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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Aye, this is a good point. The plastic Schill is also quite a bit more dynamic than the original version so those two should be a pretty easy sell.
  2. Hooray - a tournament report! An ArgentBadger Monday is the best Monday! Now that's a fine amount of terrain, I think. And, as ZFiend predicted in the last thread, your success wasn't hanging on terrain I thought you weren't supposed to be able play this game like that ("I'll just kill all the enemies on turn three as this Strategy and Scheme malarkey is a lot easier afterwards.") but you seem to make it work. It is a pretty brutal strategy though so my hat's off to your opponents for being mostly excellent sports about it all Also, I noticed that you even used a Henchman in one game! I have to say that I find your lists somewhat unorthodox. I rate the Guild Henchmen extremely highly yet you find glorious success while using practically none. Interesting for sure. I also really liked your Guardian with Perdita - that makes her a tough nut to crack for sure. The Pandora game was for sure the most interesting one as the other three felt like a bit of a routine performance but you pulled the third one off with a flourish as well. Congrats on a well-earned win! Can you do a bit of analysis on what your opponents could've done differently to end up with a different outcome? Or if you'd rather not, I understand (not giving out trade secrets but also it is often really difficult to do when you don't know their hands and such and especially now that it is very after the fact). Are you leading the UK Guild stats, out of interest?
  3. It is indeed (the one with the giant, sculpted magic effect): http://www.wyrd-games.net/Newsletter_v3/Ads/WYR20322-Troubleshooters.jpg
  4. The idea is that you make a fairly large hole and stick it full of plastic (sprue works for this since you can cut it to fit the shape of the hole you made) - then you can glue the plastic mini to a plastic surface and the plastic glue will form a very strong bond between the mini and the base fusing them together.
  5. 1. Myyrä's advice is solid but: If you have a modelling shop (like model railways and such) those are somewhat likely to have brass rod in various thicknesses. I have brass rod that's 0.5mm and that is as thick as my thinnest drill piece (you can't really drill metal with it but it can be used for plastic). 2. Those brown leaves are just birch seeds. So if you have birches around they are very easy to procure If you don't have any birches around I suppose your best bet is to contact someone who does since I believe they are mostly sold in quantities that are way too large for minis work. Here's a random tutorial on them: http://www.reapermini.com/Thecraft/24
  6. Stitcheds are weirdly difficult since the concept doesn't seem all that original. Here's some possibilities, though: http://shop.zenitminiatures.es/product.php?id_product=64 http://torgaming.co.uk/product-category/relics/britanan-category/ As for Insidious, howabout these: http://www.modiphius.net/collections/miniatures/products/achtung-cthulhu-miniatures-mythos-creatures-chthonians
  7. Bah, missed this one. But wow, that really was worth it! Now the shadows are rich and complex and the sausageneyness has gone completely. I also really like how you did the chains. That's a seriously solid trio! Sidir is also looking splendid. The cherry wood tone on his base is just amazingly spot on. The only (very minor) weakness I feel is the scabbard. That brown works in small details but the scabbard is kinda big and somehow unbalances the colour scheme a bit. I think if it was a bit richer and darker it wouldn't look so out of place. But here I have to say that I'm also affected by the sculpt as I feel that the scabbard is a bit weird and dominating strangely. Really love the shadows on his robe, though. Very well done! And the turban rocks.
  8. Oh my, these look amazing! The bases look seriously great, the skin tones are super smooth and the blades are absolutely top-notch! Really well done.
  9. The OP is from York and looking at UK tournament pics, they don't seem to be quite as adamant about that rule as they might be over on that side of the pond.
  10. I think that an important consideration here is that you won't normally be tailoring your list against Brewmaster but rather against Gremlins. So how does Brewmaster affect Gremlin (and TT but I'm a Gremlin player so will be concentrating on them) meta? When do you face Brewmaster? He generally sucks for Reckoning and Reconnoiter. He shines in Turf War and can be a valid choice for Squatters. Stake a Claim I would be surprised to see him but it wouldn't be utterly silly. What other Gremlin Masters are you likely to face in Turf War and Squatters? Wong and Mah are especially good for Turf War, Ophelia is a solid choice as are Ulix, Zoraida, and Somer. In other words, all are possible choices so you need to prepare for all of them while taking Brewmaster into account.
  11. You vastly overestimate my speed - I'm no Dirial! Poltergeist got a bigger base, btw. Also Brass Arachnid, Skeeters and Steam Trunk got bigger models that don't fit their bases but that is not quite what was asked Edit: OK, Steam Trunk didn't get a "bigger" model since it didn't have a model before but you know what I mean.
  12. There's six in the pack but OTOH it's only $7: http://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/proddetail.asp?prod=15ALN-114 They are 15mm but hulking so should be perfect size. Here's painted shots: http://tinysolitarysoldiers.blogspot.fi/2010/07/blue-moon-twanax-horde.html
  13. A double-whammy of Argentbadger tournament goodness! Just amazing stuff - thank you so much once again for doing these. I live vicariously through these wishing that we had as awesome tournament scene here (and that I had time to attend such...). The tables looked a little sparse (I think I'm obligated to make that comment ) so Sonnia and Perdita were certainly having a field day. It's fun to note how limited a model pool you use. You also seem to approach the games in a pretty similar way. I mean, the common wisdom is that you need to really tailor your force for each situation but you seem to have a pretty big core that you then very slightly but keep it fairly sameish in all games. Not a criticism, mind, just noting how it shows nicely how you don't need access to all that many minis from a given faction in order to do well in tournaments (if you know how to play, that is ). Though I'm really cheering you on while reading these, I still found the Ironsides game the most interesting - really surprising as well. Getting Ironsides into melee with Sonnia on the first turn was certainly something unexpected!
  14. Thank you so much for the unboxing once again! You're doing this community a big service. I have to ask, though: is that really a 30mm base? It somehow looks bigger but OTOH on the comparison shot they seem to have similar sized bases - weird.
  15. I think that both Arachnids and Arachnid Swarms are balanced around Ramos summoning them as opposed to models hiring them. I think that both are somewhat overshadowed by other options in the faction. Since they are M&SU I have to wonder whether Ironsides' Hand-Picked Men (a Hand-Picked Swarm!) would do to it - it would have a pretty crazy potential for sure!
  16. He has a bubble where models do nothing productive. Vickies have a bubble where models cease to exist. I know which one I find scarier
  17. At least here, the Gremlins seemed utterly insane at first but their drawbacks, though on paper really minor, do add up in actual play. They actually are squishy and do have various weaknesses. I'm not saying that they aren't powerful - certainly they are, but I would be surprised if they are really "OP". Are you saying that it is as powerful as Lynch's gun? And Perdita's as well? If so, I agree. On a slightly different point, what new, non-limited models do we have in plastic that weren't available in metal (or in plastic during M1.5)? Samurai, Low River Monks, Fuhatsu. Barbaros. Merris. Hannah. Some totems (Steam Trunk, Scribe). Anything else? I'm most probably missing something. But my points is that that's extremely few unless I'm missing a helluva lot! And I do agree that models without M1.5 presence were playtested less during the open betas so it will be interesting to see what happens when the new stuff starts to come out. Soon Ironsides, Brewmaster, and Tara as well as Whiskey Golem. Interesting times.
  18. The Smog 1888 line has some of the most best miniatures ever produced. There's some utterly amazing stuff there.
  19. It's 48mm scale so doesn't quite work, unfortunately. Would make for a killer Ikiryo, though
  20. Here you go: http://www.google.fi/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCUQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.warploqueminiatures.com%2F%23!product%2Fprd14%2F3121530841%2Fundead-pirate-crewmen-%285%29&ei=iaA3VYzrPIebsgGeuIGwBg&usg=AFQjCNH1PEdYIqvzrkg3JUHTZk2NUw1psA&bvm=bv.91071109,d.bGg (the seagull cracks me up)
  21. If people find a given name stupid due to its connotations, it doesn't mean that they are prudes. I would also vehemently oppose a Gremlin named Cöcä Cölä Zerö yet not out of any sense of prudishness.
  22. I just quickly checked three wave 2 beta files (I had them on hand and so it only took something like a bit over a minute to search them) and in one they were Last Blossom (in the 11-12-13 file) and in the other two neither. I don't think that they were Retainers as that doesn't really fit them.
  23. It has nothing to do with being a prude or not as was explained to you over and over again in that thread. I won't go over it again as you would no doubt ignore it again (you very rarely seem to engage in an actual conversation - merely post a line or two of pithy comments).
  24. I believe the idea is that all Ancestors are Rare 1 so I doubt that the Ashigaru will become Ancestors.
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