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Math Mathonwy

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Everything posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. Everyone else already answered this (though I wish to also mention that in the next book, the Arcanists will be getting excellent Scheme runners in the form of Wind Gaming) but if you are open to proxies, then Sphere Wars makes quite a few excellent Molemen proxies that are less grotesque: (their site seems to be down at the moment, so here's Wayland links instead) http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/adepts-of-malesur/13024-mole-boy-a http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/adepts-of-malesur/13025-mole-boy-b http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/adepts-of-malesur/13027-pack-of-mongoose-boys
  2. I think that Canine Remains are excellent in producing Corpse Counters by killing and dying - the digging up thing is a very situational ability that should be used very rarely. Not disagreeing per se, but noting that Yin needs to be really careful around the Rail Golem since it has a permanent positive twist to its Ml Attack thus negating Yin's most powerful defense.
  3. The hat is crazy! I also seriously love the tetsubo and the green parts and the white (haha, so basically all of it!). The only thing I'm not sure about is that OSL - I've always had huge trouble with OSL on white since the light shouldn't darken the surface it hits and white is often so bright that putting any colour on it will darken it. Not really sure how it should go, though...
  4. Apprentice Wesley isn't gigantic? What is this? Impossible! But what's the thing that was cut from the sprue?
  5. Welcome! Dirial is 100% correct in his answers. Arcanists are really fun and viable and your chosen Masters complement one another perfectly (I would go so far as to say that they are the perfect four of the Arcanists synergy-wise). As for the models, Kaeris' box, for example, is not out yet, nor is Colette's. Also note that Wyrd Store is not the quickest way to get the minis since they allow other stores to sell new stuff first (for a couple of weeks or so) and only then offer it in their own store. Mei Feng's and Ramos' boxes make for a fantastic start. You could complement them by also getting the Metal Gamin and then play some games.
  6. I believe ZFiend means this (the original) Pandora:http://theminiaturespage.com/news/pics/2006/jan/732988b.jpg This one is the one on the 50mm: http://www.w6-tabletop.at/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/PandoraAvatar.jpg
  7. I know that the stashes are blocking but 1) they can't hide all their models behind them from all angles and 2) when their models are hiding behind the stash, they can't affect your models.
  8. Whatever you do, take Belles - you need to be really close to the Stashes to count so Belles can really foil it. Heck, Yan Lo's Lightning Dance can be good as well here.
  9. They must charge if able, indeed, but they don't need to charge the closest target and their Cg is a whopping 8" (though with just a 1" Ml range) - with a bit of care you should be able to position them in way that is safe. Charge them into an enemy and then take a Defensive Stance with them - removing them afterwards is really annoying! And when in Defensive Stance, you blast into combat with Somer and, if you shoot your own Piglet, can then choose between the cards flipped whether you want to kill the Piglet and get blasts or whether you want to keep it alive. How does this work? War Pig itself is a legal target after all (unless Old Major is around)?
  10. I think that it is very clever and nicely executed. I could easily see that getting into the second round
  11. Out of stuff that is already available, my number one starter to help Ironsides would be Ramos and number one non-starter would be the Metal Gamin. Ramos offers you some heavy hitters and Scheme runners while Metal Gamin are simply awesome. As an added bonus, you can then start playing Ramos as well (I think that Wyrd does this on purpose...)
  12. Each Faction gets, in the next book, a 10SS Enforcer with a 0-cost Upgrade for each Master in the Faction and you can use the Avatars to represent them.
  13. Killing is indeed the ultimate debuff. But yeah, Sonnia and Perdita are especially well suited for it since their zone of influece is huge and Sonnia (with Papa in the box) can kill huge swathes of the enemy while Perdita can kill just about any single target. That has a huge effect on how the enemy can proceed with their gameplay. I like Judge as a simple, very durable damage dealer with a nice Push. Something that I can rely on. One of the better beatsticks in the game, IMO. Sidir is similar in that he makes, e.g., Deliver a Message really iffy for the opponent to try and he very durable and dependable. Interesting ranged option that forces your opponent to adjust to him. And finally Francisco - really powerful counter element for, e.g., Sonnia. Someone ties her up in melee - well, Franc can kill most things in melee. He isn't as durable as the others so shouldn't be alone in the front but I find he does his job really well when not overextended. Aye, this I can get behind 100% - outactivating with meaningful models is a powerful thing in this game. And when you do that outactivation with something like Death Marshalls that can box up anything (well, Zoraida, Bete Noire and Killjoy aren't very good candidates...) and is therefore a threat to anything - it's really powerful. Agreed! That is a personal failing of mine, but I really don't rate Misaki very highly as a Master. I think that David did play her well (even while hindered by his hand, apparently!) but I find her somewhat lackluster. Didn't mean to sell David as a player short, though. What a fantastic write-up! Seriously awesome stuff - thank you taking the time to write all that! I have been playing Mei lately and my usual opening is that I make a two model Railwalk string for Mei and then jump her there (about midfield) and put down a double Vent Steam. This makes a big bubble that is, if not impervious, then at least really annoying to shoot or cast into. If using Emberling's Companion for this, it can be done in quite few Activations if needed but usually the big guns tend to go late in the round in order to have the best choice of targets. Aye, this is how it goes here as well. I guess in theory Mah Tucket might care about the Initiative Flip even when alone (as it can give out Unimpeded) but that is a really long shot and would require really unsual circumstances.
  14. Mech Rider is also pretty funny in Turf War since Metal Gamin always take at least actions to remove (well, unless the opponent obeys Joss to hit them or something). She is, in fact, Sybarite's choice for Reckoning (since Reckoning favors very heavy models and Colette can get extra Actions out of them)!
  15. I sure do and I like to think that it helped in getting the Red Joker damage toned down for this edition As for how to deal with shooters - one option is to run a Silurid there and once they kill it, have Bad Juju pop out.
  16. Or Waifs which were Rare 2 but had three different Sculpts - one in the Levi Starter and then two in the blister pack...
  17. And another one here: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/103604-where-do-the-characters-come-from/
  18. Play Wong and take A Gremlin's Luck Upgrade - you will run through your deck in no time Somer is also pretty damn good in going through the deck what with all the Bayou Two-Card and card draw mechanics that he has.
  19. Have you tried him? Because he is quite strong. His Armor and Soul Stones work in interesting ways together making him utterly, insanely resilient. He is a very good Summoner and really killy. He is a bit one-dimensional, though.
  20. No, this is impossible. To pick a trivial example, two cards that come out on a positive twist vs a negative twist can be really good or really bad (a 13 and an ace, for example) and what twist you will get depends on your and your opponent's actions. Malifaux is very, very much skill-based.
  21. I didn't mean that he wasn't allowed to play that way, just that the common wisdom seems to be that a playstyle like that leads to defeat. As Dirial said, the game continues for the as many rounds as it does no matter if the opponent has no models left. You even flip for Initiative each round
  22. She's holding the bow really weirdly (the string goes over her arm when it should go under and also I think that the arrow is on the wrong side of the bow)... Other than that, nice artwork.
  23. Is it any more strange than a Belle Luring an embodiment of nothingness, a Tyrant or an Ice Golem ("Why did I enchant sex drive to it? Why!?"). Or all of those things running away from Trixiebelle's charms?
  24. When it comes to building Malifaux models, Gmorts Chaotica blog is usually a good bet and that's the case here as well: http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/unboxing-malifaux-multi-part-minis.html
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