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it finally came...Po Boys Terrain crowdfunding live!


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I've spoken with Damian on Wyrd's PM system and in regular GMails since. Assume he's working through the list and will get to everyone. May also be that he didn't have any questions about your order.

His first message to me came about 8PM saturday his time, and the last was well over 5 hours later. He's burning the weekend midnight oil.

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Except for the 4 emails bounced back to me as undeliverable all confirmation emails have been sent ;) If you have not received one please email me at pb_terrain@live.com

For those interested in such things a few tidbits from the campaign...

Upscale by far the most popular.

Ive received several threats that if Victorian set is not next my welfare may be in danger. Rasputina has insured my safety if I squeeze my mining set in between so youll all have to wait till March for the Victorian.

A business competitor bought a full set of everything.. Im tickled you wanted it.

Another competitor has made an offer to buy out the business. Offer refused... PB Terrain will always remain terrain for gamers by gamers. Small, independent, and dedicated.

Everything is progressing on timeline and everyone should be playing on new boards by end of January. (excluding steamboats)

Out of respect to Wyrd I wont be stealing any more forum space and future updates will be made on https://www.facebook.com/PB.Terrain

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Got my email and responded. Yeah, Upscale is best. I'm thinking the raised sidewalks will grant some sort of cover to Ht1 models because I have Gremlins and it's my terrain :-P

I'm also thinking about cutting out the windows and doors, depending on how easy/hard that is to make look right. I should throw another few dollars at this for an extra test building.

Got my email (Upscale is indeed the best!). Can't wait to get this on the table and look forward to more stuff from you in the future, although my wallet isn't as giddy about it.

My wallet is fairly giddy about this as I'm getting a full board of terrain for the cost of a Nightmare Tara box and Death Marshalls minion box that I would probably never get around to using given my faction purchase ADD and ingame love affair with Molly & Philip (which means I buy piles of stuff I never use)... :)

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I think that upscale is the better looking of the two as the siding is nicer, also the raised platform likely is easier to use too. But as I did not want the oddity of bases hanging off the platform, and the fact you have to use the platform for those as the doors would hover in the air otherwise, I went with Frontier.

So it really comes down to how you see yourself using them likely and then go from there.

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I chose upscale, it fits more with what I want the town in my head to look like, but I also thought it would be easier to make my own version of the frontier walkways, or just buy them later, because I'm certain I'll want at least some of the buildings to use them.

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I like both of them and in the end I went for upscale - these look really nice lined up next to one another. Still, I contacted the creator about the possibility of paying the extra $25 to get the town set in distressed style. I just love the haunting look of the buildings there.

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