But it would work with any Guild crew, so there is that. I do think that in general Killjoy is worth a try with Tara and might be so with Molly as well.
  13. Molly is actually really good in Head Hunter partly because of the (0)"Prompt" she can do. Summoning needs a bit of forethought but it can be a huge asset in that Strategy. And Rotten Belles are pure gold in Head Hunter (as Lure is a the best thing there is for that Strategy).
  14. Zenit Miniatures makes nice Kappas but they might be a bit extreme as a proxy, really:http://shop.zenitminiatures.es/product.php?id_product=234
  15. And from the Mercs there's Ama No Zako, Killjoy, and McTavish at least.
  16. I think that Candy is prolly the strongest Neverborn Henchman for Hardcore. Her activation manipulation is kinda obnoxius in that format.
  17. I actually think that about the best asset one can have for Headhunter is Lure. You get the models come to you, one by one, and kill them off and collect the head. The second best asset you can have is Obey as it, too, helps immensely with Head collecting. I also think that Take Prisoner is really difficult to pull off reliably - especially in a Scheme pool like on the second round. I'm reminded of a recent game where a friend of mine took Take Prisoner against a Metal Gamin. First Activation of the opponent was to Activate Joss and Scrap the Metal Gamin. A Silurid is really good at Delivering a message so consider that.
  18. I was missing something obvious then! For some reason I thought it was an Aura but it's just the Wk bonus that is one. Thanks!
  19. This is true and something I have also noticed. Good post!
  20. Even though I, too, appreciate a longer critique, I don't think that there is anything wrong with wishing just for a couple of admiring posts. I think that an "echo-chamber of yes-men" is a style of rhetoric more applicable to political discourse and such as opposed to a couple of friendly "well done!" messages from fellow hobbyists.
  21. I'm probably missing something obvious, but doesn't the Guild Hound's Insignificant make him a worse candidate for this maneuver? As for how to stop this thing, take Tara Or block Luna by using terrain and models with a long melee reach she can't pass in one move. But yeah, Deliver a Message is almost an automatic 3VP much of the time unless you have access to Chatty. There are lots of models who can do it pretty trivially. But really, many other Schemes are really easy as well so it's not like Deliver a Message is a total outlier.
  22. I suppose, out of the Neverborn Masters, Lilith is likely the best for a wife... maybe a tie with Lynch (but Huggy has to be taken for a walk every morning).
  23. But I don't think that it matters even. A model can occupy two different forms of terrain if it's base overlaps both (e.g. right next to the severe terrain there is non-severe hazardous terrain: the model would be affected by both). So both NUPS and severe terrain and then it is affected by both (so moves at half speed since that's what severe does - NUPS doesn't do anything).
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