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Hobby Burnout

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Anyone else ever get hobby burnout?


I have to confess it's more of a 40k related thing though by proxy I've not finished my Sonnia (50% painted) or Lilith Crews (90% painted). No one seems to play Malifaux much where I am, it's gotten quiet which has dulled my motivation somewhat.


Warharmz - well, that's just frustrating. The inherent imbalance frustrates me - take a fluffy list get eaten by the cheese list, take cheese list vs less optimal list = you win due to your army list. And it becomes list hammer. If you loose fluffy vs fluffy then you over fluffed and under cheesed, if you cheese then it's just pathetically sad. 


I seem to be gravitating towards RPGs since they are collaborative, social, storytelling games, still with elements of chance and dice. Not to mention cheaper (though of all wargames/skirmish games Malifaux is the most reasonably priced I find)


Anyone else ever get this sort of burnout and what do you do to combat it?


It probably doesn't help that the minis are there saying 'paint us photo toxin… paaaaiiiint ussss'

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I think pretty much everyone does from time to time. I know I do, on a semi regular basis.


Usually, I take a step back, stop trying to force myself to do anything hobby related, then wait for a smallish project that really catches my interest to turn up in my head. I've found that making yourself keep going or go back to it too quickly doesn't do anything for me except make it slow and painful to do...

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Yep, the big one for me has always been Warmachine, where I play kind of intensely for a few months, then can't stand one more caster kill and stop playing for a year.


In general, I just switch gears when I get tired of it and do something else with minis, with occasional stuff in other types of games (I've also started gravitating towards RPGs and board/card games).


I agree with Mako's advice, if you want to motivate yourself, do a small group of something (part of why I love Malifaux, but there are plenty of other areas that work like that).

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I get hobby burnout every couple of years. Thankfully there was always some super cool new release to bring me back in. Recently it has been pretty terrible due to the state of 40k and fantasy, two games that I have loved for the last 15+ years are both in terrible places right now. Thankfully malifaux has been doing a wonderful job keeping me in the gaming world.

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I get hobby burnout every couple of years. Thankfully there was always some super cool new release to bring me back in. Recently it has been pretty terrible due to the state of 40k and fantasy, two games that I have loved for the last 15+ years are both in terrible places right now. Thankfully malifaux has been doing a wonderful job keeping me in the gaming world.

This is exactly it for me. It doesn't help that most of my gamer friends are GW fanboys (they could release one space marine with 3 arms on his head and a £30 2 page data sheet for rules and they'd love it!) and that Malifaux is only really played at a different club which is hard to get to and full of power gamers.


Still, visiting the folks in Irelandistan and might dig out some old minis that make me want to paint again!

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I've been on a painting burnout for about a year or so now. I'm finding the more models I buy the harder it is to get back into it so I've decided to slow down a bit and try getting back into painting by building up some custom Corpse Counters for my recently acquired Nico Boxset. I'll start with something small like that to incentivize myself intro painting Nico and all his numerous cronies. 


Like many others I too was alienated quite heavily from GW's products. I still play with my Fantasy from time to time when I get the itch but I've not bought anything for months now. My wallet just wont allow it, their prices have become absurd! It also seems like every few weeks now it's a new Space Marine toy and every little kid and "Fan Boy" as it was put earlier in this thread throws their money at GW effectively fueling the machine into vomiting out more awful Space Marine junk instead of focusing on model lines that are hideously out dated (Wood Elves, and Brettonians anyone?!) or balancing others that are just plain wrong! (Necrons and Beastmen come to mind). Forge World's Horus Heresy Range is another BIG pain in my ass, why focus on that rubbish when they have numerous models from Fantasy books with rules but no sign of models on the horizon? Damn it winds me up!


Thankfully before I gave up on Wargaming altogether the clouds parted and there was Malifaux, in a ray of golden light it saved me from going back to World of Warcrack for insane periods of time!  :D

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My wallet just wont allow it, their prices have become absurd! It also seems like every few weeks now it's a new Space Marine toy and every little kid and "Fan Boy" as it was put earlier in this thread throws their money at GW effectively fueling the machine into vomiting out more awful Space Marine junk instead of focusing on model lines that are hideously out dated (Wood Elves, and Brettonians anyone?!) or balancing others that are just plain wrong! (Necrons and Beastmen come to mind). 

Well, the Wood Elf and Bretonnian armies being outdated (and Beastmen and Tomb Kings) is apparently no longer an issue, as there appears to be multiple sources claiming that they will be dropped entirely. So, being outdated is the least of their problems.

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I count myself thankful that I haven't had any sort of hobby burnout for a long while.


I will play games all day, every day, with anyone. GAMES!


And if I get close to painting burnout, I build something for a few weeks. Then I paint it. Rinse and repeat until hobby closet is full. :P

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I am suffering from burnout at the moment myself... 


Like you, it is more related to 40k than anything else.  I still think it's a fantastic game and I enjoy playing when it happens... but it happens far less often than it used to.  I am in the middle of building several armies that have basically stalled since the yearly price hike combined with the insanity of their releases lately just took all the joy out of it for me.


Instead of a hobby it feels like a duty... another mortgage payment I have to pay in order to maintain the momentum I had happily built up while things were less crazy.


Honestly I couldn't tell you if it's the price of everything doubling in the few years since I started playing, or if it is the rate of release and the mass amount of nonsense they keep tossing up for the frothing masses.   Collectors edition what now?  And it's how much?  And there are twelve different ones?  I'm confused...


The cost of a rule book and codex together is more than I've spent on rules, decks and two crews to play Malifaux!!  


Maiifaux has kept me going though... there is something refreshing about a fun, unique game with fantastic models that I have always enjoyed.  But combine that with the lower overall price of entry and I am finding that joy in gaming again.  Buy a rule book, buy a crew, go play.  


Sadly I'm still looking for folks to play with, as most around here have never even heard of Malifaux.

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Sadly I'm still looking for folks to play with, as most around here have never even heard of Malifaux.


Sounds like you would make an excellent Henchmen...


You could generate some buzz about Malifaux....


I enjoy it almost as much as playing the game itself!

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We have two henchmen but still sod all malifaux. One lot is uber compeditive/cheeseball and players have gravitated to that which puts me off. I'm at the stage now where I don't think I want to do any more miniature stuff. It makes me upset though that I do not/cannot enjoy them. I have 4 crews,And have played about 4 games total between 2 crews (not used sonnies or liliths yet) because gaming is dead.



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I have the problem of the "card-floppers" have all but taken over my LGS. I only get weekend days to go and play, and it's always a MTG tournament, or (believe it or not) Yugi-oh is huge here. And even if the tournament isn't happening, they are all still there,.. and you kinda get back-handed dirty looks for daring to take up a table for terrain. (which admittedly, about 4  card players can game in the same space it takes just 2 mini gamers to play). But still,..

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It might also be that I'm getting to be an old man these days. The vast majority of the MTG crowd and whatever (at least around here) tend to be somewhat younger then I am. Don't get me wrong, I remember being that young. But the topics of conversation that they choose,.. well, lets just say that I'm past that point in my life where it has any relevance to me.


Plus, I'm a painter first and a gamer second. I'm there more to show off my paint, and see other people's work, then I am to play a game. And if there's no one there to relate to,.. it make it hard for me to want to go.

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Here is the thing.  I was in the music industry for over 10 years. Clubs, Raves, Festivals I ran them for 10 years. Making sure the party never stopped.

Now I am a social worker, I work to help people get there lives back on track, and on my weekends and nights I paint and play mini games.

April I turn 40.


And for me I ask "Why did it take me so long to get Here."


Burnout happens with anything you are passionate about, change direction with grace.

walk away for a bit,

Do something else for a while.

Learn how to let go.


Trust me, if you really care you'll come back.


Be true to yourself.

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As already mentioned I quickly found myself in the hobby burnout with other past gaming systems. I haven't experienced that with Malifaux as of yet. With that being said I don't think I did any Malifaux in 2013 due to other things taking up time. I got the bug back at the turn of the new year. Combine that with the motivation that I've found joining the ToMB group here and I've painted more Malifaux models in the past 3 weeks than I did the previous 2 to 3 years combined.

One thing I've done differently so far is I paint for 30 to 60 minutes and go do something else. I come back and do it again. Another thing nice about Malifaux is I can switch to another crew or faction and paint a completely different style or theme. No more painting 30 Marines over and over again to field an army. That's been a huge difference maker for me with this gaming system. Not to mention I really like most of the models released to date. This includes new and old. I still have a lot of metal Malifaux models that need painting. I'm just taking it all in stride right now.

Lastly, social media helps motivate me too. I check out people's work and progress here, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ and YouTube looking for inspiration and motivation. I also listen to a lot of podcasts as I travel frequently for work and it really helps past the time and keeps me thinking about games and hobbies.

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I have the problem of the "card-floppers" have all but taken over my LGS. I only get weekend days to go and play, and it's always a MTG tournament, or (believe it or not) Yugi-oh is huge here. And even if the tournament isn't happening, they are all still there,.. and you kinda get back-handed dirty looks for daring to take up a table for terrain. (which admittedly, about 4  card players can game in the same space it takes just 2 mini gamers to play). But still,..



At our local game store we have dedicated nights from 5pm to close for groups and if there is a random pick up game of some kind they kind of have to understand its reserved and move to a different area.  Wednesday is Tabletop Miniatures (Malifaux and Warmachine mainly), Thursday is hero clickers, and Friday is Magic. Otherwise weekends and before 5 pm is free play.

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I was very burnt out by 40k, to the point of shelving it all in a closet( and having three full 2000= pt armies....its considerable closet space...) and when i caught wind of new malifaux rules and models, ireally wanted to play and paint malifaux again. At the time alot of my gaming buddies were very on board with the idea....  sadly when it came time to actually get together and get models and learn the new rules....everyone went poof.... 


so now i have great models that i like to paint ( having painted more in the last few months than i had painted in years of 40k...)  but noone willing to play the game....and that is killing my motivation even for malifaux at the moment.


its upsetting, and i try to get a game in whenever someone will actually agree to....its rare, i get alot of "oh thats my warhammer night" and " i just cant get into another game system right now..."   but occasionly a buddy will agree to play malifaux with me....  but nothing consistent or even a diverse player base really.



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Well my burn out seems to be coming to an end. I've managed to get myself back into painting! I started on my Custom Corpse Counters and and now working on 8 Mindless Zombies for my Nico crew. I will no doubt at some point start a thread to keep myself motivated into finishing the crew but starting with something small and working my way up to more complicated models seems to be doing the trick for the most part. 

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  • 4 months later...

I get regular burnout, usually around June/July, which I refer to as my annual hobby wobble.  I tend to just play some board games or dabble with another system for a while and my enthusiasm quickly returns.


Worst thing you can do if you're burnt out is try and force yourself to hobby, it only makes things worse.

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