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Outcast: I sure am buying a lot of Resser models!

Hateful Darkblack

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So, in M2E I've been mostly playing Outcasts. Right now I have every Outcast master except Misaki and I cycle through playing all of them.


I wasn't planning to play Ressers much, but I sure seem to be buying a lot of Resser models!


For Levi: Lots of undead, but especially Belles for manipulation, Necropunks for objective grabbing, and the Dead Rider. Also the Transmortis set, but that was because I like the models and the idea of a scenario pack so much.

For Jack Daw: Nurses, the Drowned, the Hanged, Jaakuna Ubume. So much synergy!

For Hamelin: Crooligans for objective grabbing.

For Tara: Just about everything when dual factioned, but mostly I'm using the other Resser models I got for the other Crews.


It seems like my choice of playing Outcasts means I'm buying and painting a lot of Ressers!


This isn't a complaint, just something I've noticed -- the Outcasts seem to have a lot of Crew overlap with Ressers. Outcasts in general have a lot of odd Crew selection rules, but they almost always seem to involve adding more Resser models.


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Yep, though I still really think Jack or Leveticus should have been the dual faction rather than Tara, since she's kind of plagued with problems from Dead of Winter, and doesn't have much special interaction with Resser pieces. She can run them well enough, but I almost always end up building a list that looks like "tara's pieces + outcasts (as mercs)+ a couple belles" until I force myself to try more resser stuff... which usually is just less optimal.

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Wasn't Levi supposed to be Dual Outcast/Resser until he got pushed out of Wave 1?


All in all, I kind of feel like the merc outcasts are sort of separate from the rest of the faction.  Tara/Hamelin/Levi/Daw certainly have a sorta resser thing going on all of their own.  In some ways I feel like Marcus and Raspi would probably fill the void better than Schill/Misaki/Viks.

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Yeah, I always felt like Marcus should have been outcast (or in 2E, dual with outcasts). I could see Rasputina there, too, but with the elemental thing and construct thing  (esp. now that there are 2 other types of gamin and another golem), she fits pretty well as arcanist. Also, unlike Marcus, she actually has stories about interacting with the Union.

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The Arcanists are not just the union though, they are more like a group of powerful mages that have common interests (generally not being hung by the guild for Witchcraft), and quite a few of them work with the Union.

It's a bit like Rezers. Seamus, McMourning, Nicodem, Kirai and Molly all know each other and occasionally help each other out, but they are not really a group as such.. But Tara and Yan Lo more or less are completely seperate, and don't interact heavily with the other Rezers.

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Yeah, I always felt like Marcus should have been outcast (or in 2E, dual with outcasts). I could see Rasputina there, too, but with the elemental thing and construct thing  (esp. now that there are 2 other types of gamin and another golem), she fits pretty well as arcanist. Also, unlike Marcus, she actually has stories about interacting with the Union.


Raspi's constructs just don't have the mechanical bent of the rest.  Her thematic models are also very... cast... out, being secret cultists and the like.  I don't think its so much an issue with Arcanists historically, just the way they've grown.  Collette's marionettes give her a very machine oriented feel and Kaeris is definitely more mechanical despite being Raspi's fiery counterpart.  Ironsides and Mei Fang firmly give the faction a "fire and iron" feel over any sort of "elemental mage" thing.  I don't disagree that the Arcanist bucket wasn't built to hold other types of mages, just that most releases have pushed it into "the Union faction".

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Regarding Arcanists being a loose group of interests,


Ramos is the union head.

Kaeris is his protege and something of an enforcer, and M&SU.

Colette used to be M&SU and presumably still has ties.

Mei Feng has made stuff for the union, and the Foundry models used to (all?) have M&SU trait; some still do.

We don't know much about Ironsides other than her and her pieces have the M&SU trait.



Models that aren't M&SU or connected via Showgirls or Foundry, or connected to specific masters that are part of one of those groups (Fire Gamin and Kaeris; Electrical Creation and Ramos):


Beasts (marcus)

Frozen Heart (Rasputina... and she has regular story interactions with the Union)


Mechanical Rider, Arcane Effigy, Essence of Power, two of which are in all of the 4 main factions and connected with specific other non-arcanist masters (Leveticus and Collodi) and one of which is the specifically generic generic totem each faction got.


I'd say that the vast majority of the Arcanists are in or closely connected with the M&SU, in comparison with the Ressers, who I agree about (loosely affiliated at best). You can argue that the union is a front, but they're almost all part of the same front then.

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Getting back to the topic, there certainly is a lot of Outcast/Resser crossover - it's probably got something to do with the fact that two of the Outcast Masters are actual undead creatures. I would have been much happier seeing Jack as dual Outcast/Resser and Tara as pure Outcast, but c'est la vie.


I would also have preferred to see a bit more crossover with other Factions, but I suspect that part of it is that Resser minions in general are really solid this edition, so they're a preferred pick where available (Levi tends to get more value out of Undead than Constructs, for example).


One thing I find interesting is that there's almost no crossover at all between Outcasts and Neverborn - is there any hiring potential other than Hamelin grabbing Candy and Kade?

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I would also have preferred to see a bit more crossover with other Factions, but I suspect that part of it is that Resser minions in general are really solid this edition, so they're a preferred pick where available (Levi tends to get more value out of Undead than Constructs, for example).


One thing I find interesting is that there's almost no crossover at all between Outcasts and Neverborn - is there any hiring potential other than Hamelin grabbing Candy and Kade?


I will disagree with you about the Leve part there. He can make some really cool construct list and there are so many to choose from. Also he replenishes his crew off scrap not corpse.

Leve has access to quite a few Neverborn models, as there are some constructs namely Teddy and Collodi's crew. 

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I will disagree with you about the Leve part there. He can make some really cool construct list and there are so many to choose from. Also he replenishes his crew off scrap not corpse.

Leve has access to quite a few Neverborn models, as there are some constructs namely Teddy and Collodi's crew. 


Heh. I knew there were some Neverborn I was forgetting - I tend to be blind to Constructs, since I don't think Levi uses them as effectively as Undead. ;)


I think the replenishing-from-scrap thing was a crutch to make Constructs more attractive hires for him, personally. When he could summon off either, there was no contest.


(That's not to say that he can't do some good construct-based lists, as you say.)

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For me, it basically comes down to the fact that Constructs, by and large, are just there to hit stuff. They can hit stuff in a wide variety of ways, and with a lot of individual differences in the way they do it, but it all boils down to the same thing. Essentially, if Levi wants stuff eliminated with extreme prejudice, he's already got plenty of heavy hitters in Faction and in theme, or he can do it himself.


Undead, on the other hand, have a ton of variety and utility - Belles for Lures, Hanged for Terror, Canines and Necropunks for cheap speed, Crooligans for objectives. You can use them to significantly expand the crew's bag of tricks, which in my experience is always a good thing.

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I know this is causing a train crash, but why do you think Leve runs better with Undead over Constructs?? I have been struggling with Undead and I am currently in the process of forcing myself to play that way, to learn it better.

I am in the construct camp too, more synergy there with additional scrap, and some undead models, like Punks and Flesh Constructs, are avalible from that upgrade. I also think that there are more around six stone construct models which are usefull to Leve. But, I do like to run the undead route occasionally to gain access to Drowned and Belles.

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Quite a few Constructs have Harpoon guns which are not as good as a Belle, but do give you some pulling tricks, and the models they are on have other uses. There are a fair number of fast constructs too. I don't think they are 1 dimensional thumping machines

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Watchers are simy amazing. Oh I can't see you, now I can. Oh thats hard cover, so no plus flips :( oh well I'll fix that.

Also I have been looking to try an Arcane Effigy with Leve. Gives some condition hate, and gives Leve a way to increase his damage, or drop your opponents hand.

Mech Rider is great to start adding some annoying minions to help with strats or get metal gamin to Df6 a DE

Hunters are a solid strat model that can have a waif follow him around, has a harpoon like Ratty said and an push that 3" at end of turn.

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Hi! Im very interest in Leve,Ezyryder why you run Drowned with Leve?


I want to try this week SoulStone Miner, Arcane Effigy, Watcher, Warden, Hunter....so many models!


But, the best are the Necropunks, since you can hire them in both ways (ash and bone)

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Remember Guilty can make a model Tormented for the whole game even if they die, so a lot of the mercs are very viable in a Jack Daw crew, Ama has great synergy with Jakuuma and Drowned, Librarian gives you heals, Johan removes conditions and also can smash construct face, SUE.... do I need to say more. How scary would Ronin be with the extra mobility from Jack. I'm also not at all against Convict gunslingers that don't need to use their own AP to get in position.

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