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Everything posted by waghorn41

  1. The pinks look lovely here and the hair colour in the rear view is great. The paint on the face looks a bit thick tbh.
  2. waghorn41


    Definitely very pretty, looks good. In the close up photos it looks as if you had some paint problems in some areas.
  3. Much better photo, clear and crisp. The limited palette works very well.
  4. Very nice the use of pink as the main as well as detail colour works very well.
  5. Nicely painted and good use of the theme colour.
  6. Nicely presented mini and the freehand looks nice.
  7. Nice take on the theme, looks well in the shades of pink you've used.
  8. Nicely balanced entry, good use of the colour. The different lighting levels and focus of the two photos doesn't show off your hard work very well.
  9. Nicely balance entry, good use of the colour. The different lighting levels and focus of the two photos doesn't show off your hard work very well.
  10. The angel looks lovely, the pinks give her a very delicate appearance. (not keen on the cherubs tbh)
  11. The simple pallette and careful shading and highlights make this a very effective piece, really like what you've done here.
  12. Nicely painted mini, the deep and pale pinks work very well.
  13. A few touches of pink and plenty of attention to detail in this lovely piece, very nicely done.
  14. The paint job on the bike really hits the mark and it's well done.
  15. Nice little scene but I couldn't really see the goggles even on best magnification. What my eye was drawn to was the pink item on the tray - but I can't tell what it is! The goggles being pink is a great twist though.
  16. It's 'in pink' and it's very cute too.
  17. Nicely painted, the subdued tones work well.
  18. Well done, the shading and highlights really set these off.
  19. Looks good, nice colour palette.
  20. A nice pink entry but I feel some of the highlights look too geometric to be natural.
  21. A very bright and colourful entry, well constructed and painted. I haven't read the story because it's not relevant to the competition. It was pointed out in the last IP that if you had to explain the entry for the judge you had missed the theme. Thankfully you've got a good entry and hit the theme
  22. I like this but think the pink 'bodysuit'? should have been more vivid as it tends to bled with the pale scenery. Nice entry though.
  23. Poetry in pink, love the freehand on this. Great little scene.
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