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it finally came...Po Boys Terrain crowdfunding live!


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Well, there's some hope then! Has anyone seen any way to update shipping information short of Facebook? I know that seems to be the preferred communication medium for this KS now, but I'm not on Facebook and I'd love to be able to confirm that my correct info is "on file" since I've moved since the KS ran (and finished up).



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  • 3 weeks later...

Anything new on the Facebook front? Seeing some long-delayed movement on one of the other "all but left for dead" crowdsourcing projects I've backed has given me some, perhaps irrational, hope that something will still come out of this one as well... Again, since I don't use Facebook, I'm very much at the mercy of the kindness of the wyrd folks here for any and all news I can get... ;-)



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Anything new on the Facebook front? Seeing some long-delayed movement on one of the other "all but left for dead" crowdsourcing projects I've backed has given me some, perhaps irrational, hope that something will still come out of this one as well... Again, since I don't use Facebook, I'm very much at the mercy of the kindness of the wyrd folks here for any and all news I can get... ;-)



The last credible progress update we'd gotten was that they were on their way from China.


Since then, on the 20th he warned of going radio silent while he dealt with a personal matter.  More recently, he posted on the 24th that they are not, in fact, selling product anymore due to the illness that caused all this mess in the first place.  Tre (facebook posting guy) is only in it to deliver on original pledges at this point.


Also, if you had any reason to change your address info from what you pledged, you need to start using facebook if only to tell the guy you moved.

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If you don't have facebook, he did give an email address to use: pb_terrain@live.com.


It actually looks like this will get fulfilled.  I am very pleasantly surprised.

Thanks for that! I just sent an email and, hopefully, everything will work out.



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Bit more of an update on facebook. Not sure what the jigs are (thought main assembly was being done overseas), but it's another part in Tre's hands so a step forward.



The boys at Damian's balsa farm sent the jigs and I got them Saturday. Made a quick mockup of the parts and tried it out. Works beautifully! One more obstacle down.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I pretty much gave up on this project a  while ago and contacted my bank about the possibility of chargeback. The whole process started in April for me and today I got my money back. I'm just writing about it here to let you guys now that there is hope for all of you who, like me,  sunk money into this campaign... 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Two weeks of several posts asking for clarification.

Several emails and Facebook messages.

All ignored.

It has been almost a year. Every time information stops someone plays the "I'm sick or someone died" card.

We will never see this product.

I think this is overly cynical. I got a confirmation on email last week or the week before. I got in after the campaign, in the January window, and sent an email asking if I was on the list. He got back to me immediately and confirmed everything's ok. I'm less worried now than I've been since the delays started...
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Two weeks of several posts asking for clarification.

Several emails and Facebook messages.

All ignored.

It has been almost a year. Every time information stops someone plays the "I'm sick or someone died" card.

We will never see this product.

I agree.

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I think this is overly cynical. I got a confirmation on email last week or the week before. I got in after the campaign, in the January window, and sent an email asking if I was on the list. He got back to me immediately and confirmed everything's ok. I'm less worried now than I've been since the delays started...


I'll believe it when I see it. For me there is not much point in agonizing over this, but I'll remain sceptical until someone gets their product.


Maybe there really was a tragedy here, but on my end it doesn't change much. I supported somebody with my money, and I want either the product or my money back. I'm in no hurry, but ultimately that's all there is for me.

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I'll believe it when I see it. For me there is not much point in agonizing over this, but I'll remain sceptical until someone gets their product.

Maybe there really was a tragedy here, but on my end it doesn't change much. I supported somebody with my money, and I want either the product or my money back. I'm in no hurry, but ultimately that's all there is for me.

I hear you, but I don't think there's any point i spreading negativity either. If this was a scam, there's nothing to gain from trying to engage with backers close to a year after the campaign ended. If it's not, whether it will materialise or not, there was always going to be a risk involved (like all crowd funding). Some products take considerably longer than planned to be shipped, some will fail to at all. Not fun for the backers, but that's the risk one takes with these things. Especially when it's a one-man operation rather than a big company, but even big companies get delay (TTB, Cmon, etc)s...

I guess my point is I wish people would refrain from using every opportunity to be negative about these things. I'm as disappointed and anxious as everyone else (though releived something seems to be happening at last), but shouting "it's a scam" won't help, and if the reports we've been getting are true it's very disrespectful...

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if the reports we've been getting are true it's very disrespectful...


If this actually follows through then we can always apologize for our negative tone, which shouldn't come as a surprise at this point, that there is a negative tone around. But it's still a huge IF.

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I don't care if a billion fluffy kittens have died. I don't care if his grandmother's head exploded. Or *insert next delay excuse*

What I do care about is when someone says "I will be gone a week, so no contact for that time" then after that date passes gives no updates. No information. No communication. And just does not give two shits.

THAT is what I'm annoyed at. People may have got sick. And I do feel bad. But don't just ignore us once that situation has been dealt with.

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I think this is overly cynical. I got a confirmation on email last week or the week before. I got in after the campaign, in the January window, and sent an email asking if I was on the list. He got back to me immediately and confirmed everything's ok. I'm less worried now than I've been since the delays started...

I don't think it's unreasonable that people are this cynical after the delays and lack of communication. There's the very real possibility that this has been a scam, possibly even to raise money for medical treatment. I don't hold much hope of this project fulfilling anymore but am not vocal about it as everything posted could be true. Tre does step up on the updates from time to time and I understand that they are doing this on their own time and have a life. If it were a scam I'm not sure they would have kept up the charade for as long as they have, unless it's to delay people attempting to get their money back for as long as possible.


Either way, if they're not nudged when updates don't come fast enough (entirely subjective, but monthly updates are certainly not unreasonable and haven't been provided) then it can lead to complacency and these fears start to become all too real. It doesn't take much time to jump on and comment, even if to say that there is nothing further to report.

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I don't care if a billion fluffy kittens have died. I don't care if his grandmother's head exploded. Or *insert next delay excuse*

What I do care about is when someone says "I will be gone a week, so no contact for that time" then after that date passes gives no updates. No information. No communication. And just does not give two shits.

THAT is what I'm annoyed at. People may have got sick. And I do feel bad. But don't just ignore us once that situation has been dealt with.

Maybe we are different, but to me it's rather petty to get angry if the one guy involved with running this was falling into a coma or something during that week. I find it much harder to stomach when a company mismanages communication during a kickstarter than an individual, especially when said individual is physically unable to!

Sure, this might still be an extremely elaborate scam, but with communication from Tre still comming through the scenario presented to us seems far more likely: a fellow hobbyist decided to set up a campaign to produce cheap terrain. Unfortunately, he fell seriously ill just as production was beginning, and is probably dead or dying. Po Boys Terrain as an entity is no more! A friend decides to step in to fulfill all orders, but need a lot more time to get it done, as it not his project.

If this above is true, I feel it's ridiculous to slam a man dying or already dead, and equally senseless to slam a guy without any obligation whatsoever who tries to fulfill his dead/dying friends commitments. Sure, we can remain sceptical, and the goods may never materialise. But if what we've been told is true, this is a tragedy, not a scam. I hope Tre is able to fulfill all orders, but if not, at least he tried. We're not getting anywhere by shouting at a dead man that he owed us to stay alive!

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Maybe we are different, but to me it's rather petty to get angry if the one guy involved with running this was falling into a coma or something during that week. I find it much harder to stomach when a company mismanages communication during a kickstarter than an individual, especially when said individual is physically unable to!

Sure, this might still be an extremely elaborate scam, but with communication from Tre still comming through the scenario presented to us seems far more likely: a fellow hobbyist decided to set up a campaign to produce cheap terrain. Unfortunately, he fell seriously ill just as production was beginning, and is probably dead or dying. Po Boys Terrain as an entity is no more! A friend decides to step in to fulfill all orders, but need a lot more time to get it done, as it not his project.

If this above is true, I feel it's ridiculous to slam a man dying or already dead, and equally senseless to slam a guy without any obligation whatsoever who tries to fulfill his dead/dying friends commitments. Sure, we can remain sceptical, and the goods may never materialise. But if what we've been told is true, this is a tragedy, not a scam. I hope Tre is able to fulfill all orders, but if not, at least he tried. We're not getting anywhere by shouting at a dead man that he owed us to stay alive!

My words are going to have to do a warm-down stretch after the twisting you just gave them..

Tre is doing a very generous thing.

But if he is going to do it, he needs to keep us up to date.

Or if it's not happening, he needs to tell us.

I'm sorry Damien fell ill. But quite frankly, that is not my problem. My problem is that he first took my money and did not have any contingency plans or "what ifs" built into his "business plan".

Now I and many others are having to decide whether to cut our losses and get terrain from a company that exists and isn't run by a silent volunteer.

It makes it hard to make this decision without ANY information from anyone...

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My words are going to have to do a warm-down stretch after the twisting you just gave them..

Tre is doing a very generous thing.

But if he is going to do it, he needs to keep us up to date.

Or if it's not happening, he needs to tell us.

I'm sorry Damien fell ill. But quite frankly, that is not my problem. My problem is that he first took my money and did not have any contingency plans or "what ifs" built into his "business plan".

Now I and many others are having to decide whether to cut our losses and get terrain from a company that exists and isn't run by a silent volunteer.

It makes it hard to make this decision without ANY information from anyone...


Impossible not to agree.

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